Part 22

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I want to apologize, for the late update. I was supposed to update this a few hours ago, but I didn't.

With that said - I hope you enjoy!


Peter's POV:

This morning passed really quickly.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I took a shower, had breakfast, and before I even knew it, I was on the bus. Going right back to where I came from.

I'm currently listening to music with my earbuds, as I'm looking outside with my forehead pressed against the window of the school bus.

I can hear Ned's rambling in the background, but MJ and I pay no attention to it. I'm staring out the window until I notice the Avengers' Tower come into view.

Everyone runs to their windows to look at it, as I just roll my eyes. I was here literally less than 30 minutes ago.

When the bus stops and the doors open, everyone hurries outside. I want to stay behind, but Ned pulls me out of the bus.

Everyone gapes at the tower until Mr. Harrington leads us inside. When we enter, I immediately recognize the receptionist. Caitlin. She picks up a basket and walks over to us.

''Hello, Midtown High! Welcome to Stark Industries!'' she says, as our eyes meet. She's about to say something, but I shake my head. She gets the sign and continues talking.

''My name is Caitlin, and I'm going to be your tour guide! Now, everyone take a badge.'' she says. Flash pushes in front and is the first one to take a badge.

When it's my turn, I'm about to take a badge when I realize the basket is empty. I give Caitlin a questioning look.

''Peter, do you have your badge with you?'' she asks, making me sigh. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

''Yeah, I do.'' I say, pulling it out of my bag. I'm starting to regret bringing it with me.

I look up to see Flash glaring at me, and Mr. Harrington having an annoyed look.

''Why does Parker have his own badge?'' Flash asks, trying his best not to sound rude. He's doing a terrible job.

''He's Mr. Starks personal intern. Didn't he tell you?'' Caitlin replies, taken aback by the rudeness.

I see Flash continue to glare at me, as Mr. Harrington's face fills with guilt. I look at Caitlin and nod at her to continue.

Wanda's POV:

We're currently sitting in the living room, watching  TV. That is until Friday's voice sounds across the room.

''Peter has entered the building.''

Oh, no.

''What? Why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be at school?'' Tony says ''Friday, pull up the camera feed.''

The TV is now showing a security camera's view of Peter's class, standing at the reception.

''Isn't that his science class?'' Tony asks, obviously knowing the answer. That's when Pepper comes into the room.

''Tony, please. I assigned a field trip for his class, so he could prove to everyone that he isn't lying about the internship. Please don't embarrass him.'' Pepper pleads, but it's obvious Tony has already made his decision. And it looks like Clint and Sam have the same idea.

''It wouldn't hurt to embarrass him, a little bit.'' Tony smirks.

''Can I go first?'' Clint asks, with a mischievous smile.

''Go ahead.'' Tony replies. He's about to say something else, but I beat him to it.

''Can I be second?'' I ask, receiving a few surprised looks.

''You want to embarrass him?'' Tony asks, visibly surprised.

''No, I just want to see him.'' I reply. That gets rid of their surprised faces.

''Alright, you go second.'' Tony says.

Peter's POV:

I am the last one to walk through the scanner. I scan my badge and walk through.

''Peter Parker, Level 10. Welcome back, Peter.'' Friday's cheerful voice sounds across the lobby.

''Level 10? Why is he level 10?! Everyone else was level 1!'' Flash doesn't hesitate to attack Caitlin with questions.

''Because he is Mr. Stark's personal intern. And he needs access to the whole tower.'' Caitlin replies, with a hint of annoyance in her eyes. She's good at hiding it, though.

''What are the levels?'' Betty asks. Caitlin smiles and starts to explain.

''Level 1 is for visitors, level 2 is for janitors, level 3 is for cafeteria workers, level 4 is for lower-level interns. Level 5 is for tour guides, such as me. Level 6 is for higher-level interns, level 7 is for business partners, level 8 is for SHIELD agents, level 9 is for the Avengers, and level 10 is for Mr. Stark, Mrs. Potts-Stark, and Peter.'' she smiles at me. I look around to see everyone looking at me in awe. Well, except Flash.

''Um.. Caitlin, can we continue?'' I ask, looking at her hopefully. She smiles and nods.

We go to the elevator and head to the R&D labs. I am not looking forward to this.

When the doors open we step out. When the interns notice me, they immediately seem tense. They start to fix their clothes and hair.

''Hello, Mr. Parker! For what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?'' an intern walks up to me with a nervous but bright smile.

''Err, hi. I'm actually here on a field trip, with my class.'' I reply, nervously. I'm not used to so much attention, without a mask covering my face.

We continue the tour, and the whole time I can feel Flash's eyes glaring at me. After the R&D labs, we went to the lower intern labs. And that's when it started.

Caitlin is explaining to us the current intern projects. That's when I hear shuffling in the vents. Already knowing what it is, I go behind Ned and try to hide my body. Taking that I'm taller than him, it's hard to hide behind him, without making me look weird.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, by none other than Clint, jumping from the vents and startling everyone. Everyone but me. He looks around and smirks when our eyes meet.

''Ah, Peter! Just the one I wanted to see!'' he smirks, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He walks up to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

''Have you finished upgrading my shock arrows?'' he asks. I roll my eyes, trying to ignore everyone's looks.

''Clint, first of all, I finished them a month ago. You know that. Second of all, I'm kinda in the middle of a field trip, so do you mind?'' I ask, giving him a sarcastic look. I'm not stupid, I know what he's trying to do.

''Yeah, alright. Bye, everyone!'' he smirks, before jumping back in the vents.


So, I hope you enjoyed it!

Again, sorry for the late update!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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