Part 14

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and groan. I roll over on my stomach and look at the time. 10:14.

Wow, I really slept in. I get up and walk over to my bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face, to wake up. I dry my face and walk out of the bathroom, to hear my mom knocking on the door ''Pete, are you awake?''

''Yeah.'' I reply.

''Get ready. We're leaving in 15 minutes.'' she says and I hear her walking away.

School starts in a week. This is going to be my first sophomore year and I would be lying if I said that I'm not a bit nervous.

My parents and I are going to the mall today, to get everything for school. I go to my closet and pick out my outfit.

I put on a bright red T-Shirt, black jeans and slip on a pair of shoes. I take my leather jacket and put it on. It's sunny outside, so I take my sunglasses and leave the room. I hang the sunglasses on the neck of my shirt.

I take the elevator to the common floor. When the doors open, I walk out.

''Morning.'' I say, heading to the toaster. I grab 3 pieces of bread and drop them in the toaster, before leaning against the counter.

''Good morning. You're up pretty late.'' Bucky replies and I shrug.

''Using my last chance to sleep in, before school starts again.'' I say. We talk for a few minutes, before I hear the toaster launch out the toast. The smell fills the kitchen.

I quickly grab the 3 pieces and head back to the elevator ''See you all later!''

''See you, Pete.'' Nat replies, before the elevator doors close.

I go down to the first floor, to see my parents standing next to Happy.

My dad is wearing a hoodie with the hood on and my mom is disguised by a cap and sunglasses.

''Dad, that's a terrible disguise.'' I laugh.

''Trust me, it will work better than you think.'' he replies, smirking.

I shrug and finish my last piece of toast. I get in the car and sit between my parents.

When we arrive at the mall, there are a lot more people, than I thought there would be. I guess I'm not the only one thinking about school.

When we get out of the car, I slip on my sunglasses. The 3 of us walk through the entrance of the mall. Happy stayed in the car.


A few hours later we leave the last shop. I think we have gotten everything I need.

''Do we have everything?'' mom asks.

''Yeah, I'm pretty sure we do.'' I reply and we all start walking towards the exit.

That's when I notice one of my best friends walking towards us, with his parents.

''Ned?'' I ask and his head snaps in my direction.

''Peter!'' he walks up to me and bro-hugs me ''How've you been?''

''Hey.'' I grin ''I'm pretty good. Nothing to complain about.''

''Holy shit! Is that Tony Stark?'' he fanboys, earning a 'language' from his mom.

''Yep, that's me. You must be Ted, Peter's told me a lot about you.'' Dad says, pulling out his arm for Ned to shake.

''Ned. But Ted works as well.'' Ned shakes his hand, grinning widely.

''Are you Peter's guardians?'' Ned's mom asks, looking at my parents.

''Yes, but we prefer to go as parents.'' my mom smiles.

Ned's mom nods and pulls out her hand, smiling ''I'm Alyssa and this is my husband, Jake.''

(A/N - I don't know Ned's parents' real names, so I improvised.)

Ned's and mine parents shake each others hands.

''It was nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Stark, but we should get going.'' Ned's mom says and his dad nods.

''I'll see you at school?'' I say, looking at Ned.

''You bet.'' he grins, before bro-hugging me again and walking away with his family.

''You have nice friends.'' I hear my mom say, making me grin.

''I know. We've been friends since our very first day of school.'' I say, as we reach the exit of the mall.

''He's a cool dude.'' my dad says.

''You're lucky he didn't hear that. His inside fanboy would flip if he found out that the Tony Stark thinks he's cool.'' I laugh.

We make our way to the car, before putting the shopping bag in the trunk and sitting in the backseat.

After a 20 minute drive, we arrive back at the tower. I get out of the car, before grabbing the bag and walking inside the tower, with my parents.

''I'll see you at lunch.'' I say to my parents, before stepping out of the elevator.

''See you, sweetie.'' my mom says as my dad ruffles my hair.

I walk to my room and open the door. I walk in and set the bag on my table, before taking off my sunglasses.

I turn around to find a certain redhead, sitting on my bed. I smile.

''Hey, what're you doing here?'' I say as I slip off my jacket and shoes. I set the jacket in my closet.

''Hi. I came to your room after breakfast, because I hadn't seen you today. But Friday told me that you're out with your parents.'' Wanda replies, standing up and walking over to me.

''Yeah, sorry. We got the stuff I'll need for school.'' I reply, as she wraps her arms around my neck, looking into my eyes. I smile as my arms go around her waist.

''I missed you.'' she quietly says, not breaking the eye contact.

''I was gone for three hours.'' I laugh. She grins.

''So?'' she leans up and places her soft lips on mine. I immediately kiss her back.

A minute later she breaks the kiss. I can see a small smile playing on her lips.

''C'mon, let's go to the others.'' she says, grabbing my hand.

''I'd like to, but I need to unpack the stuff.'' I reply, glancing at the shopping bag.

''Can I help?'' she asks.

''Sure, if you want to.'' I shrug.

A few minutes later everything is in it's place. I look at Wanda.

''Thanks.'' I smile at her.

''Of course. Now c'mon, let's go.'' she says, grabbing my hand again.

We leave my room and head to the elevator.


Heyy! Here's the next one!

I'm planning on writing about 40 - 60 parts, for this story!

I hope you like it! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

See ya!

Word Count - 1099

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