Part 8

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Wanda's POV:

The others have joined us, including Pepper, and we're now watching TV together. Everyone, except Tony, Pepper and me think that Peter is in his room. We know that Peter's out as Spider-Man.

I don't really pay attention to the TV, until I hear the reporter talking about Spider-Man.


Spider-Man has been spotted at a car crash, supposedly stopping a car chase with an abducted woman involved. Spider-Man has been helping people all along, but instead of stopping the car, he let it crash into a small flower shop.

We have talked to the victim and she hasn't said anything good, about Spider-Man's actions.

''What do you think about Spider-Man's actions, during this situation?''

''He says he's helping people, but our definition of 'helping' is different, because of the fact that he threw me out of the car and webbed me to a lamp.''


A footage of Spider-Man, throwing the woman out of the car and webbing her to a lamp is shown on the TV. I look at Tony and Pepper, and we exchange worried glances.

''That's bullshit! He saved her life!'' I say, angry at the woman.

''Language.'' Steve says, glancing at me

''I agree with Wanda. Without Spider-Man, the woman would probably be dead.'' Bucky says, ignoring Steve.

''Yes, but he probably should've found a better way to do it.'' Sam implies

As on que, the elevator opens and Peter walks out of it. ''Hey, guys!''

A combination of ''Hey.'' and ''Hey, Pete.'' are heard from us, including from me.

''What do you think about the Spider-Man car chase? I think he should've found a better and safer way to save the woman.'' Sam asks and everyone looks at Peter.

I see a glint of worry and guilt flash through his eyes. ''I'm sure, he did what he could.''

''I agree.'' I say and give Peter a hug.

''We still on for tonight?'' I whisper into his ear.

''Yes. Meet me on my floor, at midnight. Dress casual.'' he whispers back, before breaking the hug.

''What's got you all smiley?'' Bucky asks

''Nothing. I just have a good feeling about today.'' Peter smiles

I see him glance at me and I smile. I can tell that he's thinking the same thing as me. We have a date, tonight.


Peter's POV:

I glance up from my book and look at the time. 23:34. I'm supposed to meet Wanda in half an hour, so I should start to get ready. I put down the book and walk towards the bathroom.

After I've taken a shower, I slip on a dark red T-Shirt and black jeans. I put on a black hoodie and look at the time. 23:57. I walk to the elevator and a few minutes later the doors open, to reveal Wanda standing there.

She was dressed in black skinny jeans and a red tank top. Her red, straight hair is hanging past her shoulders.

''You look beautiful.'' I say and her cheeks turn red.

''Thank you. You look very nice as well.'' She replies and I step into the elevator.

''Where are we going? Should I be worried?'' she asks, looking at me.

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