Part 3

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I wake up and stretch. It's Sunday, so I'm probably going to spend a half of my day, in the training room. I get out of my bed and head into the bathroom, to take a shower.

After the shower I dress up and leave my room, heading up to the kitchen. After I come in, I see Steve, Clint, Sam, and Bucky smile at me.

''Morning.'' I say, sitting down, at the table as Steve passes me a plate with pancakes and I start eating.

''Morning.'' They reply and continue talking about, whatever they were talking about. I'm not really listening.

My thoughts are interrupted, when my dad walks in and ruffles my hair ''Morning, kiddo.''

''Dad, I'm 15.'' I say

''I know, but you will always be a kid, to me.'' He says, grinning

I roll my eyes and smile. I will always be thankful, that they adopted me. I don't know what my life would be if they wouldn't have done that.

After breakfast I head to my room, to get ready for the workout.

Soon enough I'm standing in the elevator, heading to the training floor.

I'm not suprised, to find Natasha there, lifting some weights

''Morning, Peter.'' she says, after she sees me

''Morning, Ms. Romanoff.'' I reply, heading to my corner

''Please, call me Natasha, or Nat if you prefer.'' she says

''Okay.'' I reply, a small smile escaping my lips

I turn around and take off my shirt.

I do the usual warmup and start with some pull ups


I pull on my shirt, grabbing my water bottle and phone

''See ya, Nat.'' I say, walking towards the elevator.

''See you later, Peter.'' she replies, continuing to work out.

I walk into the elevator and press the button that leads to my floor.

About 30 minutes later, I have taken a shower and I leave my room and head towards the elevator, to go to the common floor to relax a bit.

''Friday, is there anyone on the 92nd floor?'' I ask

''Yes, Clint, Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Wanda are there.'' the A.I. replies

''Okay, thank you.'' I say, right before the doors open.

I see my dad and Steve, talking, Bruce is reading and Clint is playing videogames with Wanda.

My dad notices me and walks up to me, ruffles my hair and smiles ''How are ya doing, kiddo?'' he asks

I roll my eyes at the nickname and smile ''Just came back from the training floor.'' I reply

''Cool. What did you do?''

''The usual, nothing much different.''

''Alright. Look, I gotta go and call Nick Fury. We can talk later''

''Sure.'' I say and he leaves

I walk to the fridge and take out a protein bar.

''Hey, Pete. Wanna join us?'' Clint asks

''Yeah, gimme a sec.'' I reply, quickly finishing the protein bar and taking another controller.

We play, for a few hours but pause, when we hear a question, from Steve.

''You guys up, for a movie night, tonight?'' he asks

''Hell, yeah!'' Clint exclaims, excited

''Sure.'' I say

''Count me in!'' Wanda says, smiling

''Don't forget me!'' Nat says, walking into the room

''Did someone mention a movie night?'' my dad asks, peeking his head through the kitchen doorway

''Yes.'' Steve simply replies

''Well, then count us in.'' my mom says, coming out of the kitchen.

''What is this, about a movie night?'' Bucky asks, as him and Sam leave the elevator.

''Don't forget us.'' Bucky says

''Bruce, you in?'' my dad asks

''Sure.'' he shrugs

In the evening

We all sit down in the living room. My parents are sharing a pack of popcorn with each other, Clint is with Nat, Sam with Bucky, Bruce is by himself and Wanda and I are sharing one.

I sit down, next to her and my dad turns on Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

I have seen it once, but I don't really remember much.

Wanda's POV:

We're somewhere in mid-movie. My hand goes to grab a piece of popcorn, but it hits another hand. I look up to see Peter pulling his hand back, blushing madly. I manage to hold back my giggle, smiling instead.

I don't really know, how I feel about him. We haven't got a chance to talk much, but ever since that dinner, I think I'm starting to like him. He is a great friend, but my first impression of him makes me feel like I might like him more than a friend.

I shake off my thoughts and continue paying attention to the movie. I have never seen it, but it's pretty good.

After the movie

I look around and see, that everyone else is asleep. I take a look at Peter and smile after seeing his calm, sleeping face. I start to feel a little tired, myself so I rest my back against Peter and lie my head in the pillows. Soon enough I fall asleep.


So here's another update! I hope you liked it!

I'm sorry, that this is about 200 words shorter. The next one will be longer!

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