Part 5

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Peter's POV:

It has been a few weeks, since my talk with Wanda on the roof. Since then, we have gotten closer and have started spending a lot more time together. I guess I could say that we're best friends.

I open my eyes and I'm immediately blinded by the morning sunlight, outside my window. I glance a look at the time. 9:42. It's Friday, so I'm probably going to go on a patrol for a little longer than usual.

I get ready for the day and walk out of my room, towards the elevator. When I have arrived at the common floor, I see Steve and Bruce talking, Clint and Sam laughing about something, and Wanda sitting on the couch, looking at her phone.

''Morning.'' I greet, sitting at the kitchen table and Steve passes me a plate with waffles.

''Morning, Pete.'' they all reply

''How did you sleep?'' Steve asks.

''It was alright.'' I reply, swallowing a piece of a waffle.

''You look tired.'' Bruce says

''I just went to sleep pretty late, last night.'' I explain

It is true, last night I was watching a movie, and lost the track of time.

''Why's that?'' Steve asks

''Lost track of time, nothing to worry about.'' I reply

They nod and continue talking.

After breakfast I head to my floor to suit up to go on a patrol, for a few hours.

A few minutes later I'm ready and I'm about to leave,  when I hear a knock on my door.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

I pull off my mask and quickly put on some clothes to cover my Spiderman suit.

When I open the door I'm surprised to see Wanda, standing there.

"Wanda? What are you doing here?" I ask, nervously

"Hey, Pete. I wanted to ask you if you want to hang out with us on the common floor, later? We're planning on doing a videogame tournament and a movie night, in the evening." she replies

"Um, sure. I'll join you." I say

"Nice, thanks." she says and leaves, giving me a smile

I smile to myself and close the door. I'm starting to like her. I guess it wouldn't be bad to try and ask her out. Or maybe it's too fast? I don't know.

I take off my clothes, except the suit and put on my mask.

"Hey, Karen." I greet the A.I.

"Hello, Peter. How have you been?" Karen asks

"I'm good, thanks." I reply and jump out, through the window.


I jump into my room, through the window. I take off my mask and strip out of the suit.

Another normal day. A few robberies and an escaped inmate.

I glance a look at the time. 17:23.

After a shower I put on a blue T-Shirt, black sweats and some black socks.

I leave my room and head to the elevator, heading to the common floor.

When the elevator doors open I see my parents talking, in the kitchen, Clint, Sam, Bucky and Steve watching TV, on the couch. Bruce reading on the other couch, and Wanda is sitting on the other side of the couch, next to Bruce, looking at her phone.

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