Part 21

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I smile, seeing Wanda sleeping next to me. Her head is resting on my chest, as her leg is thrown over and intertwined with mine. We must have fallen asleep while watching a movie, yesterday.

I keep laying there, not wanting to leave the comfortable position. I look at her sleeping face. I smile, as she cuddles closer into my chest while sleeping.

I turn my head and my eyes widen when I see the time. It's 7:37 AM... on Monday.


I jump out of bed, doing my best not to wake Wanda. I grab my towel and some fresh clothes, before running to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower, slip on the outfit and leave the bathroom. I take my bag and kiss Wanda's forehead, before leaving my room and running to the elevator.

When the doors open on the common floor, everyone looks at me.

"Morning." I say, running out of the elevator. I attach my web-shooters to my wrists, before shooting a web. It attaches to my lunch, which's placed on the counter.

"Friday, open the window." I quickly say. The window opens and I jump out, yanking on the web and catching my lunch.

I barely make it to school, just as the bell rings. I run to my locker, taking the necessary books and running to my first class.

I enter the classroom, and everyone looks at me.

"Mr. Parker! How nice of you to join us! Take a seat, I was just about to tell you all about an upcoming event!" Mr. Harrington smiles, but there's a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

I just nod and walk to my seat. I sit down next to Ned. We do a fist bump, before looking at Mr. Harrington.

"So, as I was saying. Every year we have a field trip. And this year, we have been invited to a very special field trip. This year we're going to the Avengers' Tower!" he exclaims, with a wide smile.

(A/N: Yes, I know that almost every single Peter Stark story on this platform contains a field trip plot. But I have some interesting ideas for it, so I think you'll like it!)

The class cheers, as I let my head fall on the desk. A field trip, to the tower. To my home


I then feel a paper ball hit the back of my head. I look up to see Flash, smirking at me.

"How does it feel, Parker? We'll finally be able to see the truth about your so-called 'internship'." Flash sneers. I roll my eyes, before letting my head fall back on the desk.

The rest of the lesson passes pretty boringly. I'm staring into the wall, when I hear the bell ring. Everyone grabs a permission slip. The class starts to leave when I hear Mr. Harrington calling my name.

"Mr. Parker! A word?" He asks. I nod and walk over to him, sitting down.

"Now, Peter, I understand that people your age want attention. Trust me, I do. I was your age once. But this story, about the internship has gone too far. This field trip is very important to the school, so I will need you on your best behavior. They don't need to know about your internship." He says. The way he said the word 'internship' makes me want to storm out of the room. But I bite my tongue and just nod.

"Very well. I will see you tomorrow. We're leaving at 8 AM." He says. I nod again, before standing up and leaving the classroom.

"What did he want?" Ned asks as we start to walk to our lockers.

"He doesn't believe me about the internship and gave me a lecture about it. Sounded a lot like Steve." I say, making him chuckle. He pats my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Pete. You're going to prove them all wrong." I smile at him, before getting the books for my next class.


When I enter the Avengers' Tower, I immediately go to the elevator and head to my mom's office. When the elevator doors open, I walk out.

"Hey, Stacy. Is Pepper busy?" I ask. My mom's secretary looks up and smiles. We have recently developed a comfortable enough relationship to be on a first-name basis. Even though she doesn't know my last name, she doesn't question my relationship with mom.

"Hey, Peter. Mrs. Stark is free. You can go on." She says. I flash her a smile, before entering my mom's office.

"Mom?" I say, sitting across from her. She smiles, most likely knowing why I'm here.

"Hey, sweetie. What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Do you know anything about a field trip for my class? We're coming here, tomorrow." I say. She looks at me, with a smile.

"Yes." she simply replies.

"Why did you assign a field trip for my class?" I ask. She sits down at her desk and looks at me.

"Because I know that the others don't believe you. I know they think you're lying about the internship. This is your chance to prove them wrong." she replies. I sigh and nod.

''Can you at least not tell dad? I don't want him to embarrass me.'' I say, giving her the permission slip. She smiles and nods. She takes a pen and signs it, before handing it back to me.

''Thanks. I'll see you later.'' I say, putting the permission slip in my bag.

''Alright.'' she says and kisses the top of my head, before going back to her work. I leave her office and head to the elevator.

When I leave the elevator on my floor, I head to my room. I enter and drop my bag on the floor, before closing the door. I drop myself on the chair and bury my face in my hands.

''Tough day?'' I hear the very familiar voice. I smile and look at my bed, to see Wanda sitting there.

''Yeah.'' I say and stand up, walking over to the bed. I lay down and place my head in her lap. I smile when I feel her start to play with my hair.

''I'm sorry, I left you in the morning. I barely made it to school in time.'' I say, looking up to meet her eyes with mine.

''It's fine, I understand.'' she says, continuing to run her hand through my hair.

''Want to tell me about your day? You seem stressed.'' she asks, after a few seconds of silence. I point to my bag.

Neither of us want to move, so she uses her powers to bring the bag to me. I take it and pull out the signed permission slip. I give it to her.

I watch her face, as she scans the piece of paper with her eyes. When her eyes reach the bottom, I see an apologetic smile cross her face. She sets the slip down, before looking at me.

''I promise I won't embarrass you. But I can't say the same about the others, though.'' I sigh and nod.

''Thanks. And can you please not tell them?'' I ask. She smiles and nods.

''Yeah, of course.'' she replies.

''Thanks.'' I smile. I then see her lean down and press her lips against mine. I smile, before kissing her back and cupping her cheek with my hand.


So, here's another chapter! I hope you like it!

There will be a total of about 30 - 40 chapters, in this story!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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