Part 23

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Peter's POV:

After Clint left, we head to the higher-level intern labs. We leave the elevator, just before I feel a pair of hands push me against the wall.

"What sick game are you playing? What did you do?" Flash asks, angrily.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. I know where this is going.

"What did you do, so Hawkeye pretended to know you? You don't have money, so you must have done something else." he asks. I internally roll my eyes.

"I didn't do anything. If you would actually use your head, then you would realize that I'm not lying about the internship." I reply, starting to get annoyed.

"Not a chance. No one would want you." he growls, before punching my stomach and going back to the others.

I grip my stomach and silently groan. I try to ignore the burning pain and follow him. When I return to the group, Ned looks at me.

"Where were you, man?" he asks. He notices I'm gripping my stomach and his face falls.

"Flash?" he whispers. I nod for an answer. He gives me an apologetic nod and pats my shoulder.

And that's when everyone starts whispering "Is that Scarlet Witch?" "Damn, she's hot."

I look at the entrance, to see Wanda walking towards us.

She's wearing a slim, long sleeve shirt and slim jeans. The outfit shows off all of her curves. And damn, does she look beautiful.

Wanda's POV:

We're watching live security camera footage of Peter's class.

They enter the higher-level intern labs before Peter gets pushed against the wall. He's held against the wall by a seemingly angry kid.

"What sick game are you playing? What did you do?!" he asks, angrily. I feel myself getting angrier by the seconds, as I continue watching the footage.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Peter asks. I have a feeling he knows what it's about.

"What did you do, so Hawkeye pretended to know you? I know you don't have money, so you must have done something else." the kid asks, pushing Peter into the wall more roughly.

I've seen enough. I immediately walk to the elevator and head to the floor they're on. When I step out, Peter and his classmate have joined the others.

As I start to walk towards the class, a few of them notice me and start whispering. I see Peter turn around and smile when he sees me.

I walk up to them and notice the guy staring at me. I look at him, dead in the eyes.

"What's your name?" I ask. He looks proud and flashes me a smile.

"I'm Flash. It's so nice to meet you. I have to say, you look beautiful." he grins. I can't help but feel disgusted at his behavior.

"Actually, it's Eugene." a girl with dark, curly hair says. I look at her and recognize her as MJ. Peter has told me about her.

I nod at her, before looking back at Eugene. I let red mist start to flow through my fingers, as the same red aura pushes him against the wall.

"Now, Eugene. I don't know who do you think you are, but if I see you harassing Peter again, I will make sure you never, ever dream again. So unless you want your nightmares to haunt you for the rest of your life, I suggest you leave him alone. Am I clear?" I say, slowly and threateningly.

His face has now lost all of its color, and he looks like he's about to shit himself. He quickly nods.

"Yes! Okay, okay!" he says, scared out of his mind. I nod and let the red aura disappear. I then turn to Peter and smile.

I lean up and kiss his cheek, before leaving and walking back to the elevator.

Peter's POV:

Holy shit! Flash looked like he was about to shit himself! I will never forget that look, it was hilarious! I seriously love that girl.

Wait, what? Love? I smile, in realization. I love her. I love Wanda.

We've been dating long enough, for me to realize I love her. Yes, I may be only 16 but... I can just feel it.

I pull myself out of my thoughts, as I feel everyone staring at me. I remember Wanda's kiss on the cheek and try to hide the blush that's creeping on my cheeks.

Thankfully, Caitlin notices this.

"Well, I'm sure we all found that interesting, but we have a tour to finish." she says. I give her a thankful look. She notices and nods, with a small smile.

"Are you dating the Scarlet Witch?" Abe asks me, excitedly.

"No, we're just very good friends." I reply.

"Cool. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, about the internship." he says, apologetically.

"It's fine." I smile. Abe and I aren't exactly best friends, but he's a cool dude.

The rest of the tour of the labs went without any problems. I got a few weird and jealous looks, but no one said anything.

We're currently in the elevator, making our way to the Avengers museum. My favorite part of the tower.


Hey! So here's another one.

Sorry, it's a bit shorter. I didn't know how to end the chapter.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya.

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