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Thursday was always a free day for the whole pack, almost like a mini celebration among the pack members, the members would gather around the fire sitting, singing, playing and chatting about what happened through the whole week.

Just like how Thursdays were assigned to celebration and gathering, Fridays were to wonder the woods and train the wolves, the Omegas and the children would shift to their wolf form and wonder around in the woods inside the pack's grounds, Alphas are assigned to protect them and accompany them, Betas were to remain in the pack grounds to protect it and the elderly people who couldn't join.

One Friday night, the pack shifted and went inside the forest as usual, everyone was having fun, the full moon and the beautiful breeze of Autumn were soothing and freshening the werewolves.

Couples went walking and snuggling with each other loving the way they purr with happiness, children played hide and seek and ran around full of energy as always, Alphas showed their glory and strength and how they loved looking after everyone.
It was a beautiful peacful night.

Yoongi's p.o.v:

"Watch over these children they seem over energetic tonight", I said through mindlink to Chanyeol, the bond between us as a pack members allows us to communicate with each other in our wolf form.
Chanyeol nodded and went to the children playing with them, I can imagine him being a father, he would be an amazing one.

Watching these toddlers playing and running reminded me of someone I hadn't seen for 12 years, someone I used to play with just like this, take care of him and baby him,
My baby.

All these years and still no sign of Jimin or any other member of the Masul pack, all the other packs were sure by now that no one survived the fire, I kept on searching for Jimin for more than 10 years now, fighting the awful thoughts of him not being alive.

But looks like I really need to get this through my head, my baby is gone, either to heavens or in a secret hideout, I haven't even found my mate till now, Hoseok keeps on telling me that once I found my mate the pain of losing Jimin would fade away, I honestly don't believe this, I would never forget my Jimin, no one can replace my baby, my childhood friend, my innocent first crush.

My thoughts were interrupted when a faint scent crept to my nose, my mind clouded as the beautiful scent engulfed my senses, my paws began moving on their own toward the source of the scent, I never smelled this scent before, that's not a wolf from my pack, what is a wolf doing on the Dagust grounds without a permission at almost midnight? This smells like an Omega, I never felt attracted toward an Omega like this ever before,
Coconut and Vanilla.

I picked up my pace eager to see the Omega, I found my self getting closer to the lake, as I walked closer I could faintly smell another scent, another Omega, something like strawberry, I couldn't pick up the scent exactly, the Coconut scent was all I could smell and focus on.

I reached the lake and hid behind a huge bush, I peeked through the leaves and that's when I saw it,

A beautiful white wolf, standing by the lake drinking softly, his white fur shined under the moonlight, his eyes closed as he drank carefully not to wet his fur

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A beautiful white wolf, standing by the lake drinking softly, his white fur shined under the moonlight, his eyes closed as he drank carefully not to wet his fur.

I found myself staring at him in awe and amazement, I was caught in a trance I never fell to before, something about this Omega's strong scent made weak in the knees, Suga was on verge of taking over and howling loudly in my head.

The Omega's small ears flickered to the right side, I glanced and saw another Omega, I think this might be the one with the strawberry scent,

The beige Omega walked toward the white one and licked his ears stopping him from drinking the water to get his attention, the beautiful Omega opened it's eyes revealing light blue crystal like eyes, he looked to his friend and tilted his head ado...

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The beige Omega walked toward the white one and licked his ears stopping him from drinking the water to get his attention, the beautiful Omega opened it's eyes revealing light blue crystal like eyes, he looked to his friend and tilted his head adorably, I would have cooed at him if I wasn't hiding.

They kept on staring to each other, most likely talking through their shared mindlink, the white Omega took a few steps back and started frankly looking around him, the beige one doing the same, the beige one must have caught my scent and warned his friend, looks like I can't hide anymore huh?

I took a step out of the bush standing at enough space as to not scare them, their heads snapped toward me as they took few steps back getting closer to each other for comfort.

The beige one took a step infront of the white one protecting him from me, I sit down as to show them I don't mean any harm and I won't attack them, they both stare at me and when I make a direct eye contact with the white on I can feel sparks running through my body, I heard him whimper softly,
Wait did he feel the same?

The beige one started backing away pushing the white Omega back as well, I stode up to stop them cause I still need to know why did they cross the Pack's grounds and who are they, do they have a pack?

All of a sudden both of them took off running, I ran after them and my Alpha strength made me catch up with them easily, I jumped infront of them blocking their way, they both stopped panting and backed away from me, the beautiful Omega whimpered again and looked at me in fear, my heart shattered at this look, I don't know why but I really want this Omega to feel safe and happy.

I decided to lay flat on the ground and waved my tail playfully at them, the both stared at me as if I'm crazy or something, suddenly the beautiful white Omega walked toward me, the beige one nudged him in his leg stopping him but he didn't stop, as he walked closer and closer his scent was increasing way too much.

I sat up and stopped my tail laying it beside me, the Omega stode right infront of me, he was half my size and looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes,he bent up toward my neck and sniffed, I felt his hot nose touching my fur and my scent mixed with his for a split of second, he looked back at me with wide eyes like he is surprised of something, we stared at each other and I swear I saw his eyes twinkling with tears, my heart broke at the sight.

Hesitantly, I bent down toward his neck and sniffed increasing my scent to comfort him, I took big breath of his coconut scent engraving it to my mind, he whimpered again when our scents mixed for a second, I looked at him and he touched our noses together, the simple touch meant so much meanings, love, care, safe, want, kiss....longing and missing someone.

My heart was beating too fast, he backed away and looked at his friend who stode silent all this time watching us, he looked back at me and walked away to the trees with his friend, I was caught in trance and couldn't move my legs to chase him, by the time I was back to my senses he was gone, I walked in the same direction and could see that my pack's grounds ends here, but what is this place? I have never been here before, is this a pack territory? Who are they and why did they never interact with us?

I will find out the answers to all of this, I will find this beautiful white Omega again...


Yup I'm still alive 😂
I think you already know who these Omegas are 👀
Do you want Yoongi to know its Jimin in the next chap or should we drag it a little bit longer? 🤔
Like maybe in the chap after the next one👀
Anyways tell me what you think loves

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