20-Mission Yoonmin

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The merge went on smoothly, the two packs were already close and they thought of it as a kind of a familiy reunion, the two Alpha leaders were grateful for their members for understanding and helping.

Jimin apologized to both the Alphas which ended up with him having a pat on the head from Namjoon and a kiss on the cheek from Yoongi, he blushed hard and Army had the pleasure to join her husband in teasing him and Yoongi.

The Masul pack left their grounds with heavy hearts hoping for better, they brought the necessities only as the Dagust pack memebers were more than happy to share with them all they would need during their stay, some of them were even hoping secretly for the merge to last forever.

Now the ground held a huge number of werewolves, empty dens were occupied, some of the unmated Omegas and Alphas shared dens together separated from other ranks, Betas had no problem rooming together or with other ranks since they don't have a scent to bother them and no heat or rut to worry about.

The head Alpha's den was the most crowded one honestly, there was 6 rooms in total so it was the biggest den, the maids were given 2 rooms to stay at the house and they were decent rooms since Yoongi would never let them stay in a dusty cold rooms just because they were maids, their rooms were exactly the same as Hoseok and Army's room or any other room honestly.

But now the maids were sent to their families as a holiday, the house would be crowded and it was agreed that the maids can't serve all this number and also the rooms are needed so it was better this way, the maids were extremely happy to spend some time with their families again.

So now we have 5 bedrooms and Yoongi's master bedroom, Hoseok and Army share a room, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are mates and share a room as well, Namjin and Taekook took the other 2 rooms and now we have a pouting Jimin sitting on the couch watching the rooms arrangements and indirectly being reminded of his single mateless ass.

Jin was sitting next to Namjoon silently, he was fine now but he couldn't help the flashbacks he get here and there, but that didn't stop him from noticing Jimin pouting in the corner, his motherly instinct kicked in immediately.

"Jiminie what's wrong?", he asked him through mind link, Jimin snapped his head toward Jin but calmed down when he noticed it was the mind link, he was glad he can talk to his hyung secretly, Jin is like a mother for him.

"Hyung I want a mate", he said in whining tone like the baby he is,
Jin looked at him confused then glanced at Yoongi then back at Jimin,
"I thought that old Alpha was your mate",
Jimin blushed and looked at his fingers,
"He-he isn't old!".

Jin chuckled at him mentally,
"You didn't deny the fact that he is your mate"
Jimin widened his eyes and face palmed at his smart ass answer, Yoongi noticed the act and looked at him weirded out,
"Jimin why did you hit your forehead like this?", he said staring at the slightly red mark on the Omega's head,
"You are a pabo", he began to rub the red area with a smile.

Jimin blushed and glanced at Seokjin who was smirking at him Jin was against anyone who would take his baby from him but seeing how Yoongi was looking at Jimin as if he was a diamond or a star that he worships silently he can't help but ship them too.

Jimin blushed and pouted at the Alpha babying him,
"Hyung I'm not a baby", he whined and stared at the Alpha infront of him noticing how close his face was to him, he froze in his place staring at his brown orbs,
"You are my baby".

This sentence...it was a thing Yoongi would always tell him when they were children,
Jimin'eyes widened and he stared at his hyung that smiled at him, Yoongi was sure Jimin remember this from his reaction and his heart fluttered at this, he winked at the Omega before turning back to Hoseok to ask him something, he put a hand so casually on Jimin's thigh, it was nothing sexual, the Alpha can sense the Omegas pheromones getting nostalgic and overwhelmed and he wanted to comfort him.

Seokjin watched all of this silently, you might think his overprotective mother side would make him walk over to Yoongi and grab his hand off his baby's thigh and shove it down his throat,
He seriously considered that for a moment,
But he remembered how his mate used to comfort him the same way when he was stressed, he noticed how Jimin closed his eyes peacefully and started to play with Yoongi's bigger hand,
The scene made him smile and he was determined to help his idiot baby and his mate to grow some balls and confess or even talk about the fact that they are a freaking mates!!

He leant over to Namjoon and whispered something to him looking at the couple infront of him, Namjoons' eyes widened before a smile spread across his face, they looked at each other smiling before that smile turned into a smirk.

Army stared at them weireded out and whispered to her mate,
"The hell is wrong with them?",
Hoseok looked at Namjin direction and their smirk made him confused,
He shrugged at Army and looked back at Yoongi.

Army went over and sat next to Jin,
"What was all the smirking about? I love some gossip", she said in a cheery voice,
Jin turned to her and laughed at her curious cute gaze, and told her what his plan was, a smirk slowly forming on her face as well,
"Mission: Yoonmin ship get sailed has begun babes", with that said her smirk only grew wider as she stared at Yoongi and Jimin who were completely oblivious to all of this.

Hoseok noticed this and he gulped,
Anyone can smirk and he won't be bothered, except for two people, Yoongi and Army, those two smirking meant that something really bad about to happen, he jsut hoped it has nothing to do with him.


How long do you think these two can keep quiet about their relationship? 🙄

Love you❤

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