55- The family

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5 years later....

Bangtan pack has changed a lot, under the leadership of the two great Alphas Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi the pack was more than strong and happy, there was no more describing people with Dagust member and Masul member,
They were all Bangtan werewolves.

The head Alpha's den was no bigger and held many more rooms for the babies, and it was never quiet in that big house, you can hear giggles, cries, screams and things being broken around from outside the den.

"Min Chigi leave your little brother alone! Now!!",
Jimin yelled tiredly at his five years old daughter, the girl looked at her eomma and smiled innocently,
"It was Sumin's idea!",
"What? I didn't say anything!!",
Jimin sighed feeling the headache kicking in, he bent down and picked the three years old boy laying on the ground with colors covering his face and hands.

"Come on pup let mommy wash your hands and face, and you two...behave",
The two kids nodded and ran to God knows where,
Jimin walked to the bathroom with the giggling mess in his arms, he smiled and cooed at him, he washed his hands and face and the boy stuck his tongue at his mother trying to lick the water on his hands.

Jimin giggled at the cutie and dried his face, walking back to the living room he was met with his mate and Namjoon walking into the house after their work on the office was done,
Yoongi smiled once he saw them and hurried to them lifting the little pup that started screaming and giggling once he saw his appa,
"How is my little Minji?",
The boy started giggling and biting his appa's chin with his small teeth,
"Mommy scweam at Chi again".

Yoongi laughed and turned to Jimin,
"She was covering his face with colors again",
Yoongi chuckled and pulled Jimin to him by the waist kissing his forehead, he let Minji down and the boy started waddling his way to his brother and sister's room, Yoongi turned to Jimin and knelt down kissing his baby bump,
"And how is baby girl Yoonji?",
Jimin giggled and sighed,
"Well...she is doing what any 7 month baby does...kicking and splitting my back and making me look like a ticking bomb".

Yoongi laughed shaking his head,
"You are as gorgeous as ever Minnie",
He said and pecked Jimin's lips,
"My first beautiful pretty big baby",
Jimin's giggle was caught in Yoongi's lips, they kissed slowly and deeply enjoying each other's warmth.

"Umm sorry to interrupt your public make out but have you seen Jigae?",
Yoongi groaned and Jimin giggled turning around to Seokjin,
"I saw Namjoon pick him up once he saw him in the living room when he came back from work with Yoonie",
Seokjin nodded and thanked him turning around to look for his baby girl.

The girl was only four and half years old but she was a smart one, got the high intelligence of her father and the beautiful face of her mother, Seokjin entered the kitchen and saw his mate feeding their daughter an apple while talking together, he smiled at the scene and went to them kissing their cheeks before turning around to the oven to continue cooking the lunch.

Namjoon got up and got a cup of water for Jigae helping her drink it,
"Did you get the herbs for your back pain baby?",
"Yeah, Nanny said it's gonna help like usual, I just wish the remaining month end already I really want him out!",
Namjoon chuckled and hugged his mate, "Easy baby, It will pass by in no time and I'm here for you and baby Jinmoon will be here in no time", he whispered and kissed Jin's neck on his mate mark, Seokjin hummed and lent his head back to his mate's shoulder.

"Hold on....where is Jigae?",
Namjoon's eyes went wide when they heard something crashing behind them, they turned to the sound and found Jigae holding the cup of water in her hand but only the handle of the cup was in her little fingers, the rest of the cup was crashed on the floor,
"I was just holding it I didn't do anything mommy".

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