42- Exo

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Yoongi p.o.v

Exo is one of our neighboring packs and our relationship is pretty peaceful and friendly, my father was a good friend of the the pack's previous head Alpha, Alpha Park, he had two sons and I was friends with them along with their younger sister, Park Chanyeol, Park Bogum and Park Chaeyoung, we were all good childhood friends.

Chanyeol was the middle one between his siblings and around my age so we were pretty close, my father and Chanyeol's father allowed him to move in to the Dagust pack as a sign of long expected love and friendship between both packs.

When Bogum took the leadership after his father the relationship between both packs got even better, both pack were strong and aligned with each other.

Masul used to be just as strong but that lasted until it was backstabbed by Blackfire pack, Masul was no longer considered one of the four strong packs of the forest, it was believed that Masul was whipped out of the earth surface.

Blackfire is a serious mystery right now, the pack held good relationship with both Dagust and Exo, Hoseok has searched around and it was clear that there wasn't any previous arguments or hard feelings between Masul and Blackfire, so why would they attack twice all of a sudden?

I hope today can solve a part of the Blackfire mystery, today I'm with Namjoon, Hoseok and Chanyeol in visit to the Exo grounds, we need our align's help for this, packs attacking each other is unforgivable, werewolves packs are supposed to be united against our biggest danger, the danger that never accepts, never adjusts, never respects, never looks for peace and calmness.

Human beings.


"Welcome to Exo Alpha Min",
I laughed at the statement and hugged the Alpha,
"No need to the whole respectful speech Bogummy, we aren't 60 years old",

"But you look like a 69 years old turtle",

I turned around glaring playfully at Chaeyoung, she giggled softly and Hoseok was laughing so hard with Chanyeol,
"Ha ha very funny Rosé, but yeah I'm gay as hell so I don't give a fuck",
Bogum laughed warmly at our interaction before turning around to the Alpha that stood quiet the whole time.

"My right hand Beta informed me of Yoongi, Hoseok and Channie, when he told me there was another Alpha accompanying them I was slightly confused to be honest but any friend of Yoongi is a friend of mine so welcome to Exo pack grounds".

Namjoon smiled, "Thanks Alpha Park, its an honor to finally meet you, I'm Alpha Kim, the head Alpha of the Masul pack".

Bogum and Chaeyoung couldn't believe their ears.


"So you want to tell me that Blackfire attacked Masul twelve years ago and attacked it again just a few months ago?",

I nodded my head and Bogum was in deep thought,

"Alpha Kim....what do you remember of the night of the fire twelve years ago?",

I" was only a kid back then and I didn't notice anything unusual",
"Did you...notice any strange scent around the pack?",
We stared at Chaeyoung questioningly,
"What do you mean Chae?",
She looked at me while thinking, then she looked at her brother.

"Yoongi, twelve years ago, our Beta scouts caught a stranger looming around our weapons warehouse, we started questioning him, he said he was lost but we didn't believe him, we had to use our ways to make him speak and he did".

Bogum took his breath and looked steadily in my eyes,
"He said he was from Dagust pack",
My eyes widened in shock,
"What the hell does that mean?!",
Bogum sighed and looked at Chanyeol,
"That's one of the reasons why I persuaded my dad to send Channie, I knew your pack would never harm us, I trusted you with my whole heart and Chanyeol did too,
We wanted to prove to our dad that your father, Alpha Min, would have never done something like that".

I stared at the three siblings trying to process all of this information, someone tried to set us up, someone tried to set Exo on fire too, probably the same person that set Masul on fire.

"What happened to that stranger?",
Namjoon asked with a gravelly deep voice,
"We....we found him dead after two days in his prison cell ",
I felt my blood boiling inside my veins,
"Let me guess...they left you a message on the wall", Namjoon said with a bitter sarcastic tone and Chaeyoung nodded before answering Namjoon with a little shocked face,

"Yeah....you are next"...


Army p.o.v

Where the hell is it?!!
I'm one verge of pulling at my hair at this point, about six books surrounding me on the small table I placed inside my room to read peacefully.

I've spent almost three hours looking around the books looking for a specific page I've read before, I've threw up twice until now, my back is killing me and the urge to eat a whole chocolate icecream mega tub all alone is killing me!!

I groaned again rubbing my back trying to ease the pain, the midwife prevented me from taking any painkillers saying I should lay in the bed and relax if I've backpains, honestly the idea of laying in my nest now is so so alluring...

Tons of Hobi's clothes and mine gathered on my bed in a certain way making it look like home more than it ever did before, Hoseok doesn't have a scent but the his body natural sweat has an alluring smell, it isn't the nasty smelly sweat, it's like a natural smell of his body that is almost as alluring as Alphas and Omegas scents.

I stared at the pile of clothes longingly wanting to drown in the beautiful mix of my scent and Hoseok's body smell...
But I need to resist,
I need to help Yoongi.

I'm not stupid, I take care of everyone in this house, I know what Yoongi is worried about and honestly I've been waiting for a good moment to talk with him about it.

About Jimin's pendant.

He never takes it off, I thought maybe it's just normal and Jimin just love the small pendant so much so he doesn't take it off,
But something about the stone triggered me, I'm an Omega and I've my gut feelings, along with the great amout of books I read I can say I know when I see something suspicious, it just makes my body uncomfortable and almost itchy,
Jimin's pendant gave me bad vibes ever since I saw it.

I opened another book, 'the seven signs of darkness', hoping to find answers to my doubts but I couldn't even read the first paragraph before I was running to the bathroom, seriously I don't even know what I'm throwing up at this point there is nothing left in my stomach.

I flushed the toilet scrunching my nose and went back to the the table, I stared at the books sadly before walking to my nest, I need to calm down and think properly of books that might really help us, I closed my eyes sighing and fell asleep with my hands rubbing my tummy were my baby was safely growing.


No fluff or smut this time I'm sorry but I hope you still liked this 💜❤

Hope you are okay everyone ❤

I finished my finals last Tuesday but my college sent our new semester lectures schedule🙂
Like excuse Me wHaT ?!!!!!!
I'm starting my new semester next sunday!!!!!

Kill me already 😭😭😭😭

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