Omegaverse intro

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So this is a few points you should know about this story,

Scent: soft scent
eyes: blue eyes,
color: most of thier colors are silver, beige or white, (the white ones are so rare and considered the most pure forms of Omegas)
human forms :boddies are soft and somewhat curvy either males or females, their voices tends to be high pitched and soft,
they go through heats, thats when they become sexually active for the sake of having youth,
responsibility: is raising the pups and feeding them, caring for the pack's members and healing.

warning, don't make an Omega feel like you are a threat to thier babies or home, you won't like it ....


Scent: sharp and strong scents
Eyes: red
Color: black, dark brown, dark grey and dark red(only pure alphas are black though)
Human forms: bodies are strong and muscular, the female alphas are more strong than male omegas and their body tends to be taller than the average females
The males alphas go through ruts, thats when they become sexually active and become so possessive and protective over their mates and pups
Responsibility: leading the packs, protecting and defending, raising youth alongside their mates.


Scent: no scent
Eyes: golden yellow
Color: no certain color but most of the time orange or light brown
Human forms: no certain treat, their body is the normal form of human beings, their males are strong and don't go through ruts, the females can get pregnant but don't go through heats,
Responsibility: males are the packs' scouts and backup defenders, protect unmated omegas through thier heats because they aren't affected by thier pheromones, females help with healing amd the pack's normal activities.

They are like soulmates, inseparable, feels each other pain and feelings, addicted to each others scents,
A wolf can spot it's mate through his/her scent, once a wolf find his/her mate it's eyes change to either blue, red or golden yellow according to their rank,
Their bond gets stronger and unbreakable by marking each others necks,
If a wolf's mate died, this wolf most likely goes through piercing pain and dies.

Thats all for now, if there is any other info I want you to know I would tell you before it babes,
Love you yoooonminnnnns 😋😘💜🐱🐥

Enjoy this beautiful trailer 😉

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