32-Kissing your scars

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Hiding something from the people around you for a long time can be frustrating and stressful.

But when the thing you were hiding was snatched away from you unwillingly after all these hard efforts of hiding it...
That just hits differently.

And Jimin's secret wasn't a simple one,
For him..this secret can end his relationship with his mate..
It can disappoint his mate in him..
It can make him want to break the bond..
It can make him look for another Omega or Beta that are more beautiful and unmarked with stupid scars of different sizes..

All of this were things that might happen,
But Jimin's panicking mind and his heat approaching fucked up his rational thinking,
For him..in this moment..he was convinced that all of these possibilities of his mate hating him are already happening.

Jimin stood there staring at the red orbs infront of him, they were like 5 meters apart as Yoongi or Suga was standing at the door unmoving,
Blank face, red eyes, shaking fists formed, and nothing being said.

"H-hyung?", his voice was small and shaking, but it reached Suga, his fists started shaking more, he closed his eyes and his hand clutched his head, groaning a little and when he looked back up...his eyes were brown again.

"Jimin! Omg I'm sorry I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Suga, he just took over and dragged me here and- uhh I think I'm gonna leave now", Yoongi said in a very rushed way, he wanted to give the Omega his privacy to change, Yoongi somehow didn't even notice Jimin's scars he just rushed to defend himself, he opened the door lock...

Jimin didn't hear any word except for leave,
Leaving....he is leaving me...he doesn't want me...we disappointed him....
A choked sob rumbled from his throat as he fell to the ground, he formed a ball around himself pulling his knees to his chest  crying loudly, shaking and breathing aggressively.

Cinnamon and apple scent engulfed him warmly, two strong arms pulling him toward someone's chest, soothing voice that is speaking words his mind refused to translate now but the deep voice was enough...

He calmed just a little but his crying didn't go down, Yoongi turned him to make him stradle him, the Omega's legs were on both side of the Alpha and his arms around his neck, Jimin's face was buried in the base of Yoongi's neck.

"Jiminie, baby I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to invade your priv-"

"Yo-you hate m-me!!"

Yoongi stared at him with shock,

"I'm- I'm a disappointment! You de-deserve a better O-omega! You were leaving! You h-ate me, I failed y-you..."

Ummm Suga little help here please.

Yoongi look at Jimin's body.

Are you fucking dumb? That's not the time to-

His body is filled with scars Yoongi...

At this for the first time Yoongi paid attention to Jimin's body closely, his back was in his vision from the way they were sitting, one big scar visible on the middle of his back, 3 small scars that looked like claws of a werewolf were in his lower back on the right side.

What's with all these scars?

They look ugly Yoongi.


I don't like them, he is marked, these aren't our marks Yoongi.

Suga are you rejecting our mate because of some scars? Cause you can go fuck yourself for all I care I'm not leaving Jimin because of some stupid marks! I'm gonna add MY mark next to them and you can't stop me!!

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