37- Heat and Control

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Yoongi p.o.v

I woke up to the feeling of something rubbing on my side, I turned my head to see Jimin still sleeping, my arm was around his waist while his arms were circling my neck, to my horror....Jimin was rubbing his boner on my hip....

I gulped staring at his waist and hips thrusting to my side so seductively making the hair on my neck stand, I took a deep breath filled with his over sweet vanilla that reeked the whole room and I felt my eyes flashing with red for a moment.

He was still asleep but his heat started and it's gonna get worse and worse by time, I turned around facing him and took him to my arms properly, I started to rub his back comfortingly and increased my scent knowing it helps a little bit.

He whimpered weakly and clung more to my neck breathing in my scent, my poor baby he must be in so much pain..

My Alpha instincts was screaming at me to help my Omega, to make the pain go away, to protect him and make him feel better, but I knew better than to listen to these thoughts.

One of the positive things about being a head Alpha was that my parents taught me how control myself infront of an Omega's heat, being a leader means that I'm a source of safe and comfort for all my pack members and Omegas being the fragile creatures they are I consider them all my responsibility to protect, so learning how to control myself around them at their weakest and most vulnerable moments was a priority for me.

Although Jimin being my mate makes it way more harder to control but I trust Suga and we both made an agreement to let me take control the whole time of Jimin's heat.

I can feel Jimin panting to my neck giving me goosebumps, he whimpered again and started thrusting his hips again but this time me facing him ended up with him thrusting his boner on my groin which really really was fucking my nerves up.

I hold his hips still when I felt my boner, he whined and tried to move but I stopped him, I took deep breath to calm down which ended up with me taking in his vanilla scent more and making me even more frustrated.

I need to calm him down before I go crazy here!

I started kissing his neck and nibbling at the skin softly making his whines lessen, biting his neck a little harder his breath hitched and he stopped moving, I started licking the spot that was getting red because of my biting and Jimin moaned weakly to my hair.

One of the ways to calm down an Omega in heat, other than having sex with them, was to keep a close proximity to them as possible to show them you are here and that they are being taken care of,
However, not all the Alphas can keep close proximity to an Omega in heat without losing control so this method wasn't used at all and some werewolves don't even know that an Omega can calm down like this.

I looked at his face with a fond smile, his chubby cheeks that were dusted with pink shade made him look cute, his closed eyes were twitching every now and then in pain, his lips were dark shade of pink and plump, he was the literal definition of beauty.

I bent down kissing his lips slowly enjoying how soft they are against my lips, he sighed in content and kissed back slowly, I tightened my embrace around him feeling every curve of his pressing against my body sending sparks to my spine.

I felt him calm down, for now,
I got up slowly and mind linked Army telling her Jimin started his heat and that I don't want anyone in the floor where my room.

I hurried to the bathroom to grab some cold water and a piece of cloth, and ran back to Jimin, I noticed him crying and rutting against the pillow, a whimper followed by a soft "Alpha~", made my dick twitch, I closed my eyes and calmed myself down.

Running to his side I looked at his pained face, I only went to grab some water but he thought I would leave him, I caressed his cheeks and pouted at his pained expression.

I sighed knowing his pain is too much this time, not like when I first woke up, I got up and hovered over him I kissed his lips again and my hands went slowly to his pants, I tug them off leaving his boxers.

I broke off the kiss and saw his boxer with a wet stain on the front and the back, I shivered thinking about Jimin's slick running down his thighs.

I wanted to touch him, I wanted feel his slick in my fingers and taste it, I wanted to hear him screaming my name while lick his dick, I wanted to show him how much I appreciate and worship his body that he is ashamed of.

But all of this need to wait, I haven't talked with Jimin about my limits in his heat, I don't know whether he is comfortable with me touching him that way, so I'm gonna play it safe and do what we did last night.

I grind down on his bulge rubbing our clothed boners together making him throw his head backwards, I licked a long strip from his neck to his jaw nibbling on his jaw playfully, his hips started thrusting upward meeting mine mid distance, my boner was so painful at this point but I ignored the pain and focused on the sexy Omega under me.

His pained expression long gone and now his face held euphoric one, his mouth hung open as moans spilled out of it, I thrusted my tongue inside his opened mouth enjoying his taste, I swear I tasted vanilla on his tongue and I moaned at the sweet nectar.

My hips started going so fast like I was fucking him, his moans turned into small screams as he neared his climax.

He startled me when he screamed cumming hard in his boxers, I kept on thrusting till I reached mine moaning do loud and ruining my sweatpants, I panted and rolled off him, I looked at him and smiled seeing him finally sleeping with painless expression and steady breathing.

I looked down at his ruined boxers, now what am I gonna do?

I got up and walked to the bathroom cleaning myself and went to the closet changing into new pair of boxers and sweatpants, I went to Jimin's side of the closet grabbing a new pair of boxers, I grabbed some warm water and another piece of cloth, I put a towel over his lower body covering him, I started to clean him with the cloth dipped in the warm water and cleaned him as much as I can without looking.

This really reminded me of our childhood, Jimin would be an over energetic and ruin his clothes in water or mud or while eating and I would have to help him get cleaned and change, my heart warmed at the memories.

Here we are now, 12 years later, on the same bed, him being my mate, me kissing and feeling him, knowing I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with my love being my mate by my side, my eyes got teary with happiness and I bent down kissing his forehead lingering my lips there for a bit.

I took a piece of cloth and dipped it in the cold water, I sat up with my back to the bed's wooden headboard, I took off my and Jimin's shirt knowing that skin to skin contact would calm him, I pulled him between my legs and put the piece of cloth on his forehead, his heat is gonna strike again and I know his body would feel on fire so this will help him.

I buried my face in his hair and inhaled his vanilla coconut scent, I decided to take a quick nap before he woke up, we're gonna be having chaotic days coming up.


I know I'm late, I know I promised to update yesterday but I got caught up in studying and by the end of the day I got the news that BTS didn't win the Grammys and I broke down...


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