30- Suga

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Double update cause kssi81 wanted to kill me for the cliffhanger and I'm sure y'all already killed me in your minds and I wanna live alittle bit longer 😂❤


Just like it  was too much for Yoongi to control, it was also too much for Jimin to control.

The difference is, Yoongi couldn't control his wolf,
Jimin couldn't control his sobs...

The Omega was still in dread for his burnt home, he was still embarrassed about them showering together, he was embarrassed and panicking for slipping the mate thing a few minutes ago, his heat was approaching and he didn't take his medicine for it yet, the heat was pressing on the Omega's feelings making all of these things more and more unbearable than it should be.

So he sobbed...

Fat tears gathered in his brown orbs as he stared at Suga's bright red eyes, those eyes should be his home, his happiness, his safety and resort of sanity for him,
They used to be all of this,
But now all he can see is a werewolf hovering over him licking his neck preparing to mark him without even asking for his consent.

Normally, Jimin would have been over cloud nine with joy and love for being marked by his childhood crush and current mate,
But yet again...his heat was bitching with him...

He closed his eyes and let out a chocked sob whispering a little "stop",

Everything stopped, the Alpha froze over him as Jimin's body shivered, raising his head to look at his mate, the Omega was biting his lower lip so hard to prevent his sobs, eyes closed as tears fell on his round rosy cheeks.

Yoongi was cursing at his wolf and practically having an internal fight with him to take over, Suga was more than insistent on not going just yet.

Not with his mate almost having a panic attack infront of him.

Yes, Suga was a wolf and normally he is more comfortable and understanding with Chim for being a wolf as well,
But Jimin was his mate and the boy had his heart as well just like Chim, he saw Jimin as the vulnerable hopeless innocent side of Chim that he adores and needs to protect.

Suga got off the boy pulling him, Jimin let out a startled sob feeling himself being pulled up, he was laid on the wolf's strong chest as he rubbed his back and increased his scent for him,
Just like their childhood,
Jimin bathed in the scent and the nostalgic feeling, his sobs exploded in his chest feeling happy, relieved and loved.

Suga didn't talk, he just kept on rubbing his mate's back soothingly, eventually the sobs turned into sniffles, Jimin raised his head cautiously to look at his mate expecting to see the pair of brown orbs of Yoongi who he thought was now calming him down.

Seeing two ruby red eyes staring at him shocked him, he stared at those strong eyes that both calmed him for years and frightened him for the first time, the sadness and regret were clear in every. beautiful line around those pupils.

Jimin snapped out of his dramatic heat drived state and stared worriedly at his mate, he can sense Chim trying to take over to calm down Suga but he refused, just like how Suga was brave and loving enough to calm Jimin, Jimin would also be brave and show Suga just how much he loves him too.

Seeing regretful tears gather in Sugas' eyes, he couldn't stay quiet any more, bending down pecking his mate's nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead and chin, increasing his coconut scent the Alpha loves, the wolf froze staring at Jimin's orange locks that tickled his face, Jimin locked eyes with his mate wolf giving him an apologetic look.

"I'm such a coward...I really don't deserve you huh?", Jimin whispered, the wolf stared at him confused, he kissed Jimin's nose and forehead before letting Yoongi take over.

Jimin watched his orbs turn back to their warm brown color, he smiled at Yoongi, both stayed silent for a few moments before Yoongi sighed,
"I hate him", the boy said so done with his wolf,
"It's okay, he controlled himself and calmed me down, he is a good boy",
"Yeah but that would have been avoidable if he didn't take over in the first place!".

Jimin got up setting on Yoongi's hips straddling him,
"Well...he is just so done with his coward mate",
Yoongi's heart beated faster hearing the word 'mate' from Jimin's lips,
"What do you mean with coward?",
Jimin sighed and shook his head,
"Nothing hyung, let's go eat, I'm sure Army and Jin hyung are done cooking".

Yoongi knew the younger was hiding something and that it was bothering him, he let it go for now and helped Jimin off his hips, taking the boy's hand in his, before he opened the door he turned around facing his mate, the younger held sadness im his eyes that squeezed Ypongi's heart, he raised Jimin's head by his chin to make look at him.

"I don't know what is going on inside this pretty little head of yours but...I know you aren't a coward Park Jimin, You are the most brave, adorable, strong, cute, hard headed Omega I have ever met in my whole life, you weren't the normal whiney weak calm Omega type when we were children, everyone thought you would be an Alpha or a Beta, you are different Jimin, you are strong...you know why?".

The Alpha bent down to Jimin's ears kissing his earlobe and whispering with loving seductive low voice,
"Because you are pure Alpha Min Yoongi's mate, and my mate isn't a coward baby boy".


A quick update cause honestly I felt like I'm the one left on a cliffhanger here not you guys😂
Like come on I'm the author why am I waiting for an update to pass the cliffhanger 😂🤦🏻🤦🏻

Don't worry another update will be out on the usual time I won't leave you for 6 days just cause I double updated😂

I love u all too much to leave u this long time 🐥💜

It's 2:45 am now soooo goodnight and sweet dreams my loves💜❤✨

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