48- Magma blood

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Army p.o.v

I just called for Yoongi to come over to my room to discuss what I found,
The book that I needed all along was hidden under the bed somehow and luckily I found it.

But what I read inside it wasn't pleasing at all.

I turned to Hoseok who was sleeping peacefully on our bed, poor Hobi stayed for a whole hour rubbing my lower back to ease my pain.

I caressed my tummy softly enjoying my baby bump, it's not that big yet but it's more clear now, the midwife said I might start feeling slight kicks once I'm four months long, that means only two more months and I would start feeling my baby moving.

A soft knock on the door grabs my attention, I open up for Yoongi and he walks in half sleeping, he walks to the bed and was about to sit down next to Hoseok sleeping body but I growled at him, he froze in his place as his eyes widened staring at me.

"Get the fuck away from my nest!",
He jumped slightly to the side and hurried away to the other side of the room looking at the bed like it's trying to kill him.

I sighed and gestured for him to sit on the couch, he did while still staring at my bed with curious eyes,
"Why are you looking at the bed like this?", I giggled softly at his cute expression,
"It's....it's the first time I see an Omega's nest",
I chuckled again and nodded,
"Omega's nests can vary from one Omega to another Yoongs, I like Hobi's clothes so I made my nest from them, some other Omegas would make their nest from flowers that brings them comfort, some other's prefer the bed's pillows and blankets being put in a certain  order ".

He nodded and turned to look at me,
"How is the baby?",
I smiled softly caressing the bump again,
" fine, my morning sickness is starting to fade, but my back and hips hurt so much",
He chuckled, "Any strange food tendencies?,
I laughed and shook my head,
"Nope, the midwife said it's not a stereotype to have them, pregnancies differ from one omega to another, some even don't get morning sickness!! Do you believe the lucky bitches!?".

We laughed again and he asked me why did I call for him,
"I found a book that might help us about Jimin's pendant",
His eyes widened again as he stared at me,
"How...how did you kno-",
"Yoongs I knew all along no shut up and listen".

I stood up and grabbed the book opening it to a certain page and gave it to him, I stared at him as he started reading.

Yoongi p.o.v

I took the book from Army and started reading, my heart was beating so fast as I stared at the red stone on the page.

I took the book from Army and started reading, my heart was beating so fast as I stared at the red stone on the page

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                   Magma crystal

This stone can be found at the top of the south mountain of the great forest, a very powerful stone that can be sold for a fortune, it was first discovered in 1980 by the .....

I kept on reading till I reached a certain article that Army marked.

Called 'Wolves blood stone', this stone was used for years against werewolves and caused sever pain and harm to werewolves, it was forbidden after the peace contract made between humans and werewolves  so it's rare for someone to recognize the stone nowadays, but some people still use it as jewelry for it's pretty color.

This stone can cause harm to any werewolf that keeps a close contact to it, the symptoms can vary from one werewolf to another according to their age, the age population that is more affected by the stone are: 

childhood; mainly before representing of the wolf identity, this stone can cause the wolf side weakness and acts as a suppressant to the connection between the human and his wolf, it can supress the connection for a certain period of time but it doesn't stop the presenting process of the wolf so the connection is gained again after some period of time but it's weak in the beginning and gets stronger by time.

Aging; it's the time when werewolf is at it's weakest time, both werewokf and human can be weak and fragile during that period so it's easier to weaken the connection again between them...

I skipped that part to the next marked article.


Another time when werewolf is at it's weakest point, having to bear and connect to a baby can be tiring and the stone can strike again easily, it can cause the werewolf to faint easily and prevent pregnancy symptoms or decrease them, this includes the pregnancy pheromones and scent, as the stone strikes again the wolf becomes weaker and the human sometimes become unable to connect to his wolf, as connection between human side and wolf side weaken so does the connection between human and the wolf body, also the connection between the wolf and the human side so the body signs of pregnancy isn't as evident as it normally should be, the human body becomes so weak and fragile and sometimes the embryo is lost.

The book fell from my hand as I stared to the ground, the blury vision made me realize the tears in my eyes,
It was me all along,
I was the reason for all of his suffering, I'm the one that gave him that pendant on his tenth birthday,

That's why his presenting got delayed way more than normal.

That's why he couldn't connect to Chim when he needed him.

That's why he couldn't shift to his wolf body even when he was hurt.

Fuckin hell my mate spent nights and nights crying as his wolf is telling him he isn't pregnant while he might be upstairs carrying our baby without him even knowing!!

He might have lost the baby....

Because of me.

I felt two hands caressing my cheeks, I looked up to the blurry face of Army as she kneeled down infront of me as she wiped my tears.

"I know what you are thinking of right now, Yoongi this isn't your fault, you were just a child".

I let a sob out as I hugged her crying to her shoulder, she rubbed my back softly trying to comfort me.

Yoongi I'm trying to talk to Jimin or Chim to tell them to take off the fuckin' pendant and they aren't fuckin' answering me!

I let go of Army's body and ran out of the room ignoring her calling my name, I ran as fast as I can to our room where I left Jimin sleeping not long ago, my heart was pounding in my ears as I skipped the stairs.

Reaching the room I slammed the door open and stared at Jimin's sleeping body on the bed, his chest rised up and down faster than a sleeping person should.

I walked slowly to him with shaking legs, he didn't budge or move, I reached him and noticed the yellow soft blanket covering him, oh my God if Jimin is really pregnant then the blanket must be his nest!!

I shook his shoulders to wake him but he didn't move, my nerves are wrecked at this point and my tears didn't stop,
"Jimin please, please wake up".

I grabbed the blanket and took it off to look at him properly, I froze to my place as my eyes fell on him, his body shook as he panted, but that wasn't what made my heart stop, it was the thick liquid between Jimin's legs staining the mattress under his body.



Calm down I can see you panicking from here.😂

Don't kill me just wait a little bit more with me please 😂👀

Tell me what you think about this chap👀

Love u 💜🐥✨

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