49-Their little happiness

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A/N p.o.v

Yoongi spent the following three nights by his mate's side, the pendant was taken off Jimin's neck, the pendant was kept away from the pack grounds in a safe place till it was destroyed in the best way.

Yoongi was torn between being sad and happy, sad for his mate's misfortunes, for his mate's pain through the years, for everything he caused unintentionally to Jimin.

And happy for being a father,
The midwife was called immediately when he found Jimin's bleeding state, the whole pack house was waken up by Yoongi's panicked yell and growls for help, the midwife came and assisted Jimin to health and once she was done and made sure his state was stable she turned to the head Alpha who refused to leave the room all along and gave him the happy news.

That Park Jimin is a four weeks pregnant.

The bloody stone would have cost them their four weeks baby, but looks like the moon Goddess finally had pity on the poor Omega's misfortune life and decided to give him a little light of happiness.

Their little happiness.

Now that the pendant was away from Jimin's body his pregnancy pheromones raked the house more than normal as it was suppressed for way too long, Yoongi's instinct to protect his mate and baby was driving him crazy as he kept the door locked on them and spent the three following days watching over his mate and caring for him.

And Jimin's unconscious state didn't help calm his nerves.

The Omega has been unconscious for three consecutive days and the whole pack was worried for thier Luna,
But Suga can feel Chim's presence and he calmed Yoongi that their mate was fine and recovering,
So Yoongi waited.

He spent the time in bed with his mate hugging him and increasing his scent all the time to guide Jimin through his unconscious state, he would bite his mate mark as much as he can to stimulate Chim's senses and encourage him to wake up.

He would spend hours crying and praying the moon Goddess to wake his mate, he just want to feel his small arms around him, he wants to see Jimin's precious smile as his eyes disappear into crescent moons.

He caressed the very very small bump on Jimin's tummy that he acknowledged now as his baby bump and kissed it every morning and every night just like he kissed his mate's sealed lips.

On the fourth day, Yoongi was woken up by a soft caress in his hair, he leaned to the touch in happiness and comfort with closed eyes before his senses came back.

He opened his eyes and stared down at the angel in his arms, Jimin's brown hair that they never had the chance to dye it like the promised was standing up in all directions, his eyes were puffy and red showing that he cried, his lips were stretched in a big soft happy smile as his eyes stared at Yoongi with love and longing.

Yoongi's breath was caught in his throat as Jimin smashed their lips together before he can even say his name, the Omega was kissing him with such passion that left his mind dizzy he missed those lips, he missed the touches of these small chubby finger.

"Tell me Chim isn't making a sick joke",
He looked at his mate's desperate eyes with tears in his own, a soft smile tugged his lips as he kissed Jimin's forehead lingering his lips there,
"He isn't".

It was all it took for Jimin to cry again, he was laughing while crying as his relife, joy and shock mixed together, Yoongi started laughing too as he hugged Jimin tightly.

Jimin's hand caressed his baby small bump with love and disbelieve, his heart was soaring with joy and he felt like a huge amount of his strength was invading his senses and body,
He doesn't know of the whole pendant thing but he can feel something was different,
Like his senses were heightened,
Like his energy was doubled,
Like his body was more strong and light.

He felt his neck was slightly strange, like something was missing, his hand that was caressing his tummy was now touching his neck, the emptiness startled him and Yoongi understood,
"Y-yoonie my pend-",
He was caught off with a small peck from Yoongi's lips and the Alpha sighed,
"Minnie we need to talk about something but let's not talk later, now I just wanna feel you and care for you".

The desperate tone worried the Omega byt he nodded nonetheless and let his mate care for him, feed him, bath him and show him his love.

And Jimin should make himself ready for more and more love and attention for both him and his baby cause Min Yoongi is going to spoil the living lights out of him.


The midwife was walking toward Army with a smile as the girl was laying down on the couch.

"How is my little preggo?",
Army opened her eyes and beamed at the lady, she sat upright yo give space to her to sut down as well,
"I'm pretty fine Nanny, the herbs you gave me helped my morning sickness so thank you soooo much",
The lady gighled and pat Army's head, "you are adorable, did Hoseok finally realize you are pregnant?".

Army sighed and nodded,
"Took him long enough", the midwife laughed in amusement and nodded too,
"Tell me how did he receive the news".

Army started laughing and smiled at the lady,
"Oh Nanny you won't believe, he noticed all the symptoms and signs and still didn't catch the hint that I'm pregnant! He kept on pointing out that my scent was spiking differently and complained about stealing his clothes all the time, but he only understood when he saw me taking the herbs you told me to take for my morning sickness"

"He knew tye herbs were for pregnancy morning sickness? ", tge midwife asked in amusement shock,
"Yeah somehow, and when he saw ne drinking it he froze and stared at me then said 'why are you drinking these?', and I was like 'for my morning sickness babe',
Do you know how he reacted when he finally connected the dots?

The two of them laughed so hard at how adorable the scene was,
"He woke up and the first thing he did when he saw me was lift up my shirt, he saw my baby bump and started jumping all around the room and I was laughing so hard, he kept on kissing my baby bump saying I love you I love you over and over".

Army sighed at the memory in happiness and the midwife chuckled,
"I know he is going to be an amazing father",
"Yes I agree sweetheart and you are going to be an amazing mother too".


I don't do sad things nooooope big nope 😂😂
See it wasn't that bad you wanted to kill me yesterday for nothing
*pout* 👀

The story is nearing its end and I don't wanna end it 😭!!!

Luv u🐥💜

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