54- Babies

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4 months later....

Jimin p.o.v

I'm with Taehyung and Seokjin today at the midwife house for my regular check up and for Seokjin and Taehyung's babies gender reveal.

I still laugh so hard whenever I remember Jungkook's reaction to Tae announcing his pregnancy, poor guy choked on his banana milk and almost fainted.

The midwife welcomed us in and smiled widely at my big baby bump,
I'm almost six months long yet I can't see the ground anymore!
Well...that's what happens to you when you are pregnant with a twins.

At least I'm not the only one, I share the same misery with Army, the girl is pregnant with twins too and she is in her eighth month and she looks like she is about to explode.

"How are the babies?",
I sighed sitting on the couch,
"They are overly energetic, kicks wakes me up every night, even Yoongi is tired of me waking him up to massage my back cause I just feel like it's about to break".

She chuckles and rubs my tummy softly with a soft smile then turns to Seokjin and Taehyung,
"So do you want to know the genders today or want it to be a surprise?",
"I think I already know mine so I'm here for the regular check up Nanny..",
Seokjin said with a soft smile,
The midwife nodded and turned to Taehyung,
"What about you Honey?",
Taehyung nodded excitedly with a boxy smile,
"Alright boys let's start".


We came back home with wide smiles and found our mates sitting on the couch talking, they must have been waiting for us all day.
Jungkook got up once he saw Tae and ran to him holding his hands and jumping up and down excited,
"So, what did she say? Huh? Is it a boy? Or a girl?! Come on Tae say someth-".

"Well shut up so that he can speak dumbo",
Jungkook pouted at Yoongi and Tae chuckled,
"We are having..... A baby boy".

Jungkook held Tae by the waist lifting him off the ground and spinning him around laughing so loud, he stopped and stared up at Tae with love and kissed him deeply.

I smiled at the cute scene and saw Seokjin hyung taking pictures of them on his phone, Namjoon hyung was back hugging him nuzzling his hair in Jin's hair rubbing his baby bump softly.

I squealed when I was lifted up by two strong arms, Yoongi lift me bridal style walking upstairs to our room, he opened it with his foot and turned me around so I can close it.

He walked us to the bed dropping me carefully on it, he took off my sweatshirt and the uncomfortable jeans leaving me in my boxers, he took off his shirt and helped me put it on to cover my body, I took a good sniff at it enjoying the Cinnamon and apple scent drenching the shirt.

He laid me on my back and crawled over the bed sliding himself between my legs, staring down at me with those warm eyes I grew up to love since the day I opened my eyes to this world.

"How are my four babies?",
I stared at him in amused shock,
"Four babies?",
He nodded, "Baby boy Sumin", kissed my left cheek,
"Baby girl Chigi", kissed my right cheek,
"Baby Chim", kissed my nose,
"And baby Jiminie", he whispered and caught my smile in his lips.

We kissed deeply and slowly just enjoying the tasty mix of cinnamon and vanilla on our tongues, Yoongi broke off the kiss and stared at me lovingly, then backed down my body reaching my baby bump, he kissed it twice muttering a quiet 'I love you' making my heart swell with love.

He slid back up my body spooning me and kissing his mark on my neck, I purred softly and snuggled closer to him,
"How is the nursery?",
I asked in sleepy voice,
"Well..Hoseok and Army have been in there all the morning, they decorated it in all colors you all suggested, baby blue and yellow for you, pink for Seokjin hyung, and purple for Taehyung and Army".

I smiled imagining the room filled with babies crying or playing or laughing and giggling, we agreed we want to raise our babies together, it's gonna be so much easier, although part of me is sure that Yoongi would end up insisting the babies should sleep with us in the bed.

Most likely I will agree cause I'm gonna be wanting them too...

I fell asleep imagining the happy family I'm eager to see.


Chim+Yoongi-----> Chigi

Hi everyone I know this is kinda short and I know I didn't update today any story...

I've been sleeping the whole day honestly the several times I mentioned that I fell asleep writing the chap was bec I was sick and I still am..
My sickness just hit hard today and I had fever and my throat hurt and body pain and all the shit you can probably think of 🤦🏻
My parents are suspicious of it being Covid cause this has been going on for almost a week now it just got worse today and I locked myself in my room away from them just in case🤦🏻

So after all this ranting I just wanna say sorry for not updating all day and for the short chap babes but I'm gonna make it up to you tomorrow once I feel better again ❤✨❤✨❤✨

Love you and stay healthy please take care of yourselves 💜✨

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