15-The intruder

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The wolf ran as fast as the wind, small branches breaking under his paws, pants emitting from his mouth as well as pants of the other two wolves that ran by his side, the distance between them and  their target was getting shorter by time.

With one last jump he caught up with the target, stumbling to the ground with him till he pinned him to it, his two fellows soon catching up to him.

The target was an Alpha that dared to enter the Masul grounds when the pack was at the Dagust pack celebration, his scent was still lingering between the pack's houses so it was easy to trace him and hunt him down.

The intruder Alpha growled at the wolf pinning him trying to sound scaring when in all honesty his scent was spiking up with terror, he would have seen the Alpha pinning him smirking at him if they weren't in their wolf forms.

One of the two fellow wolves hurried toward the intruder and hit him couple of times on his head till he blacked out, they carried him to the pack, they were welcomed with the head Alpha Kim Namjoon who smiled proudly at the Alpha,
"Good job Guk" , he said with a smile, the Alpha nodded and headed off toward his cabin where his mate was waiting impatiently for his safe return.

Namjoon nodded to the other two wolves and they understood, they carried the unconscious Alpha to a cell under the pack's grounds and tied him to the small bed, yes the pack was small but not weak, they were ready for any intruders like this.

The two wolves left after that and Namjoon headed to his office waiting for the intruder to gain conscious again to make him answer his questions, he really wanted him to cooperate and answer the questions obediently, otherwise he won't like how Namjoon would get these answers out of his mouth, Namjoon wasn't a violent person, but for his pack's safety he is ready to spill blood.

After 2 hours he was told that the Alpha was now awake, he headed to the packs' cells and stood infront of the Alpha who was still tied up, he looked at him with cold eyes that sent chills down the intruder's body.

"Name, age, pack's name"
The intruder stared at him confused then his stare turned from confusion to anger and nervousness, he turned his head away and kept his mouth shut.

Namjoon sighed mentally, why are they all dump like this, he nodded at Xiumin the Beta that was guarding the cells ordering him to open the metal door of the cell infront of him, Xiumin opened the doors and Namjoon stepped inside, his scent spiked up in authority and the other Alpha's head bowed out of his consent, no wolf can suppress submission to a true blood Alpha.

Namjoon crawled down to his eye level and his eyes shined in ruby red color, he stared to the other's eyes and soul,
"Name, age and pack name!!"
The Alpha trembled violently at the true blood Alpha voice, it sounded like flames and waves were roaring inside his head.

"Ku-kundae, 20, I don't have a p-pack",
Namjoon stared at him for another second, he noticed his eyes shifted to the right side,
He was lying.

Namjoon grabbed his hair tugging at it harshly, the Alpha yelped in pain and surprise,
"Don't fuckin' lie to me, what is your pack name!!!"
The intruder's eyes watered and Namjoon wanted to stop but he can't, Demon's protective side was taking over Namjoon's rational thinking, the wolf felt a strong feeling of threat toward the Alpha infront of him but he couldn't pinpoint where the threat was and this was worrying so wolf so much.

"M-my pack is... It's..the blackf-"
A scream cut his sentence off, Namjoon's head snapped upward where the pack was, they were underground and still the terrifying scream reached them, he let go of the Alpha's hair and ran outside the cell telling Xiumin to lock it and follow him.

When they both reached the pack's grounds they were shocked to see a cabinet on fire, Namjoon's eyes widened in complete horror realizing it was the head Alpha's cabinet,
His cabinet.

"Jin!!!!", He screamed as he ran to the cabinet as another scream broke into the air, it was Jin's voice,
He could hear his heart thumping in his ears about to explode,
No, please no, not again, please God let him be Ok!!
He kept on praying hopelessly inside his head as he reached the cabinet.

Flames were eating everything infront of him, his mate was no where to be seen, his eyes watered in horror as the worst scenarios played in his head, then he heard a whimper upstairs, he ran toward the sound entering his and Jin's bedroom, he found his mate crying on the ground hugging one of Namjoon's shirts to his chest and whimpering in horror as he stared at the flames that didn't reach him yet.

Namjoon ran to him lefting him to his arms and sprinting toward the balcony in their room, the flames were approaching them and Jin kept on whimpering and crying the same words over and over,
"Appa, eomma, Tae, please no, appa!!".

Namjoon's heart clenched at the memories but pushed that to the back of his mind for now, he looked down and saw the whole pack gathered around his cabinet crying and screaming in horror as they watched their head Alpha and Luna getting cornered by the fire, Jimin and Taehyung were crying uncontrollably and kept on screaming for the Alpha to jump.

"Jin, Jinnie please honey look at me!"
He kept on trying to break Jin out of his trance, he needed him to transform and jump out of the house, a wolf can tolerate the jump easily but a human can't of course!
But Jin only kept his eyes shut and crying the same words like a broken record.

" I need you to take over, right now!!"
He screamed at his mate over and over to no avail,
He didn't have another choice but to bite him, the flames were already one meter away already eating the balcony's wooden door easily.

"I'm sorry Jinnie",
He bent down and sank his fangs in Jin's neck right at his mate mark, Jin started to shake and his eyes turned blue as he whined in pain, then his body started to transform to his silver form,
Namjoon transformed quickly, he didn't need to tell to jump and they both jumped and landed safely on the ground, they turned around looking at the cabinet that was a ball of fire now.

Xiumin, Jungkook and all the Alphas and Betas started throwing water and sand at the cabinet till it stopped, Jin had already transformed back to his human form and fainted immediately to Jimin's arms, he and Taehyung took him to the healing den to take care of him.

"What the hell was that?!!",
Namjoon's voice roared as he looked at his cabinet,
"Do you think Jin did something? Like maybe he was cooking and didn't watch out ?", Suho, the head Beta of the pack suggested in a small cautious voice,
It didn't sound convensing, Jin was traumatized of fire amd was extra carfull around the sources of fire like the stove.

Namjoon stayed silent listening to everyone's opinion on how the fire started in the cabinet, it was as if hiatory was repeating itself, he focused his memory on what was happening before the fire broke down, Jin was alone inside there, Jimin and Tae were at the nursery, and Namjoon was in the cells with the Alpha intru-

Namjoons' eyes widened in shock, how can he be so stupid ?!!
He sprinted toward the gates that leads underground to the cells, Xiumin, Jungkook and Suho looked at each other confused but followed their leader quickly, when they reached the prisoner's cell a growel erupted from Namjoon's throat as he stared at the Alpha inside the cell, the locks were broken and blood covered the whole cell's ground and walls.

The Alpha's lifeless body layed there covered in blood streaming out of his sliced throat, his face showed horrified expression as his eyes were wide open and mouth open in a silent scream, Namjoon stared at him in sadness, confusion, and anger, he felt a hand patting his shoulder, he turned around to see Jungkook staring at the wall infront of them,
"Hyung...What the hell is that?",
Namjoon looked to the wall and his heart stopped for a second as he read the words written in Kundae's blood,

                   'You are next'


Poor Jinnie 😥

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