27- Hugging your scars

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Waking up the next day, Jimin expected to find himself wrapped in Yoongi's arms snuggling into his neck, exhaling his scent that both calmed him and sent chills down his body.

But nope.

The Alpha wasn't next to him when he woke up, the orange head boy was disappointed so much that he stayed in the Alpha's bed for an extra hour just drinking his scent and thinking,
Actually overthinking,
So many thoughts and problems were nagging the poor boy that a headache started to kick in.

His pack, scenes from yesterday came flashing again and his eyes started to get teary, he bit his lower trembling lip to prevent any other fit of sobs, he cried enough infront of the Alpha, he embarrassed himself showing how weak and cry baby he was.

Actually Jimin wasn't that tough, he just learnt to mask his vulnerability, he knew Namjoon and Seokjin were having enough problems already, with Joon leading the pack at such a young age and Jin being the Luna who lost both his parents and need to take care of his youger brother and Jimin, it was all too much and Jimin would rather die than feel like a burden.

He sighed again as he once again controlled his emotions, he got up and noticed his pendent hanging loosely around his neck, the red stone shining as brightly as ever being hugged by the little pup, Jimin would stare at the red stone for long time and imagine his mate's eyes shining brightly like this whenever he was protecting Jimin or when was just pissed off, which was so often,
This grandpa has nothing called patience or tolerance.

Jimin chuckled and got up from the bed walking toward the bathroom, he blushed when he looked at the bath tub,
They seriously layed naked in the tub together?!
Like what the fuc-
Groaning at the embarrassing memory he locked the bathroom door and turned the tap on.

He washed his flushed face and closed his eyes, yet all he can see is dark room with a body standing infront of him, faint outline of his body and muscles that the poor moonlight allowed him to barely see, the skin he touched on his waist, the muscles that flexed under his fingertips, it's..it's just...

And you say I'm desperate.

Yelping and jumping in the air with a startle, the poor boy cursed at his wolf,
Chim if I die due to a heart attack you are done too!

The wolf just laughed at him and Jimin groaned, Chim was just 20 years old like himself, he was supposed to be older but the wolf wasn't, the reason is still unknown up untill now but Jimin loves him anyways, it's his own wolf after all.

Jimin I want Suga's mark.

Forget that he hates this shameless wolf.

Chim we talked about this before, we agreed that Yoongi will lead this relationship, I'm not making any move on him so shut up.

The wolf sighed desperately at his human's stupidity, the Alpha literally has hearts popping out if his eyes whenever he is looking at Jimin, yet the later was blind like a bat.

Chim didn't argue any further, he knows his human, he knows why Jimin was afraid to approach the Alpha, Jimin wasn't that confident about his looks, not his face he knows he is handsome, he just hates his body.

The Omega's past didn't slide without marks, the endless injuries and battles didn't go, Jimin's body held many marks and scars from his injuries that the Omega made sure no one would ever see, he knew that an Omega needs to be unmarked for their mates, yes Jimin's marks aren't due to intimacy of another person but still, he hated his body for having marks that weren't made by his mate, he was convinced that he is a disappointment to Yoongi, that the perfect Alpha didn't deserve an ugly marked Omega like him.

The only people who saw his body were Taehyung, Seokjin and Namjoon, living with them and them witnessing his stupid trainings at young age and all the injuries they cured were all seen by them, they were his family and he can be vulnerable around them, specially Tae, his soulmate.

After the shower, Jimin walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and another one on his hair,
"Hello sexy",
The poor Omega having his second jumpscare yelped and clutched his towel for dear life, he turned around and saw Tae sitting on the bed.

"TAE!!", he ran to his soulmate and attacked him in a crashing hug, the beige haired Omega chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller male,
"Careful now careful, I don't wanna see  what's under this towel please",
Jimin laughed loudly and rolled his eyes, they already saw each other naked when they were children, also when they shift to their wolves and are just too stupidly hyped up forgetting to bring extra clothes with them they would just shift back just like that, their bond was so strong to the point that their naked bodies were nothing attractive to each other at all, like they were fully clothed, not to mention Tae was already mated.

"How was your heat?",
"Do you really wanna know how it went like?", Tae sayed wiggling his eyebrows,
Jimin scrunched his nose,
"Actually never mind I don't wanna know",
Tae laughed at his friend's disgusted face.

The laughter calmed down and Jimin walked to the wardrobe to fetch something to wear,
"Come to think of it...doesn't your heat come after mine?",
Jimin stopped for a second,
"Well yeah,..but I'm gonna take suppressants like usual",
Tae looked at him confused,
"Why? Isn't Yoongi hyung gonna help you?", he innocently asked.

Jimin's face flushed and he whined at his friend,
"No Taetae, I don't want any help and that's final",

The door's handle jiggled and both Omegas looked at it alertly, someone was coming in,
Tae looked at Jimin who had a sweatpants on but still no shirt yet, he noticed how Jimin put his hands over the big scar under his belly button and how these hands were shaking, he rushed quickly to his soulmate.

Yoongi walked in expecting to see Jimin still in the bed sleeping peacefully,
What he didn't expect was to see Taehyung standing in the room with his back facing him as he seemed to be hugging something,
Or someone?
He didn't really know since Tae's back was shielding the view.

"Umm, what going on h-",
"Get out!",
The Alpha stared at Tae's back with shocked look,
"The hell Tae? Where is Jim-",
Taehyung turned to the Alpha with blue eyes and stern look,
Jimin clutched Taehyung's shirt hugging his back to comfort him, he knows that Tae just got out of his heat and his emotions and hormones were all over the place, the Omega went to a defensive mood over his soulmate when he saw him shaking like this with a scent spiking with fear and distress,
Jimin was so grateful to have a soulmate like Taehyung, he felt like the Omega was hugging his scars,
Taehyung's scent spiked with warning protective vibes at the Alpha.

Yoongi saw the small hands clutching the fabric on Taehyung's shirt and immediately knew it was Jimin, yet the whole situation was confusing,
He gave them one more look before he slowly backed away, Jimin's head popped over Tae's shoulder and he looked at Yoongi with apologetic eyes, the Alpha relaxed seeing his mate's eyes and left the room quietly.

"Tae he is gone calm down please",
Jimin whispered to the Omega's ear rubbing his back,
Tae seemed to relax and backed away from Jimin and sighed closing his eyes,
He opened them again, now back to their warm brown orbs,
"Sorry Jimine",
"For what? Thank you Taetae I love you".
The two soulmates smiled.


This chapter is just a piece of Jimin's mind and a little vmin moment🐯🐥

Next will be Yoongi's feelings and thoughts with a little bit of action scene,
We gotta find out who is responsible for what  happened to Masul right?

Stay safe and love you all💜🐥

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