12-The survivors

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The Dagust pack was buzzing with movement and chatter, everyone moving around happily preparing the pack for the celebration, the Dagust members were in joy hearing that the Masul pack didn't completely vanish, hearing that there were survivors was a big but happy news.

Jimin and Taehyung stayed the whole day at the Dagust pack preparing and helping, Namjoon agreed to let them stay cause he saw how Jimin and Yoongi were anxious and sad about being separated again in such a short time of reunion they were almost traumatized of being separated after what happened, of course Jin was throwing a fit about leaving them behind but Namjoon managed to calm his mate.

The preparations were done by sunset and everyone was getting themselves ready and presentable to welcome the Masul pack members, some were feeling nostalgic wanting to meet their old friends, others were curious about this pack who seems to be an old friend of the Dagust pack, it has been 12 years after all, a whole new generation at both packs never heard about each other.

By sunset, Jimin and Taehyung was dragged away by a few Omegas of the Dagust pack to make them ready, the Omegas guessed that this orange haired Omega must be their future Luna seeing how he was attached to their Alpha and how they both smelt like each other.

Jimin and Taehyung made new friends too, Soonha and Dahyun were so lovely Omegas that gushed over their cutness making the two male Omegas blush at their words, Soonha was 19 years old and Dahyun was 20, both the two Omegas helped Jimin and Tae get ready dolling them up and making sure they looked hot and alluring.

When the stars appeared bright and extra shiny tonight, few voices were heard from the forest, one by one the brave survivors of the Masul pack appeared at the forest entrance lead by Kim Namjoon the head Alpha.

The pack wasn't a big one, their number was almost 30 or something, compared to Yoongi's pack which was 50 members this isn't a too small pack, cildren held by the Omegas who where in the center surrounded by Alphas and Betas, it was beautiful how they were protecting their Omegas like this, things didn't use to go this way toward Omegas 12 years ago...

But that era, that nightmare, ended, and this new era looks promising and beautiful, Yoongi can sense the beautiful scent of comfort and warmness vibrating off the folk walking toward the Dagust grounds, he was happy Jimin grew in a satisfying circumstances, Namjoon looks like he did a really amazing job toward the broken hearts of this pack.

The two packs greeted each others, gasps and crys of joy was heard as old friends were united again, children talking loudly already exchanging names and ages and offering games and friendships, it was such a warm cozy feeling.

Yoongi looked around with teary eyes, he was beyond happy, hell he was joyful to the point he wanted to cry at the sight, Namjoon approached him putting a hand on his shoulder in a friendly manner,
"We missed you",
"We missed you" ,
They both said at the same time, they smiled at each other warmly.

Yoongi caught his favorite scent, he turned around toward the scent and that's when he saw him, his orange hair was shiny and parted showing his forehead, his eyes had a smokey make up making them more full and beautifully mysterious, shiny earrings on both his ears and a Chanel necklace on his milky beautiful neck.

Yoongi caught his favorite scent, he turned around toward the scent and that's when he saw him, his orange hair was shiny and parted showing his forehead, his eyes had a smokey make up making them more full and beautifully mysterious, shiny earrin...

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Yoongi felt Suga howling in his head, he isn't sure but he thought he heard him saying 'mate', he didn't think much of it and only concentrated on controlling his pheromones which spiked in arousal and love at the Omega's beautiful sight.

Jimin saw him staring at him with wide eyes clearly gulping, he chuckled at the reaction and walked toward him, not before turning to the two female Omegas giggling behind him, they raised two thumbs toward him and whisperd "Good luck!"
He didn't understand good luck about what but he didn't ask, instead he just smiled thanking them then walked toward his childhood friend.

He stood infront of Yoongi, so close that they felt each other's breath on their faces, Yoongi was still in his wolf's trance as Jimin stared at his eyes, he tiptoed and kissed his cheek softly, just a small peck but it was enough to make the Alpha blush.

"Whipped", they turned toward the voice and saw Army staring at them in fake annoyance, Yoongi throw her death glare but she stoke her tongue at him playfully before turning around searching for Hoseok.

Jimin didn't understand what she meant, everyone was acting weird when he is around Yoongi, he shrugged off his worries and took Yoongi's hand dragging him toward the dinning table saying he is starving after so much helping all day.

The Alpha smiled at the cutness and let himself being dragged by Jimin, they sat down with the two pack, the talking and utensils clinking was too loud but it was beautiful and refreshing.

Yoongi noticed Taehyung sitting next to a red haired Alpha, he was tall and muscular but had baby face and considering how his eyes were soft staring at Taehyung who was stuffing his face with food laughing like a child Yoongi could easily guess this was Tae's mate.

Jungkook noticed Yoongi staring and turned looking at him, his eyes switched from soft to strong look as he stared back at Yoongi, Yoongi offered a friendly smile at the young Alpha, he saw how his look softened alittle as he lowered his head in respect, Yoongi returned the gesture, Jungkook turned back to look at his mate with adoration.

The night went on warmly, low humming of Dahyun, Jimin and Tae tightened the night, children's laughter rang in the calm midnight, the two packs felt like one big family.


Okay that was so cozy I felt calm writing it💜

Also I wanted to know whether you want to know what happened to the Masul pack 12 years ago in the next chap or do you want a Namjin moment ? 👀
Orrrrrr if you want a Yoonmin moment that's fine too anything you want babes🐥💜✨

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