35- My love

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Jimin p.o.v

I frickin hate Jin hyung...
I hate him so much I'm seriously contemplating if I should break his new spatula

That would end up with him breaking your neck.

You aren't fuckin helping Chim !!

And I won't help you !! I don't approve of what you wanna do Jimin!

I don't need your approval I'm not doing this!!

I'm gonna tell Suga!

Tell him you lit-

"Stop frowning like this",
I raise my head to the voice seeing Yoongi staring at me with a confused look,
"Sorry hyung..",
"Are you okay?", he said grabbing my hand in his, we were sitting at the dining table in the middle of the pack grounds, both packs are sitting with us chatting away and enjoying their time.

"I'm okay hyung just a little quarrel with my wonderful wolf", I said sarcastically,

Bitch you love me!

"Bitch you wish!!",
A chuckle made me look at Yoongi who was looking at me with an amused look,
"I-I said t-that out load didn't I ??"
, he nodded and I groaned.

"Army are you okay?",
The said girl looks up to Baekhyun,
"Yes Baekie why?",
"I don't know, you seem pale?",
He said more like a question,
Now that I take notice, Army did seem pale all day, she locked herself in her room and when she came out she looked exhausted and pale.

"Babe what's wrong?",
I heard Hoseok whispering to Army, they were sitting a few seats away from me,
"I'm fine Seokie, just spent to much time readi-",
She cut her words off before standing up and running to the pack house,
"Army???", Hoseok got up and ran after her.

"Is she okay?", Jungkook asked,
"I hope so, I'm gonna go check on them", said Seokjin before standing up and following Army and Hobi.

I was about to stand up to go after them but Yoongi grabbed my hand pulling me back to sit next to him,
"Don't you even think about it",
"B-but Army-"
"Army has got her mate with her to take care of her, and I'm your mate and I'm taking care of you", he said sternly,
His words made my heart squeeze in happiness.

"You haven't eaten anything Minnie",
I stared at him before sighing and picking up the bread to eat, he smiled a little bit and continued eating.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my thigh, I looked down staring at Yoongi's pale veiny hand resting over my thigh, okay I'm overreacting now it's just a small affectionate gesture.

I almost chocked when the hand squeezed my thigh slowly, I looked up at Yoongi but he was eating peacefully,
Fucking really???

My face heated up as the hand started squeezing more firmly at different pace, slightly sliding upward, I placed my hand over his to stop him but it didn't work,
"Hyung what the fuck?!", I whispered to him,
He looked at me and smiled innocently, I wanted to punch that smile off his face.

I felt his leg sliding slightly to my ankle nudging it toward him making my legs open slightly, my eyes widened as his hand rubbed my inner thigh, I swear I saw him smirking when my legs started shaking.

Feeling my pants tightening around me I cursed at my mate and prayed that Chim gonna tell Suga I cursed at him and Yoongi.

His hand stopped and started rubbing small circles on my knee, I looked over at the devil next to me and he had a fond smile on his lips, now you are going soft for me?
I rolled my eyes at him and he pinched my thigh in response.

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