29- Acknowledge?

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Spending two hours discussing what was found, the head Alphas ended up with  splitting headaches and confused minds, the morning research they had around the Masul destroyed grounds gave them some evidences that were both helpful and confusing at the same time.

"So let me wrap this up", said Hoseok with a tired sigh, "we are basically dealing with an unknown pack that holds some grudge against Masul and just a little piece of cloth that has scent of coal and grass, which is a disgusting mix in my opinion".

Yoongi hummed in agreement as he rubbed his temples trying to lessen the headache,
"The question is why the fuck would a pack attack another pack? Werewolves packs are quite peaceful at each other, we live the concept of being one whole pack that was just divided into smaller packs!".

Hoseok thought for a moment before turning to Namjoon,
"Do you recognize the scent of coal and grass to be one of your pack members?",
Namjoon looked at Hoseok sharply,
"I hope you are not trying to say that one of my pack members burnt their own home and grounds Hoseok!".

The Beta knew that this was quite unlikely to happen but he can't help but feel something was off or missing.

"Just a second....why now??",
Namjoon and Hoseok looked at Yoongi with confusion,
"This happened 12 years ago, why did they decide to attak now? Why didn't they do it before ?".

That was a point, Namjoon hadn't witnessed any attacks since the night of misfortune that happened 12 years ago.

So why now???

"I think that I forgot to tell you one more thing",
They turned to Namjoon waiting, the Alpha looked so troubled trying to remember something,
"That intruder...when we caught him I forced him to talk about his pack, he tried to say it's name but then the whole burning incident of my den got in the way and he didn't get to complete the name".

Another silent moment then Namjoom groaned,
"Damn I can't remember what he tried to say!!", the Beta groaned as well while Yoongi were silent trying to process everything,
"Ugh this is useless, I'm gonna ask Xiumin if he remembers something, he was there in the cell while I asked the fucker".

"Okay Namjoon you do this", Yoongi nodded still staring into the space thinking deeply about something,
"Hoseok I want you to gather me the names of all the packs that are around the area where Masul located, also tell Chanyeol to gather the names of pack located around Masul's old location from 12 years ago".

The Beta nodded and excused himself to do his mission, Namjoon and Yoongi stayed for another half an hour discussing the securing forces of both packs before they left with a huff both seeking their mates for emotional comfort after this confusing shit they talked about.

Namjoon found Jin in the kitchen cooking with Army, those two seemed to be really close now, they both share the same genes actually, sassy, confident, savage, cute and loving genes.

Namjoon back hugged Jin and started sniffing at his neck for comfort, Army looked at them then cooed at the cute couple,
"Where is my Hobi? I wanna do some cringy shit too!",
Jin laughed at the girl, Namjoon looked at Jin not believing that he didnt scold the girl for saying a bad word,
"She is my soulmate so she can curse as much as she want",
Namjoon scuffed at this,
"And I'm your MATE but I can't curse?".

Jin turned around pecking his mate's lips before shooing him out of the kitchen saying they needed to finish cooking.

Upstairs, Yoongi approached his bedroom door and heard some voices inside which meant Jimin was awake now and someone was inside there with him, he turned the doorknob and noticed how the voices quieted down, opening the door and entering his room he was met by Taehyung's back while he was hugging something or someone.

He got cursed out of the room by a surprisingly angry Kim Taehyung, which wasn't intimidating at all to be honest but he trusted the boy with his mate and wanted to respect Taehyung's wish so he left the room like he was told.

He stood outside the room leaning against the wall, he just wanted to cuddle with his Omega, yes he knows that Suga was restless being away for all this time from his mate, but really something was off with the wolf, he seemed more restless and clingy than usual to Jimin.

Yoongi wondered if it was his rut approaching that is making the wolf this clingy and bitchy, but no, his rut was supposed to be after three weeks from now,
So what is it?!

He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Taehyung exiting the room with Jimin behind him, Tae turned around to the Alpha,
"I'm sorry hyung I didn't mean to order you...or shout at you...or curse at you....damn I really fucked up huh?".

Yoongi laughed at the boy patting his head and telling him its fine, the beige haired Omega grinned and skipped happily to the stairs,
Jimin giggled at his soulmate's behavior and was about to follow him until he found himself being lifted off the ground.

The boy yelped in surprise and looked at his mate, Yoongi was holding him up by his thighs as Jimin threw his arms around his neck for dear life.

The Omega blushed furiously at the hands grabbing his thighs and avoided looking at his mate,
"W-what are you doing? Put me down!",
Yoongi just laughed at his frustrated mate nuzzling his nose with his to calm his shyness down, Jimin felt warmth spreading in his chest at the sweet gesture.

Reaching the bed Yoongi fell on the bed with Jimin still in his arms, the Omega can sense his mate's tired pheromones and noticed the bags under his eyes, he pouted at his tired mate, seeing Yoongi spooning him and closing his eyes he got the hint that the Alpha was tired and telling him he needed him.

After some silent minutes the Alpha groaned,
"Is it bad that I'm disgusted by Tae's strawberry scent on you?",
Jimin laughed so loud at his mate's childish complain,
"Yeah it's normal to hate someone's scent on your mate other than your sc-".

Both of them froze,
That was the first time anyone of them acknowledged their mate bond, both of them didn't know what to do or say now,
Jimin was as red as a tomato.

Yoongi raised his head slowly from Jimin's neck, his hair tickling the Omega's reddened cheeks in the process,
Jimin was closing his eyes so tight refusing to see the older's reaction whatever it was.

Yoongi stared at the boy's face, he really loved this boy, his feelings were all over the place from the morning's meeting to his wolf and how he was acting stupid for unknown reason then Tae's scent that was really pissing him off and now Jimin acknowledged their bond and was laying there under him with red face and quick panicked breaths.

It was all too much.

Jimin's panicked breaths were cut off, he actually stopped breathing, feeling a hand grabbing his hip, another grabbing his neck, hot breaths over his neck, he opened his eyes seeing the fluffy black hair locks infront of his face,

The Alpha raised his head to lock eyes with his mate,
seeing the reflection of his red eyes on the wide terrified brown orbs staring at him.....


Cliffhanger oopsie 😂👉🏻👈🏻👀

I saw all the questions given to the characters and laughed so much at them you all seemed like you are about to kill Yoongi and Jimin 😂😂❤

The answers will be posted either today or tomorrow don't worry💜

Love u all 💜🐥✨

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