14-Back from ashes

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Yoongi sat there silently trying to calm his heartbeats, he really needed to know what happened to the Masul pack 12 years ago, where did Jimin disappear all these years? Why the survivors never mentioned they were still alive nor tried to communicate with any pack around them?
Why didn't Jimin try to reach out for Yoongi...?

Jimin put his hand over Yoongi's cold ones, he knew his hyung wanted to know, he decided to talk without waiting for the Alpha any longer, he was thankful enough his hyung didn't try to make him talk.

He took a deep breath and started his story...

"Everything was so overwhelming, my father continued to hurt me and try to train me, my body was slowly giving up, and I thought I would really shut everything down at any moment and just let it all go,
Namjoon was only 11 years old back then, but he showed so much braveness and strength that could have been mistaken for a full adult power,

He kept on defending us, fighting with my dad, talking to the Alphas trying to knock some sense into their blinded minds, some Alphas agreed with him that what was happening was too much, that the Omegas didn't deserve what was happening to them,

Slowly and secretly a force was formed, and frankly enough Namjoon's father was the leader, the packs' Alphas divided into two groups, some with Namjoon's opinion about Omegas rights...and the other half against him, my uncle, the head Alpha, was completely neutral, he was scared to lose his position if he took any of both sides, both sides was strong and powerful,

There was fights, that's why everyone including Betas of other packs were prevented from entering the pack's grounds, my uncle tried to keep the fights silent as much as he can,
But apparently news spread, the split of the pack was terrifying, our pack was weak, our Alphas were tired and Omegas were hurt, the Betas were tending to the Omegas and Alphas wounds as much as they can, everything was just a big mess"

Jimin stopped to calm his feelings, he still remember these days,
Yoongi was silent the whole time letting the Omega pour his heart to him, sadness was rushing through his veins at what happened to the pack he loved.

"Then one night, the most dreadful night of my life, the night I woke up to the screams of my pack, everyone was running around screaming, I left my room limping to see what was happening, when I left I saw flames eating everything around me, the houses were  balls of fire, some people were on the ground sc-screaming, they- they were on fire and burning, children were t-trying to approach their burning parents trying to help them, other people were trying to prevent them touching the burning bodies of their parents, c-cries and screams,
It was horrible Yoongi..."

Jimin took a shuddering breath, Yoongi wrapped his arm around the Omega's shoulders for comfort, the Omega  smiled at him appreciating his concern.

"I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist and I was pulled away from my spot just when a piece of burnt ceiling fell to the ground right were I was standing, I opened my eyes and saw my dad looking at my face frantically and screaming at me if I was ok, he then took my hands and pushed me away from the house trying to get me away from the flames of the pack, he noticed me limping because of my injured leg and looked at me with pain and sorrow, he left me off the ground and ran with me in his arms till we reached the beginning of the forest, he told me to stay there and promised me to come back, but before he left he turned to m-me and ki-kissed my forehead, he- he begged for my forgiveness Yoongi, then he rushed back to the pack, I tried to stay like he asked me to but I couldn't, I was only 10 years old hyung, I was terrified, but I felt a strange feeling, like I... like I won't see him again,
and the thought of other children there suffering and watching their parents burning alive or even one of them being caught on fire made me go back to the village,

I saw Namjoon trying to help a boy, he was crying and struggling in Namjoons' arms to let him go to two bodies caught on fire on the ground, the boy kept on screaming and trying to punch Namjoon but he never let him go, till the two bodies went limb on the ground, the boy fell to the ground crying as Namjoon tried to calm him down and drag him away,

A scream from the house near them was heard, the boy's head snapped to the house as he stood up to rush in the house that was apparently his, Namjoon ran after him,

I was about to run after them when I heard other screams, I helped whom I could help, then I felt wet drop on my forehead and realized it was raining, it was the heaviest rain I have ever witnessed, it was as if the moon Goddess was crying for our misfortune,

The flames died down but the rain didn't, later I saw Namjoon getting out of the house with that boy and another younger boy in his arms,
We gathered those who survived and left the pack that was once our home, when the rain stopped and the grey gloomy clouds were gone it was morning already, we left before the news of our disaster reached the ears of the nearby packs, we didn't want any attack we were really weak and tired,

13 Alphas and Namjoon, 8 Omegas and me and 6 betas was all that survived that horrifying night...

We escaped to the forest and hid in the trees for years, mates brought new additions to our pack, werewolves with no pack who managed to come across ours were welcomed in, and that's how we managed to bring Masul back to life again, all under Namjoon's leadership and our luna"

Yoongi didn't know what to say, he was silently crying next to Jimin, he doesn't know how did they manage to keep their  minds sane after all of this.

"The boy who Namjoon saved... It was Seokjin right??", Yoongi asked in a hushed voice,
"Yeah, the younger boy they saved was Tae, Jin hyung's brother", he answered as he stared at the lake remembering every detail.

"My dad and mom didn't survive, neither did Jinnie and Tae's  parents, Namjoon's mom died when he was 5 years old but his father survived and became our head Alpha, we lived together for years,
I was so traumatized after that night and spent sleepless nights waking up to nightmares of people caught on fire and screams of pain and agony,
Joon hyung and Jin hyung became my parents figure as they tried to ease down my trauma pushing away their own traumas,

When Namjoon was 15 years old his father died and Namjoon had to take over at such a young age, but the whole pack trusted him, him and Jin helped the Omegas to slowly gain back their spirits and self confidence, when me and Tae overcame our pains and traumas we decided to help as well"

Yoongi smiled at him with tears still in his eyes, his baby Chim was so strong, his baby Chim was so mature and responsible and he felt his heart soaring with pride and love at the Omega.
Jimin was oblivious to the Alpha's reactions as he moved on with his story.

"I forgave my dad, do you believe I really miss him sometimes? Even after all he did, he was my father no. matter how much he hurt me,

my dad's attempt to train me and make me stronger wasn't worthless, I used all the things I learnt through blood and pain to train the Omegas of our pack properly, the Betas helped as well and our Omegas are pretty much able to defende themselves now, the Omegas are even considered the last line of defense in our pack if anything happened, we are trained to protect our babies if our Alphas weren't around, we aren't weak anymore"

The way Jimin spoke with such confidence and pride and strength made Yoongi's heart flutter, he oddly found it a turn on and he couldn't help but gulp as he stared at Jimin in complete adoration and respect.

"Tae decided to help at the nursery, Jin took the healing path, everyone helped, everyone was strong, everyone cooperated to rise up bring Masul back to life",
Jimin finally turned around and stared at Yoongi in the eyes with a small warm smile
"Masul was back to life from ashes.... and here we are now"


Aaaaaah 1500 words!!
I hope this wasn't triggering too much (⊙_☉)

So here you go, what happened to Masul and how Namjin meet.

What do you feel about Jimin's father ? 👀

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