23- Good morning

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Jimin woke up to sound of quiet giggles, he was so so tired he didn't want to even know who was laughing or what were they were laughing at, his bed was so soft and his sheets were the warmest he felt in years, they smelt of cinnamon and were warm and soft and firm an-.

He opened his eyes quickly hissing at the bright light that attacked them, he opened them again slowly this time and looked around, he was in the living room?

Memories rushed back from last night,
Him sleeping next to Yoongi,
Waking up to the Alpha licking his neck,
Them promising to get back their old days,
His purring before falling asleep,
Gosh he fucking purred!!!

He looked to the side and was meet by Yoongi's face only centimeters away from his face, the older's breath fanning his lips and their noses touching slightly, Jimin's face went dark red in 0.00001 second.

He blinked twice and noticed their position, the Alpha was sleeping over him!, his arms were wrapped tightly around the Omega's waist with one hand touching..his..bum.

Jimin's face went even redder, if that's even possible, as he realized the Alpha's hand touching his back, he tried to shake him alittle which ended with him receiving a groan and a soft squeeze, the Omega's eyes widened and he squeaked in embarrassment.

The sound woke up the older and Jimin went on full prayer mode for Yoongi to be in control and not Suga, he watched his mate as he left his head slightly and opened his eyes slowly, thank God they were brown.

Jimin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, the Alpha looked at him dazed still trying to process where he was and who was he hugging, Yoongi really wasn't a morning person.

However,he felt something soft in his hand and instinctively squeezed it, another squeak made him open his eyes but before he could process anything he went flying to the ground.

He graoned as his back met the floor harshly, he layed there in starfish position already cursing in his mind at the start of the day,
"No no I can't anymore pfffft hahahah "
Both mates snapped their eyes in the direction of the voice as a fit of laughter was heard.

Hoseok was on the ground with Army on top of him both laughing so hard with tears in their eyes, Jin was holding onto his mate's shoulders as he laughed as well with a windshield-like laughter, Namjoon holding a phone pointing it's camera at the couple as he stiffled his laugh as well.

It was too early for their shit!

Yoongi growled at them but they didn't stop laughing, he rolled his eyes and looked at Jimin on the couch, the Omega stuffed his face in a cushion and Yoongi was sure he was blushing more than a tomato.

After that...funny morning, they were sat at the dinning table, Yoongi and Jimin sat next to each other, the Omega was still a blushing mess but at least their friends dropped the subject, the Alpha's head was on the table with his eyes closed, he was facing Jimin and the Omega couldn't help but stare at his soft features.

Jimin smiled lovingly and grabbed a fried potato toward his nose, the Alpha's nose scrunched as he sniffed, he opened his mouth and tried to take the potato but Jimin decided to tease him and grabbed it away, the Alpha's lips formed a pout and Jimin tried not to laugh.

He neared the potato toward  Yoongi again and watched as the Alpha's closed eyes twitched at the delicious smell, before Jimin can do anything his fingers and the froed potato were attacked by the older.

Yoongi's soft lips were wrapped around Jimin's fingertips as he took the potato in his mouth, he was half asleep but stil able to comprehend that something was in his mouth other than the potato, he opened his eyes and stared at the blushing wide eyed Jimin setting next to him.

Yoongi smirked mentally as he touched the younger's fingertips with his tongue, the Omega screeched and puuled his hand away like he has been burnt or something.

The Alpha chuckled at the younger's reaction and took some fried potatoes and started eating them calmly as if nothing happened.

Jimin blinked at him twice then turned his blushing face away and stared at his food, he was supposed to go wash his hand after the elder's touched it but he really didn't care and started eating as well, Yoongi noticed this and it was his turn to blush slightly as he smiled down at his plate.

"Can they be any more oblivious than this?", Army whispered to Jin as everyone watches the couple interaction with mouths wide open,
Jin shrugged and turned to Namjoon to give him  bacon and bread.

"Oh where is Taekook?", Hoseok asked with mouth full of bread and egg, Army smiled at his puffed cheeks and kissed them mumbling cutie under her breath, Hoseok smiled at her and swallowed then kissed her temple lovingly.

"Taekook are still upstairs, I think Tae went into his heat last night so Jungkook hadn't left his side since then", Jin said while eating his breakfast,
Jimin's eyes widened but he didn't speak,
"But...I can't smell anything, no sweet scent or anything",
"That's because he took a scent masking pill once it hit him last night...aaaaand Jungkook is taking care of him so...yeah".

Yoongi noded at Jin's answer and turned his attention back to his food,
"Jiminie canyou please give Jungkook and Taehyung their breakfast? You know Tae is comfortable with you and Jin around his heat but Jin and I have to go check on the Masul pack members after the breakfast", Namjoon said looking at the younger.

Jimin was staring at his food without noticing the stares he is receiving, Yoongi looked at him worried and grabbed his hand under the table, the younger snapped from whatever trance he was caught in and looked around him blushing.

Namjoon repeated his request and Jimin being the angel he is agreed immediately, he took a tray and puy plates of egg, bacon, fried potato, toast and olives inside it, he took two glasses of orange juice and tried to balance everything, Yoongi glanced at him and hurried toward him taking the glasses of juice from him to be easier for him to go up the stairs, Jimin smiled at him gratefully and they walked together toward the younger couple room.

Jimin was about to knock om the door but stopped, he turned to Yoongi and shook his head,
"Hyung I think its better if you go back some meters away, Jungkook wouldn't want any Alpha near Tae right now",
The Alpha nodded and put tge two glasses down before stepping away leaving the younger.

After Jimin gave the youngers their breakfast and checked on his best friend wellbieng he left them and went toward his hyung who was patiently waiting for him,
"How is Taehyung?", he asked the younger,
"He is fine, his back hurt alittle but thats normal", the Omega said with a slightly pink cheeks.

Yoongi nodded and stopped in his track, the younger looked at him,
The Alpha grabbed Jimin's waist and pulled him to his chest, the younger stared up at him with a schocked flushing face, Yoongi just smiled and kissed Jimin's forehead then his cheeks, and nuzzled his nose to the younger's nose closing his eyes and taking in the beautiful refreshing secnt of coconut.

Jimin smiled softly at him pulling back a little and kissed the Alpha's nose causing him to giggle,
"Well good morning to you too Yoonie hyungie".


Haaaaaah, the young love....
Never experienced it 😂😂😂😂😂

Anyways hope you liked it babes💜
Thank you so much for all the support love you guys so much🤗❤

So any specific moment wanted on the next chap?

Taekook, Namjin, Hope and Army

Or do we keep it on Yoonmin? 👀

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