22- Old days back

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Yoongi layed there staring at the beautiful Omega sleeping beside him, his mind went blank for a moment as he stared at his face, taking in every detail, from his crescent shaped closed eyes to his slightly opened plump lips.

Yoongi's hand approached the younger's face caressing his cheek softly,
God he missed this so much,
He still remember their childhood memories, how they would cuddle comfortably together instead of this awkward distance,
How they would exchange small innocent kisses without much thought to it,
He still remembers when Jimin sucked on his lower lip to sleep,
The Omega didn't really mean to kiss him but the innocence the kiss held was more alluring and adored than anything else.

Jimin has surly grown up, his chubby cheeks were still there though, they reminded him of times when Jimin was 3 years old and Yoongi was 5 and the Alpha would bite them softly to draw a giggle from the younger.

He missed those days, he missed how he touched Jimin so freely without a worry, there was a strange kind of longing to the Omega's soft skin that Yoongi couldn't understand, Yoongi was almost hungry to feel the Omega's body pressing against him.

His thumb caressed Jimin's plump lower lip slowly taking in how soft and pillowy they felt like, his tongue wetted his lips staring at the Omega's blissful ones.

He bent and kissed his cheek right next to his lips, lingering there altitle bit and literally fighting the urges to move his lips to the sleeping Omega's lips.

However, he felt a hand sneaking to his chest and resting there, he moved away from the Omega's face and looked at the his eyes expecting to see them opened, but he was meet with a sleeping Jimin just caressing his chest slowly, the touch was so loving and caring it made the Alpha's heart swell.

He put a hand on the Omega's smaller one that was still on his chest and moved it toward his heart, the Omega's eyes twiched a little but remained sleeping.

They stayed like this for awhile, Yoongi still staring at his mate lovingly while his hand caressed the younger's kunckles,
Jimin moved unconsciously closer to Yoongi as he wrapped his arm around the Alpha's shoulders pulling himself closer to him.

The Alpha froze as the Omega started nuzzling his face to the crook of his neck, his cold nose touched Yonngi's throat and made him realise that his mate was cold, the Alpha's instinct kicked in and he wrapped his arms around his mate's waist bringing him closer and pressing him to his body to warm him up.

A contented sigh was heard from the still sleeping Omega as melted into his mate's strong arms,
Yoongi's wolf was howling in satisfaction at having his mate in his arms like this.

The Alpha sniffed Jimin's hair taking in the beautiful mix of coconut and vanilla, his nose kept sniffing and unconsciously he lowered his head to have more and more scent, approaching the Omega's scent gland with his hypnotized head and sniffing right above it.

The Omega seemed to feel the nose touching his sensitive part of his neck and whined in his sleep baring his neck to his mate, Yoongi growled slightly at the act of submission and kept sniffing his neck right over his scent gland.

His mind was clouded and he was high off the Omega's scent making him run his tongue slowly over the spot, it was a small kitten-like lick but it was enough to make the Alpha moan at the taste, he was sure he almost tasted vanilla on the Omega's neck and it made his scent spike.

The lick, however, made Jimin wake up and he froze seeing Yoongi's hair in his face, the Alpha's face was still buried in his neck and he didn't notice that he was awake now.

Jimin was about to ask his mate what the hell was he doing when the words got caught in his throat, he bite his lips to prevent any sound leaving them, closing his eyes as he felt wet thing pressing against his neck right over his scent gland.

Another growl was heard from the Alpha, almost like a frustrated one, but he stopped, he pulled his face away from his mate's neck and sighs with his eyes closed,
"What the hell am I doing? He is asleep!",
He whispers to himself in a low voice still oblivious to the fact that his mate was now awake and staring at him with wide eyes.

Jimin stared at his mate's face that showed regret or pain, he was sure the Alpha was mentally beating himself for what he did, but God did Jimin enjoy it.

He smiled and put a hand slowly over his Alpha's cheek, the older visibly stiffened and opened his eyes slowly looking at his mate, his eyes went wide seeing the Omega awake.

"Ho-how long have you been awake?!",
"Mmm...just one lick", the Omaga said teasingly, he laughed watching the Alpha's cheeks turning slight red under the moonlight entering through the windows of the living room.

"I'm s-sorry Chim", he said in a whisper looking away from the Omega's eyes,
"For what hyung?",
"For doing...this, you were asleep and I should have respected your priva",
He was cut off with a lips pressing against his jaw, the Omega smiled at him,
"Don't hyung, I want our old days back, you used to wake me up with kisses all over my face, you used to kiss my neck and forehead without much thought, I hate this hesitation, I hate this awkwardness hyung, so don't....don't let these days fade because of the long time we weren't together".

He looked at Yoongi's eyes pleadingly,
"Please hyung...I want to be back like we used to be",
The Alpha stared at his mate for seconds before kissing his forehead tenderly,
"I want my clumsy Chim back too Jimin",
Jimin smiled up at him and nuzzled his face in his neck, the Alpha smiled feeling happy that there will be no more awkwardness between them, a soft purr was heard and the Alpha chuckled happily listening to that soft sound he hadn't heard for years and years.

Jimin didn't mention anything about their mate bond, he just wanted their childhood bond for now and Yoongi was fine with that, he will let Jimin lead their relationship and he will wait for the younger, just the fact that Jimin is in his arms again is enough for him, having him by his side is enough for him, they are together now.

They are okay now.

"Did you take it?", Jin whispered in Army's ear as she snapped a photo after a photo of the couple snuggling together on the couch,
"Yup", she said with a smirk showing the photo to the older Omega.
They both squealed looking at the photo before they went back to their rooms.


Here you go I hope that was a good fluffy chap😉🐥

Love you ❤🐥🐱

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