13-The lake

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After the feast and the chit chat, the two packs gathered at the forest entrance, everyone shifted to their wolf form and wandered together around the forest, the night breeze was beautiful as it left the flowers aroma to the werewolves noses.

The young started racing and challenging each other, the elders just walked around basking in each other's presence, as usual the Alphas and Betas were responsible for the safety of both packs.

As for our boys, Yoongi and Jimin shifted and went together to who knows were, Jin was in his silver wolf form watching them as they disappeared behind the tall trees, he was about to step toward them when he felt a light tap on his leg, he turned around to find his mate akready in the black fur of his wolf looking at him.

Jin looked at his mate and was sure he was falling over again, how this black wolf manages to capture his heart every time is a mystery to Jin, maybe it's his kind eyes? Maybe the way he treats Jin like a delicate flower? Maybe how kind hearted and thoughtful he is?
Maybe all of it?

Namjoon approached Jin and touched their noses together, this touch was a kiss in werewolves language, this touch showed love and trust.

Jin stared at his eyes, he knows that Namjoon wants to say something but hesitating, so he nuzzled his nose in his mate's neck, Namjoon looked at him and Jin nodded, a sign to show it was Ok to talk.

The Alpha looked at his mate for seconds before he used the mate link to talk,
"Jinnie, I know you care for Jimin, I know you consider him as our child, I know the reason you don't want him to go near Yoongi is that you are afraid Yoongi will claim his right in Jimin as his mate and have him by his side away from us"
Jin stared at his paws the whole speech, everything Namjoon said was right.

Namjoon neared his mate and licked his ears playfully,
"But Jin don't you think that's unfair for Chim?"
Jin nodded and whined,
"You know I can't live without Jimin and Tae by my side Joonie, it was a relief that Kookie was a member of our pack so Tae didn't need to leave me, but now Jimin.."

Namjoon nudged his neck hand licked it,
"I know baby, I'm gonna miss Chim Chim as well, he is like a son to me too"
Jin whined again but didn't say anything else, they walked silently together, Namjoon knew what it feels like to lose a family member, of course the type of loss is different in Jimin's case but still, he knows Jin's wound didn't completely heal from that dreadful night...

Jin stopped in his track all of a sudden, he turned to Namjoon who was confused and slightly alert because of his sudden stop
"Wait a second, how come Yoongi never mentioned Jimin being his mate? Why didn't Jimin talk to me about his bond with Yoongi?"

Namjoon stared at the sky for a second, he did really wonder why they didn't notice they were mates, Alphas tend to claim their mates and announce them to their packs.

"Didn't Yoongi and Jimin meet for the first time in the forest?", Namjoon asked his mate,
"Yeah, they did"
"And they were in their wolf forms right?"
"Yeah, so wha-....oh", Jin realized what Joon meant and chuckled,
"A wolf can detect his mate when their eyes glow with the color of their wolves, so if they were already in their wolf form they won't notice a change in their eye color"
"Yes Jinnie, and they are stupid enough to mistake their feelings and bond into just a friendship feelings"

Jin chuckled again and neared his mate,
"Enough with those two dorks, I demand some attention", he said seductively, the Alpha's chest growled in content as his mate rubbed thier necks together mixing their scents.

"I know I said this millions of times already but....I love you Jinnie",
"Aish, why so cheesy you ruined the mood!"
They laughed contently and continued their walk under the moonlight.

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