16. Christmas

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16. Christmas

"Jaxson, it's Christmas!" I squealed in excitement. He grinned, more at my excited tone than his own actual emotions. Andy and I both knew Jax wouldn't really understand or remember what was going on today, but that didn't stop either of us from going overboard.

I walked down the stairs, minding the wreath decorated railing. When I reached the living room, Andy was sitting on the floor in only his red plaid pajama pants. The lighting in the room put his tattoos on perfect display. My new favorite was the one he'd added just below his heart that read, Jaxson Andrew in cursive. Underneath it, was 8.19.12, Jaxson's birth date. It was right below his "Starlight" tattoo. He said it would help him when he was gone, to know that the two most important people were always close to his heart.

Jax had spent the majority of the night crying and refusing to sleep, so I knew he would be power napping at some point today. It had also made things a lot harder for Andy and I. Since we kept having to get up and comfort him, it had taken a lot longer than we'd planned to finish getting the house in order and wrapping presents. We'd finished at 3 AM, just long enough for us to get a good 5 hours of sleep. 

I sat down on the floor beside the bright ornament-lined Christmas tree. I curled my legs underneath me and balanced Jaxson in my lap.

"Ok, first present," I smiled.

Andy grinned, grabbing a neatly wrapped red present from beneath the tree. Jax immediately reached for it, running his hands along the shiny wrapping. Andy opened it for him, letting Jax hang on to the paper. 

"Look, Jax," Andy said. "It's a laptop, so you can be like mommy and daddy."

Jaxson loved to bang his fists against the keyboards of our laptops whenever we were working, so we figured we'd get him his own. It was a baby version, of course, filled with a keyboard of buttons that cued lights and sounds.

Our son ignored the toy, instead mesmerized by the way the wrapping paper glinted beneath the lighting. Andy snapped a picture with his Canon, shaking his head. Once Andy finished "capturing the moment," he opened the next present, this time garnering Jax's attention. It was a stuffed monkey, standing at nearly 3 feet. Jaxson immediately explored the toy, crawling onto it and tugging at its arms. 

We finished opening the presents, which included a new bouncing jumper, an ocean themed play gym, batman pajamas, and an assortment of other clothes. Andy and I had wanted to purchase more, but we both knew his honorary aunts and uncles would be showering him in presents as well.

I shoved all the trash away, now moving on to the other presents. Jax was busy with all his new toys and Hades was already gnawing on the large bone he'd gotten for Christmas.

"Now, your presents," I grinned, grabbing the boxes from beneath the tree. We'd agreed to only get each other two presents, knowing if there wasn't a limit we would go absolutely crazy with gifts. Plus, limiting ourselves increased the special thought that went into each one.

Andy grinned as I handed him the box. I'd wrapped it in red and green Christmas themed wrapping paper, using the tricks my mom had taught me growing up to make it look perfect. I'd wrapped it in thick gold ribbon, curling the ends of it so it spiraled around the box. Savagely, Andy ripped off the paper, throwing the ribbon and gift wrap to the side. I rolled my eyes at the waste of time I'd spent on expertly wrapping the gift.

"Oh my God," he breathed, pulling the gift out of the paper. I smiled as he held it up. I'd found an exact replica of the mask Christian Bale had worn playing Batman. "Are you serious right now?"

I laughed. "Do you like it?"

"I fucking love it," he grinned.

Andy pulled the mask on and mimicked Batman's voice. "I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be." He laughed. "This is perfect."

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