31. Be Mine

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*1 Year Later*

“I wish I could be there, starlight,” Andy said earnestly. “If there was any way I could be with you right now, instead of in the UK, I would be there in a heartbeat. But, I just can’t. I hope you understand.”

“I do,” I replied, hoping my dejection didn’t show through in my voice.

I’d known Valentine’s Day was going to be lonely. When he left on tour three weeks ago, I knew it was going to be a long time until I saw him again. However, that didn’t make it hurt any less. There was something about the constant stream of love today that reminded me just how much I missed him. The days since I’d seen him suddenly felt like years.

“I love you, baby, you know that, right?”

“You won’t let me forget it,” I teased.

“Shut up,” Andy replied and I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I love you too. Hurry home.”

“I will. Always. Bye, starlight.”

“Bye, honey,” I replied, ending the call and staring at the phone for a few moments.

I sighed, putting the final dinner plate into the dishwasher and closing the door. I changed the settings, turning it on and filling the kitchen with the almost silent hum of the machine. I could hear Camilla and Jaxson playing upstairs and the sounds of their childish enjoyment made me smile. At school, they had given and received Valentine’s cards while being loaded up with sugar. I knew a crash from all the chocolate and conversation hearts would be coming fairly soon.

A knock on the door directed me away from my thoughts. Unlocking it, I smiled at the sight that greeted me.

“I have a delivery for Hailey Biersack,” a uniformed man informed.

“That’s me,” I answered, signing for the package and bringing it into the house. 

I could tell the gift had been pre-wrapped by the company, knowing Andy was incapable when it came to wrapping paper and ribbons. I carefully ripped open the package, being met with the face of a white box. I pulled off the lid. Nestled in a cocoon of tissue paper was a soft tan bear with a sewn smile and large black eyes. A red ribbon was laced around its neck. I smiled at the plush stuffed animal, pulling it out of the box and into my arms. It was soft and warm, the smell of Andy’s cologne distinct on the bear’s fur. I breathed it in, grinning and cuddling the teddy bear against me.

A happy blush spread across my cheeks as I looked in the box once more. A bouquet of red roses, accompanied by a smattering of baby’s breath, was placed carefully in the white tissue paper. I pulled it out, smelling the sweet scent of the flowers and forcing back the happy tears that lined my eyes. It had been years since Andy and I had spent a Valentine’s Day apart, but even today with him thousands of miles away, he could still make me melt.

Finally, I pulled out the letter that sat at the bottom of the box, unfolding it carefully. It was handwritten on white paper, Andy’s jagged scrawl filling the page. I smiled as I read it, letting the sweet words fill the room with Andy’s enigmatic presence.

Hey beautiful,

I’m sorry I can’t be there to see you open this. I know you’re smiling right now and it’s one of those unbelieving, grateful smiles that I love. But I love all of your smiles, even the ones when you’re making fun of me. It has been almost 10 years since I met you and that blows my mind sometimes. I still feel like you’re the 18 year old that I met at the back of a concert venue, all shy and giggly. You’re still as beautiful as ever and every time I think that I can’t love you anymore, you prove me wrong. You’re strong and beautiful and smart and sweet. Everything about you gives me goosebumps and just thinking about it makes me wish I was there to kiss you. Never forget that I love you, never ever. It’s all done for you, starlight. Hug Jax and Milla for me. I miss them every day and I can’t wait until I can come home to you all. I love you, starlight. My heart is forever yours to hold. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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