25. It's All Done For You (Part 2)

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When I arrived at the venue, the crew was already setting up Black Veil Brides' equipment and the guys were getting pumped up in the rehearsal room. As Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue blared around us, I gave Andy a good luck kiss, promising to watch from the light and sound area. 

By the time, I reached the back of the venue, the guys were already filtering onto the stage. Andy immediately took control of commanding the crowd, while the shrieks of fans filled the venue. It blew my mind that years ago, I was one of those girls screaming my lungs out at the sight of a man I admired. 

The guys moved through their set list, fueled by the excitement of the loud, moving crowd. I loved watching Andy run around the stage excitedly. It was nice to see him in his element, doing what he was truly passionate for. He hung onto the microphone stand as he sung softly, before running around the stage and jumping onto whatever object he could reach. Teasingly, Andy ran his tongue up the cool metal of the microphone stand, sending the fangirls shrieking. I couldn't help but giggle, knowing that tongue belonged to me and no one else. After eight or so songs, Jinxx, CC, and Ashley left the stage and the guitar tech handed Jake his acoustic guitar.

"So, we don't play a lot of slow songs live," Andy confessed to the crowd who shrieked in response. "But tonight my beautiful wife is here and I want to play a song I wrote for her."

I felt my cheeks flush as his gaze landed on me and he smirked.

"Hailey, you mean the world to me and I hope you know that. You inspire me and give me purpose. So, in return, every single thing I do is for you. It's all done for you, starlight."

I smiled, happiness coursing through me. Tears slid down my face and I cursed them for most likely messing up my makeup. I couldn't be too mad though because before me was my amazing husband. I knew Andy had written me songs before, but he'd never performed them in front of an audience. In that moment, I was so in love with him I didn't know what to do but watch him in awe as I tried to stop my happy tears.

Jake began slowly strumming as Andy moved his mouth closer to the microphone, his eyes locking with mine. 

"The best things in life come with a price. The star that burned so bright faded the fastest. You'll always feel it's right even when we end the fight. Welcome home, home tonight," Andy sang, filling the venue was his deep raspy voice.

"Singing oh, oh. Welcome home tonight. Oh, tonight. Words they don't know how to make amends and all they do is push you to the edge, but it's not wasted."

By the time Andy had reached the second verse, I was crying like something bad had actually happened. I was just so happy. The song was so sweet and I couldn't believe he'd actually written something so beautiful for me. It was a little overwhelming -- a tattoo and a song all in one day. It just made me realize how much Andy did love me. No matter how much we fought or made mistakes, we were never going to end. 

"It's all done for you," Andy sang, repeating the line several times.

I immediately understood the reasoning behind the portion of his tattoo earlier, making the words even more meaningful. Everything I did was for him, as well. We were a couple, a team, and I would never let him down. I'd made mistakes, we both had. However, at the end of the day, we were absolutely unbreakable.

Andy shot me a sweet smile before Jake's acoustic guitar was replaced with an electric and the rest of the band members returned to the stage. 

"Thanks for letting me serenade my wife, you guys." Andy smiled at the crowd. He was met with the usual yells. "Now, we're going to play a song from Wretched & Divine. It's called Devil's Choir."

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