6. If These Sheets Were The States

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I watched, leaning against the door frame, as Andy zipped up his brimming suitcase. His second one was already waiting by the door, along with the small briefcase bag he used to carry his books, laptop, and personal items.

He turned, frowning when he spotted me. Taking a few steps forward, he wrapped me in his arms, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm going to miss you, starlight," he whispered. "I wish I didn't have to leave."

I nodded. "I'll miss you, but you have to go. You know I don't want to hold BVB back."

"You're much more important," Andy sighed.

I rolled my eyes, giving him a long warm kiss. I hated to see him leave. Every time, it broke my heart even though I should be getting used to it." Black Veil Brides was leaving for a month long tour in the UK and Australia. Andy wanted to get the tour out of the way so he could be here for our son's birth.

Andy pulled away, dropping to his knees in front of me and resting his hand gently on my swollen stomach. "I'm going to miss you too, Jaxson," he stated. "Be good for mommy, okay? I'll come home as fast as I can so that when you decide to grace us with your presence, I'll be one of the first people to hold you."

Andy placed a soft kiss on my protruding bump. It was getting quite obtrusive, as I was seven and a half months. I was going to miss Andy's almost constant serenading of my belly though. Since the pregnancy books had said the baby could hear, Andy had been taking full advantage of it. We'd be sitting in the living room, me watching a TV show, while he stared at my belly and had a long one-sided conversation. Every night, he'd sing to Jaxson, his deep voice serving as a lullaby for both the baby and I.

I tried to avoid thinking about all the things I'd miss with Andy. It hurt knowing I'd have to go a month without the things that seemed so insignificant but really meant the world.

Once we double checked that Andy had everything he needed, we exited into the garage. We climbed into my SUV, leaving Andy's new black Cadillac Escalade swaddled in the protection of the garage.

After the car accident, we'd begun looking at new cars a few days later. However, it took Andy another week to decide which one he was going to purchase. He was torn between wanting to look like a badass and wanting a car that would have plenty of room for me, Jaxson, and "any additions," he'd added with a wink. I laughed, but I honestly couldn't even imagine having another kid. Despite being grateful for Jaxson and finding a lot of joys in pregnancy, I was getting kind of over it. I was tired and sore and sick of people asking me how far along I was. In the beginning, everything had been so cute and new, but now I was just ready for this to be over and to have little Jaxson in my arms.

After many nights of Andy debating, he'd decided on the Escalade. He claimed it was huge and pretty kickass, but also made him feel like a dad. I thought it was cute that he wanted to prove his fatherliness in a way.

The drive to the airport was daunting. Knowing that my husband was going to be gone for an entire month broke my heart. I wanted to beg him to stay and tell him the truth, that I wasn't sure if I could do this on my own. It was how I felt every time he had to leave, but I always managed to survive. Skype and phone calls helped; however, it wasn't anywhere near physically being with him.

Since most of the guys lived closer to LA, instead of Orange County where Sammi, Jinxx, Andy, and I lived, the flights had all been booked through LAX. This meant that there was an hour long drive until we reached the airport, and that was with no traffic. We were lucky to encounter a pretty light freeway, though I wouldn't have minded spending extra time with Andy.

We talked the whole time, mainly about what he was going to be doing on the tour and where he would be going. Andy was determined to get Jaxson a little t-shirt from every city. I told him not to waste his money, but he was pretty persistent. Neither of us had come up with a mutually agreed upon middle name for Jaxson, so we also spent some time discussing those. We couldn't come to an agreement or compromise though. Most of all, we just savored our final moments with one another.

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