12. I Live In A Dream Where I Am Holding Your Little Hands

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Andy POV

"Hi, Jaxson," I cooed at the newborn in my arms. "How's my baby boy?"

He blinked at me lazily in response, but it still filled with excitement. This was my son. The long nine month wait to meet him had felt unbelievably short, but way too long at the same time. I couldn't believe everything Hailey and I had been through, but it was worth it. I was finally holding my amazing son in my arms. He was fucking perfect and cute as hell.

He'd been born at 8:44 last night at 19 inches and 7 pounds, 8 ounces. When we'd arrived at the hospital, it had taken 5 hours before Hailey actually went into labor. I'd stayed by her side the whole time, letting her practically break all the bones in my hand with her tight grip. 

Jaxson was born perfectly healthy and, after being cleaned up, I got to hold him. I never wanted to let him go, but was forced to since he had to be taken to the nursery. Once Hailey had woken up, Jax had found his way into her arms. The way she looked when she held him was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. 

The night had passed uneventfully. Hailey had slept through the night, exhausted from the events through the day. I'd slept by her side, loving the way she felt against my side. I'd missed it so much while I'd been gone. Although I was grateful for Jaxson being born and all, I couldn't help but wish he'd waited one more day. I knew I was acting selfish and like a typical horny guy; however, I couldn't help it. I'd been gone for a month, with absolutely no sex whatsoever. Now, according to the doctor, we'd have to wait at least six weeks. A month without sex was torture; two and a half months was pure hell.

I was sure the little guy in my arms would make it breeze by. Despite my blue balls, I couldn't be too upset. After all, I had my amazing son in my arms and he was way worth going another month and a half without sex. I walked into the hospital room, smiling at Hailey, who was watching TV. The minute she spotted Jaxson and I, she redirected her attention.

I pressed a soft kiss to his warm forehead, then handed him to Hailey, watching as she easily cradled him in her arms. He was so goddamn cute. Jax had my blue eyes, something that had surprised both Hailey and I. We'd assumed he'd inherit her darker brown eyes, though I would have been happy with that. Hailey had beautiful eyes; however, she thought they were boring. I didn't get it. There was nothing boring about the mahogany irises, decorated with honey and auburn flecks. Jax shared our pale complexions, but had Hailey's natural caramel brown hair. He was absolutely perfect. 

Moments after being placed in Hailey's arms, Jaxson reached up towards Hailey's breast. 

"Someone's hungry," she smiled. 

"Why can't I press my face against your boobs in public?" I frowned, watching as our son suckled against the warm skin.

"Because you're not a baby."

"Aw, fuck."

"Andy, I swear to God, if our son's first word is a curse word, I'm blaming it on you."

I laughed, hoping that wouldn't be the case, but knowing there was a strong possibility. Happily, I watched my wife and son. I liked saying that, son. And, I was his father, his dad. It sounded crazy in my head. I was barely done being a child myself and now I had my very own. I hoped that didn't make it sound like I regretted him or anything. That was far from the truth. More than anything, I was just dumbfounded and in awe. I hated to admit it, but I was pretty scared too.

I wouldn't hesitate to get in a fight, throwing punches without the slightest fear. Standing on a stage, performing for thousands of people didn't make me nervous at all. However, the idea that I was responsible for a kid and I would most likely fuck up hundreds of times scared the hell out of me. I was so happy and excited to watch him grow, but this was such a big deal. If you fucked up with your kid, you couldn't just start over. I had one shot and I wasn't sure I was ready. I'd read all the parenting books and listened to my dad's advice, but it didn't seem like enough.

"This is so perfect," Hailey whispered, breaking me from my thoughts. Jax had finished feeding and was nestled in her arms again, his head resting gently against her arm.

"I know. It doesn't feel real," I replied.

We sat in a moment of silence, so peaceful and perfect, I wanted it to last forever. It was just Jaxson, Hailey, and I in our own little bubble. Nothing else mattered. Of course, that moment was shattered pretty quickly by mumbling in the hallway and a loud knock on the door.

The door opened, Ashley peering his head in. "Hey," he smiled, stepping inside. Jake, CC, Jon, and Juliet followed behind him.

"Oh my gosh," Juliet squealed. "He's so adorable."

"Want to hold him?" Hailey asked with a smile. Juliet nodded eagerly. Hailey gently placed Jax in her arms. "Be sure to support his neck."

I turned away from my blue blanket swaddled baby reluctantly. "Have you heard from Jinxx or Sammi?"

"No," Jon replied. "I tried calling both of them like five times, but they won't answer."

"Did you guys pick out a middle name?" Jake asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "We decided on Andrew."

"Jaxson Andrew Biersack. That's so cute," Juliet chimed.

"Dude, you're a dad," Ashley laughed, as Juliet passed Jaxson to him, placing him properly in his cradled arms. "That's fucking crazy."

"I know. I feel kind of old, in a good way though."

CC smiled at Hailey and I. "I'm happy for you guys," he said, portraying the more serious side of himself he usually kept hidden beneath immature jokes and funny faces. "You two are so amazing for one another and you really deserve this. I know you're going to be great parents."

"Thanks, Christian," Hailey replied.

I nodded. "Thanks, man, that means a lot." And it really did. He saw something in me that said "father material." Maybe I wouldn't fuck this all up. 

Regardless of what happened in the future, I couldn't help but feel the excitement and joy of the moment. I had an amazing healthy son and my wife was perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Sorry it's kind of short.

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