14. Ho Ho Hopefully

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(4 Month Time Jump)

"A-ba," Jaxson squealed. 

Andy grinned, lifting him up into the air again and watching as the four month old grinned. His tiny hands reached out, exploring Andy's face. Jax grabbed at Andy's lip ring, his eyes sparkling at the metallic sight.

"Come on, little man," Andy sighed. "We've talked about this. Not the lip ring."

Jax blinked at him before going to reach for it again. Andy shook his head, amused at his son's stubborness before resting Jaxson on his lap. 

"Ga," Jaxson mumbled.

"Can you say daddy?" Andy prodded. Jax looked down, playing with his fingers. "Come on. Daddy. Daddy. I'll even settle for dada. I'm really not picky."

"You know he's not going to say it," I smiled.

"Don't doubt our son's intellectual abilities."

"Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes. Despite the amount of times I've told Andy that he won't be forming words until at least seven months, he still tries. I like his effort though.

I picked Jax up from Andy's lap and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Who's the cutest boy ever?" I cooed.

"Me," Andy replied with a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss as well.

The credits for Backyardigans were rolling across the TV screen and I couldn't help a sigh of relief knowing it was over. For some reason, Jaxson had taken a liking to the animated children's show and Andy and I were forced to endure it on a daily basis. His wide grin and squeals of excitement when the characters burst into song made watching the show worth it.

"I'm so sick of Uniqua and her shit," Andy muttered. "What's she supposed to be anyway?"

"An ant?" I guessed.

"A pink polka dotted ant," he scoffed. "See, this is giving children unrealistic ideas."

"Someone's being a Scrooge today."

"Doesn't it have to be Christmas for me to be a Scrooge?"

"It's the Christmas season," I smiled. "And I will not let your bah-humbug attitude ruin Christmas tree day."

"Oh, of course, I wouldn't want to ruin Christmas tree day," Andy grinned. 

"Come on, get changed. I don't want them to run out of the good ones."

"I really don't think they sell out that fast, starlight."

"Still, we don't want to take our chances," I replied, walking up the stairs with Jaxson in my arms. Andy trailed behind, shaking his head with amusement. 

I turned into Jaxson's nursery, thinking back to when we first painted it months ago. It felt like forever since then. Back then, we were planning for a kid, and now he was actually here. I grabbed his jacket and tiny boots and slipped him into the two winter necessities. Even though we lived in California, we were having a pretty harsh winter this year. I placed a black beanie on his head to keep him extra warm.

"It's time to get our Christmas tree!"

Jaxson grinned at my excited tone. I lifted him up, carrying him into the master bedroom. Andy was already in his jacket and combat boots. I handed Jax off to him and slipped on my own coat and Uggs. 

Once Jax was strapped into his car seat in the back of Andy's car, we headed to the tree lot. We parked and transferred Jax to his stroller. He squealed and attempted to clap when he saw the rows and rows of Christmas trees. 

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