21. Can We Learn To Get By If We Learn To Have Scars

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So Chapter 20 contained "mature content" so I'm pretty sure if you're not a fan of me, you can't read it. If that's the case, head over to my page, fan me, and come back to the story and you should be able to read it. (:

Dedicated to OperationSpace. Thanks for commenting all the time. (: You're so sweet.

It had been a week since Andy had come home and things still weren’t resolved. He spent most of his time at Ashley’s or Jinxx’s houses, avoiding me. When he was home, he pretty much gave me the silent treatment. If it didn’t have anything to do with Jax, he wouldn’t even answer me. It was rude and petty and really starting to piss me off.

I knew I had made a mistake. I wasn’t free of blame. However, it was one kiss and I hadn’t even initiated it. If Andy was going to be mad at someone, it should have been Matt, not me. 

I hadn’t heard from Matt either. He’d called in sick from the studio the past few days and was ignoring all of my texts. He had the balls to stick his tongue down my throat, but not to face the consequences. 

After attempting a conversation with Andy this morning and only getting a response regarding whether or not Andy could watch Jax, I headed to Juliet’s. She had been a good friend through everything that had happened. Juliet had been calmly listening to me complain and whine all week, but I guess she’d finally had enough.

Juliet sighed. “I’m sick of this. Come on, we’re going to Matt’s.”

“W-what?” I stuttered. “We can’t do that.”

“Yes, we can,” she stated, grabbing her car keys. 

I groaned, getting up and following her out the door. Juliet was waiting in her tiny Kia, the engine already started. She gave me an impatient look as I practically dragged my feet.

I knew the solution to wanting to talk to Matt was just going over to his house, but I really didn’t want to. It was easier to complain about wanting to talk to someone than actually talking to someone. My mind reflected back to Jinxx’s situation a few months and how hypocritical I was now being. As hard as I knew this would be, facing Matt and the reality of our actions, it was something that had to be done.

As soon as I was in the car, Juliet sped off.

“I know you’re nervous and whatever,” Juliet advised, “but you have to do this. Not only to get some kind of closure with Matt, but you also need to be able to show Andy that you’ve made a definite choice.”

“For someone who has a new boyfriend every two weeks, you actually have good advice,” I pouted.

Juliet shrugged, giving me a smirk. It only took about ten minutes to reach Matt’s apartment. I hadn’t even gotten out of the car to face him and I was already gnawing off the skin on my lips.

“I’ll wait here,” Juliet stated.

I sent her a joking glare before exiting the car and walking inside his apartment building. It was a nice building, complete with a marble-floored lobby and an attentive doorman. Nervously, I navigated my way to his apartment unit. After a moment of calming breaths and anxious thoughts, I knocked on the door.

After a moment, the door opened slowly and I took in the man in front of me. Matt looked sad and a little empty, not the quite the guy I’d known. Dressed in a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a fitted white t-shirt, he looked like he’d been stirred from bed. However, it could have just been a lack of motivation to change clothes. Matt’s nose was a bruised purplish blue and looked painfully swollen. I couldn’t help but feel guilty and partially responsible.

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