9. I'd Do Anything To Hold Your Hand

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"It's just Braxton Hicks contractions," the doctor said simply. "That baby won't be coming out for a while. My only recommendation is to take it easy for the next few days and drink plenty of water."

"Thanks," I smiled, relieved that I wasn't having the baby. As ready as I was to meet Jaxson, I wanted Andy to be here. It wouldn't be the same without him. 

"Have a nice night," the doctor smiled, leaving the room.

I followed after him shortly, heading back into the waiting room. Matt, Aaron, and Logan were eagerly waiting. Matt had come to pick me up earlier, Aaron and Logan in two. Aaron claimed he had to make sure that I was okay and Logan apparently tagged along to make sure Aaron didn't molest me.

I appreciated their concern and it felt nice to know that even when I was feeling kind of alone, I still had a sweet group around me. Lately, I'd felt a bit singled out. Juliet was a good friend, but all she ever really wanted to do was go out. I hadn't had a problem with it before, but I wasn't really trying to hit up clubs with an almost 8 month pregnant belly. I knew she didn't realize it, and occasionally, she would come over and have a movie marathon. However, I couldn't help but feel like our lives were in two very different directions and we were losing our common ground. Things with Sammi had been going great and I knew she wasn't trying to make me feel deserted. She was going through something and seeing me and my moments-away-from-bursting stomach wasn't going to make her feel any better. Ella and I had never been very close and I knew right now she was spending a lot of time with Sammi. I kind of felt like I was being replaced.

It was kind of an eye-opener to see that I really didn't have many friends. However, it was nice to know that I had Matt. Even though I'd just met Aaron and Logan, I could already feel a friendship forming.

"So, are you popping that demon child out anytime soon?" Aaron asked loudly, causing several people to turn and look at him oddly.

"Nope. I've got another month or so. False contractions," I explained.

Aaron groaned. "Damn it, I wanted to cut the umbilical cord."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, dialing Andy's number. He answered after a few rings.

Before I could speak, he was talking. "Traffic is fucking horrible here. It's ridiculous. Now, I have to get in this shitty line to get my damn plane ticket. And I fucking hope-"

"Calm down," I laughed. "You're just a cursing machine right now, aren't you?"

"How can you laugh right now? I'm about to miss the birth of my kid and my wife's fucking laughing."

"You're not about to miss anything," I soothed. "They were Braxton Hicks. This baby isn't going anywhere for another month or so."

Andy breathed a sigh of relief through the phone, his rushed pace halting. "Oh, thank god."

"I'm going to make sure Jaxson doesn't even think about coming into this world before his dad's here to hold him."

"I wish I was there to kiss you," Andy mumbled.

"Me too," I replied sadly.

"I should come back. I can reschedule the next few shows and come home for a few days."

"No, Andy, you don't know how nice that sounds, but you need to stay there for your fans and for yourself."

"I'd rather be with you," he muttered. "None of this matters if you're not here to share it."

"We both know that's not true," I sighed. He began to interrupt, but I continued before he could. "I know you love me, but you love performing just as much. It would be just as devastating for you to be without me as it would be without singing. I see how restless you get at home sometimes, babe. I don't mean I'm not counting down the days until you get back, but I want you to be happy."

"I want you to be happy too."

"Then make yourself happy, and your band and fans. I'm always here waiting for you, Andy. That's one thing you can count on. There isn't going to be a single flight home where I won't be waiting at baggage to see your beautiful face."

"Fuck, you're the best wife," Andy laughed weakly. "Shouldn't I be comforting you since you're in the hospital and shit?"

"I don't need any comforting," I smiled. "I'm fine. I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too, starlight. Just two and a half weeks and I'll be holding you in my arms."

"I can't wait," I admitted truthfully. I wanted to tell him to call me before bed so I could her his voice calming me to sleep. However, I knew it would be early in the morning there. "I'll talk to you soon, okay? Now, go play your show. For me and Jaxson."

"If it's for you two, it'll be the best show on the tour. Bye, starlight."

I whispered a soft goodbye as a tear trailed down my cheek. It was easy for me to hide my sorrw and longing when I was talking to Andy, instead hiding behind a facade of strength and understanding. It was what he needed to hear to keep going, but the minute the calls ended, I could barely contain my emotions.

I wanted him to come home. The idea that he could have missed Jaxson's birth today was a nightmare. All I wanted was for Andy to be here again. I wanted to hold me, kiss my forehead, and sing a song he wrote especially for me.

I hadn't realized my quiet tears had turned into sobs until I felt myself being encased by a pair of strong arms. Matt. I whimipered in his embrace, needing the simple yet comforting feeling of a hug. I'd missed this. My tears soaked into Matt's t-shirt and I honestly didn't want to pull away. The warm hug felt less romantic and comforting than I knew Andy's would have, but I couldn't deny that I still loved the feeling.

I moved from the hug as Aaron and Logan exchanged a curious look. I wasn't sure what that was about, but I didn't really care. Matt's sympathetic green eyes and soothing hold were a band-aid to my emotions. I wasn't going to let anything it to be ripped off.

"Come on," Matt said. "I'll drop these two idiots off at the studio and then take you home. It's going to be alright, I promise."

"I know," I sighed. "Sorry for ruining your shirt."

Matt shrugged casually. "It's just water, basically. Nothing ruined."

I smiled graciously. How did I get such a good friend? After a moment, he clasped my hand in his, helping me from my seat.

An elderly woman walked by, casually glancing our way. "You two are such a cute couple," she gushed. "I'm glad to see two young people getting married then having a child the traditional way." The woman nodded turns our intertwined hands, at what I assume was my wedding ring.

"Oh, we're not-" I began.

She walked away before I could finish. I let go of Matt's hand, giving him an apologetic look. Before I released his hand, I caught a glimpse of a simple silver band hugging his ring finger.

Aaron and Logan were ahead of us, acting as mentally challenged as they usually did.

"Are you married?" I asked, glancing pointedly at the ring.

Matt looked over at me, a solemn frown I'd never seen him wear before marring his face. He tended to always be smiling and carefree, so the miserable expression surprised me. I felt horrible for even letting the question fall from my lips.

"Umm... I got married when I was 19. She passed away two years ago. Suicide. I haven't really had the guts to take it off," Matt admitted.

"I'm so sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry. It isn't your fault."

"I know, but I hate that it happened to her, to you. What was her name?"

"Elizabeth," he sighed. The way he said her name made me feel almost invasive. Every syllable of her name seemed to belong to him and his voice held nothing but love and reverence. It was like she walked on water and was the only reason the sun rose and set. I could tell, even though time had passed, his wounds were still open. 

I wanted to ask more, but it didn't seem right. Instead, I gave his hand a warm squeeze. He returned the gesture with a small smile. I couldn't help the ache in my heart.

Sorry it's short, but I wanted to get it posted today since I told you guys I would. Btw, did I trick you? Haha. I wouldn't let Andy miss the birth of his kid.

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