17. I'll See You In My Dreams

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It rained the day Andy left. Water fell in rivulets down the windowpanes, reflecting my somber mood. Jax cried for his dad for hours after he left and there wasn’t anything I could do but hold back my own tears. The house was empty and too quiet. It had taken a few days for both Jax and I to get into our own rhythm. Things just didn’t feel quite right without Andy and it took some getting used to.

Today was exactly a week since he’d left. We’d been getting by on Skype calls. Jax would squeal every time he saw his dad on my laptop screen, bringing a smile to both Andy and I’s face. He’d called this morning and we had talked for an hour, discussing everything going on as Jax sat on my lap.

“We have to head to a photoshoot, but I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?” Andy said. “Love you guys.”

I nodded. “We love you too,” I smiled. Picking up Jax’s hand, I lifted it into a wave. “Say bye to daddy.”

“Bye, Jax. Bye, starlight.” Andy grinned one last time before the call hung up.

I frowned at the empty screen for a moment, missing Andy more than I could take.

Finally, I shut the laptop and carried Jax down the stairs. Hades padded behind us as I entered the garage. I could tell he wanted to ride in the car with us today, since I tended to let him sometimes, but I was heading to the studio and Jax was going to spend the day with Aunt Sammi. She’d been dying to hang out with him more, now that we’d patched up our friendship and gotten past the things that had torn us apart.

I buckled Jax into his car seat before ushering Hades back inside, giving him a kiss on the head before closing the door behind me. I felt guilty leaving him, since I knew he’d miss us, but he had plenty of toys to keep him occupied. Not to mention, a few squirrels had recently taken residence in one of the trees in the backyard. Hades had been spending the past few days barking and using every effort to hunt them. Considering they stayed up in the branches, he didn’t have any luck, but it still kept him entertained.

After driving through the misty streets for only twenty minutes or so, we arrived at Sammi’s house. I got Jax from the back and carried his diaper bag towards the one story home. It took a few moments before Sammi answered the door, looking slightly frazzled. 

“Hey,” she grinned. “You guys are here early.”

I blinked. “It’s 11 in the morning.”

“Uhh… right.”

A loud crash came from somewhere down the hallway. I narrowed my eyes at Sammi. “What was that?”

“Jinxx is taking a shower. I guess he knocked over the shampoo bottles,” she shrugged, but I saw the smile in her eyes.

“Jinxx is here!” I squealed.

“Shush,” Sammi laughed.

“Did he stay here last night?”

“Yes, but we’re still just figuring things out.”

“It looks like things are pretty figured out,” I stated.

“Whatever.” Sammi took Jax from my arms and I placed the diaper bag in the entryway. 

“I’ll see you later, little man.” I placed a kiss on his forehead before walking out the door. I felt a tugging at my heart at the fact that I had to leave him. I hated it and always wanted to know how Jax was every second of every day. I knew that wasn’t realistic, but it didn’t stop me from feeling that way. I just hated the thought of letting him go. “Oh, and keep it G in front of my kid, you guys.”

Sammi rolled her eyes, closing the door. I laughed as I raced back to the car, trying to get out of the cool air. The drive to the studio was short and before long, I was set up in my chair in front of the soundboard. Gabe was putting a lot more trust in me, leaving me alone in the studio with Matt most of the time. 

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