27. Lovesick

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*1 Year Later*

“I don’t like being sick,” Andy whimpered, coughing into his fist.

“I know, baby,” I replied, running my hands through his dark hair as he turned towards me. His forehead was hot to the touch. 

Andy snuggled into my side, acting more like a cat than a grown man. I couldn't help but smile at him with a bit of amusement. Sometimes, he could be so adorable. 

"I can make you some soup or something," I suggested.

Andy shook his head, mumbling, "Not hungry."

"You still have to eat, baby."

"I know, but later. I just want to cuddle and watch TV right now and die."

I laughed. "No dying."

"Fine, but we're watching my shows then."

I nodded in agreement, only because he was sick, as he scrolled past my favorite shows in the DVR and instead played one of his, The Walking Dead.

Halfway through the episode, Andy sneezed, then turned to me. "I love you, starlight."

"I love you too, babe. What's brought this on?"

"I don't know," he mumbled. "I'm just so tired and I may or not be dying right now. So if I do die, just know I love you."

"You have a cold, Andy. You're not going to die."

"People die from colds all the time."

"Yeah, in 1722. It's the 21st century. You're going to be fine."

"That's what they all say," Andy murmured hoarsely, turning to grab his glass of orange juice off the bedside table. After taking a few gulps, he sat the glass back down and burrowed himself deeper into the pile of the comforter and an assortment of fluffy blankets. Although Andy could suck it up when on tour, if he was at home, he was a total baby when sick. He could be dramatic and childish, but somehow he still remained adorable.

The afternoon passed by in this manner and by the time one in the afternoon rolled around, Andy was knocked out cold, the result of his fatigue and the dose of Tylenol. He snored nasally, a rare occurrence for him, and didn't even notice when I removed myself from his embrace and crept out of the room. I slipped a pair of flip flops on, not bothering to change out of my crewneck and yoga pants. Since Andy was sick, I'd decided it was a lazy day for myself, as well.

I got into my Audi Q7, having traded my Ford Escape in for a new car. So far, I liked it. Putting the SUV in drive, I headed to Jax's preschool. He'd started only a few weeks ago, making the transisition from daycare to preschool, and immediately made new friends. It was adorable to see that he was a social butterfly and wasn't the least bit shy. Jax had even gotten into trouble at school for his lack of tact, deciding halfway through a lesson that he didn't feel like wearing pants anymore. Andy and I had to have a discussion with him about keeping his pants on while in public. We couldn't deny that it was kind of hilarious though.

Jax's preschool was only ten minutes away, so I got there fairly quickly. The parking lot was starting to fill up with cars as everyone prepared to pick up their kids. I quickly found a space and walked towards the playground where the kids gathered when school let out. I saw Jax on the slide with Brady. 

"Jax!" I called, catching his attention.

He grinned, waving goodbye to Brady and running towards me. 

"Hi, Mommy," he grinned, his smile still missing some teeth.

"Hey, honey. How was your day?" I asked, 

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