32. In The End

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*8 Years Later*

Warm dusk settled over the grassy yard as choruses of yells and conversation filled the air. It was the end of the summer and the backyard was filled with our closest friends. Kids ran across the green landscape, jumping in and out of the pool. Smoke from the grill swirled into the air, filling the backyard with a charcoal smell. It was a picture perfect American scene, despite the abundance of black clothing and tattoos.

Everyone in Black Veil Brides was here with their wives, along with our close friends. It was surreal to me to see the group that had gone from partying every night and traveling the world in tour buses to raising kids and paying mortgages. Through all the changes and growing up we'd endured, our group had somehow managed to stay pretty punk rock. Black hair dye still shrouded blond locks and distorted guitars blasted from car stereos. 

I looked over the group, seeing Matt Good and his wife, Taylor, talking to CC and Lauren. Matt and Taylor had one son, Parker, who was the spitting image of his father and had just turned 9. CC and Lauren's daughter, Westlyn, was now 9, as well, while their second daughter, Reese, was 5 and their youngest son, Blake, was 3. Lauren and CC's own childishness had ended up making them amazing parents. The couple that seemed to reside in a world of partying had slipped into the roles of parents easily.

I walked down the stairs that led from inside the house down to the yard, hands laden with pitchers of iced tea and lemonade. Bailey, the Pit Bull we'd adopted two years ago, ran down the steps along side me, eager to return to the excitement of company. I reached the grassy landing, walking to the table and setting the drinks down.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind, causing me to spin around. Andy stood behind me, a beer in his grip and a smile on his face. He wore only his black trunks, showing off the flat plane of his stomach.

"You finished grilling?" I asked.

"Yep. Fifty burgers grilled to perfection," Andy smiled. "I hope if I get remembered for anything, it's this."

"You're not going to get remembered for anything," I teased. "All you did was sing for same lame band."

"I know," Andy sighed. "What were we called again? Blink Von Brides?"

"Blick Veal Buddies?"

"Who knows?" Andy shrugged with an amused grin. "Where's Jax?"

I pointed across the yard towards a lanky, trunks-clad Jaxson. The sixteen year old was engaging in a watergun fight with Parker and Alice, Sammi and Jinxx's daughter. Even though Jax was eight years older, he was just as into the game as Parker and Alice were. It was sometimes hard to remember that Jaxson was sixteen and not truly the child he acted.

"I keep getting worried that he's growing up too fast, and then...," I trailed off, pointing to Jax's childish antics.

Andy opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by Jax yelling across the yard. "Dad? Is the food ready?"

"Yep, everything is set up by the grill," Andy answered, watching as the boys dropped their waterguns. Brandon and Parker followed behind Jax with the eagerness of a duckling behind its mom. My husband went after them, helping the boys figure out where everything was and crossing his fingers nothing got broken by their usual rowdy behavior.

I searched the crowded yard for Camilla, spotting her sitting beside Sammi. While Jax ran rampant around the yard, Milla sat, talking calmly. She had just gotten out of the pool. Her wet blond hair fell past her shoulders in waves, shining against fair skin and bright blue eyes. There was a delicate nature about her that reminded me of a flower. However, despite her physical appearance and calm nature, she was far from fragile.

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