28. Stay And Watch The Stars Come Out

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*4 Months Later*

Jax clambered onto the couch beside me, lifting up my shirt to expose the protruding bump. Gently, he placed his hand on my swollen stomach and leaned down to press his ear against it. A disappointed frown fell on his face when he didn't hear anything.

"That's where the baby lives, right?" he asked, staring at the bump.

I nodded. 

"Is she gonna like giraffes like me?" Jax asked, his slight lisp turning giraffes into "giaffs".

I smiled. "Maybe, but we don't know if the baby's a girl yet, hun."

Jax shrugged. "Do you think she'll want to play baseball with me and Daddy?"

"I don't know, babe. We'll have to wait and see."

"Why don't you know, Mommy?" Jax pouted.

Laughing lightly, I replied. "Cause I haven't met her yet either."

"But she lives in your belly, don't you talk to her?"

"Well, I talk to her, but she doesn't talk back."

Jax thought over this for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he mulled over this information. "I don't think she likes you very much."

I laughed, ruffling Jax's blond hair as Andy entered the room. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a ripped Social Distortion tank top. A black beanie covered his cropped black hair and his feet were thrust into a pair of worn out combat boots. The lip ring that had been the cold contrast in our kisses had been removed, Andy no longer caring for the silver jewelry. He'd kept the ring in his nose though and the piercing in his ear. 

"You guys ready to go?" he asked Jax and I.

"Yep," I smiled. "Clean up your toys, hun."

Jax sighed, climbing off the couch and putting his legos and trucks in their bins. He returned his coloring book onto the shelf and began haphazardly throwing his crayons into their box.

"Fuck," Jax cursed as one of the crayons snapped.

I had to hide my laugh, the dirty word sounding too cute coming from his innocent mouth.

Though Jax was great at paying us no attention, somehow the things we said were still absorbed by the toddler. At only age 3, he'd latched onto Andy and I's casual use of the word "fuck" and had begun using the curse at almost every opportunity. Andy and I didn't really have a problem with it, but we knew it wasn't necessarily socially acceptable. We already got shit for being such young parents, we didn't need anyone actually judging our parenting skills. We'd quickly told him that it was a word he wasn't supposed to use until he was older, but he still let the word slip occasionally. 

"We talked about that, Jaxson," Andy stated, giving his son a look.

"Sorry," he sighed, grabbing the rest of his crayons and tossing them in the box. 

"Okay, let's get in the car," I urged.

Jax nodded, grabbing his backpack, filled with all of his overnight stuff. He had a sleepover with his best friend, Tanner, tonight, allowing Andy and I to go out with our friends. I gave Hades a quick pat and he barely replied with a blink. Jax and I had taken him to the dog park this evening where he'd spent a good hour running and playing with the other dogs. He was five now and, as a Great Dane, age was taking a toll on him. Grey hairs had sprouted along his once all-black muzzle, but he could still keep up with the puppies at the park and tumble around with Jax. Hades was getting older, but he hadn't lost any of his spark and was still completely healthy.

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