5. I Can Count on the Sun to Shine

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5. I Can Count on the Sun to Shine

"I'm so sorry," I cried, my voice shaky and uneven as tears raced down my cheeks. "I shouldn't have told you to leave. I should have understand where you were coming from. If I hadn't been such a bitch, you'd be okay. Oh my god." Sobs wracked my body, my vision blurred by tears.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to you or tell you how much I love you. And, now, you're in a coma or something and I have no idea what's happening. I don't know if you're going to wake up or... or anything," I stated, but then stopped, not able to let my voice say anymore.

I should have been the one lying there. I was the one who caused all of this. Our son might grow up without a dad because of the shitty decision I made. I could barely look at my husband's comatose figure without fresh waves of tears hitting me. Monitors beeped and his oxygen machine let out little puffs. They were the only sounds besides my gasping breaths and unhinging sobs. 

"Andy, this is all my fault. Please wake up. Please. I can't do this without you. I need you to stay here and be my babe. I need to be your starlight."

I could barely breathe, sucking in shallow air as I struggled to accept what was in front of me.

"I deserved it. When you called me a fucking bitch, it was true."

I shook my head, wiping the tears that streamed down my face. I felt like I was going to throw up. My head was spinning and aching. My baby was still, not kicking and squirming like usual, as if he knew the depth of the situation. 

"I don't know what I'm going to do if you don't wake up. I won't be able to play All Time Low and watch you frown because you hate them. Or listen to you complain because no matter how you set the toaster, the edges of your Poptart always end up burnt or undercooked. I can't do this if I can't see you everyday and kiss you every morning. I'll never get to tell you how much I love you again. I'll never get to hear you sing me to sleep. I'll never get to watch you kiss my belly and talk nonsense to our son again. I'll never get to be with you and that is breaking my heart.

"We didn't finish setting up the nursery. We never picked out which diapers were better, Pampers or Huggies. We never even settled on a name," I whispered.

"Jackson," a familiar voice said from behind me. "I was thinking Jackson, but with an x instead of the ck."

I got up, whirling around. There Andy stood in the doorway, a sad smile on his face. His left wrist and forearm were wrapped in a cast and he had a few cuts on his face. Other than that, he seemed perfectly fine. Happy tears filled my eyes as I ran to him, throwing myself in his arms.

"I'm so sorry," I cried against his chest. "I shouldn't have made you leave."

"No, I should have kept my word and come home at two. It was irresponsible and it wasn't fair to you. And I definitely shouldn't have insulted you the way I did."

"It doesn't matter. You don't know how happy it makes me to know that you're okay. I thought I might never be able to be with you again."

"I'll never leave you," he murmured, placing a kiss on my forehead.

After a few moments of tender silence, I looked up. "Were you standing there the whole time?"

"Most of it," he admitted.

"You're such an asshole."

"I just wanted to see how you'd react if I really were dying. Not to mention, you're the dumbass that walked into the wrong room."

"I was distraught!" I defended.

Andy nodded sarcastically. "Uh huh, sure."

He took my hand, leading me out of the hospital room. I glanced back, seeing that I'd run into 328, instead of 329. God, I was dumb. We had to sign some paperwork before Andy could be released, but it didn't take too long. I really didn't mind at all. He kept his hand in mine the whole time, never letting me part from his side. 

Andy explained to me that he'd been really distracted, his mind in seven different directions. He felt so bad for our argument and he was scared that we'd never resolve it. I was surprised to find that his thoughts almost mirrored mine. Andy didn't notice the stop sign, instead barreling through the intersection. Another car, who didn't have a stop sign, was going forward and the two collided. The other person had been fine, their car mostly stopping with impact. However, Andy's car spun, sending him careening into a light pole, crushing his Audi and flipping it onto its side. When he'd been admitted, the doctor had been shocked how little injury had occurred. All Andy had was a minor concussion, a forearm fracture, and a few small scrapes. I could never express just how grateful I was. 

"I like Jaxson," I admitted as we walked to my car. 

Andy grinned. "Good, I thought you would."

Once we were in my car, Andy asked, "Do you mind if we go to the impound lot? I just want to see how bad my baby is."

"Oh right, your precious car," I laughed.

"Hey, don't be mean to her. She's just been through a really hard time, so show some respect."

"My bad. I wouldn't want to offend your inanimate object."

"Thank you," he replied arrogantly.

As I drove, it felt crazy to think of the emotional meltdown I'd just had less than an hour before. I'd thought my entire world had fallen apart and I couldn't hide my relief that everything was okay. 

We sat at a complete stand still in traffic, so I pulled out my phone, opening Twitter. I didn't bother to read through the tweets on my timeline, instead composing one.

"Life is short. I almost lost the most important person to me. Never taking you for granted again, @AndyBVB."

He picked up his buzzing iPhone, smiling at my tweet.

"@HaileyBiersack Does this mean you'll never complain about doing my after tour laundry?"

I laughed, smirking at him. "Don't count on it."

"Damn," he mumbled.

A girl tweeted me, asking what had happened. "@KrazyKaleigh4598 He was in a car accident. Luckily, he's fine. Only a broken arm and a few scratches. We're blessed. <3"

I put my phone down as the freeway opened up finally, allowing me to drive to our exit and navigate toward the impound lot. I parked on the street and Andy and I got out. Luckily, Andy's cast left the fingers of his hand exposed, though he couldn't really do much with them. I moved to open the door for him, but he grabbed it with his right hand, pulling it open for me.

"You didn't have to do that," I blushed.

"I'm never going to stop opening doors for you, no matter what."

I gave him a quick kiss as we waited for an employee to come help us. After a minute or two, someone showed up and led us to Andy's car. 

I'd imagined the damage was going to be bad after he'd explained what happened, but I was still surprised when I saw the car. Andy's Audi was destroyed. The roof and the left side were caved in, along with the right side of the front hood. The car was littered with scratches and chips. Two of the wheels and the bumper were missing, leaving the once awesome car looking pretty pathetic. The glass of the windows and windshield had been broken, leaving a gaping hole into the car.

Seeing wreckage of the car made me realize once again how lucky he was to make it out so unharmed. After inspecting it for a few moments and making sad whimpers, Andy deemed the car as trash now. Audi's were unbelievably expensive to repair. Even with his insurance, the damage the vehicle had sustained would cost as much to repair as the car was worth, if not more. Andy had the car for three years, so he'd given it a good run. I could tell he was a bit upset though. I wasn't sure if all guys were like this, or just Andy, but he had some weird obsessive love for his car. 

We decided to go car shopping later in the week, leaving the impound lot behind us. Andy still looked a little forlorn, so I turned to him with a small smile, "We can stop at Cold Stone on the way home."

He grinned, all traces of sadness lost. "Awesome!"

Andy was such a child, and I loved him for it.

I wouldn't put Andy in a coma, or kill him. I'm evil, but not that evil. My Tumblr readers were begging for this chapter so I got it finished quickly. (:

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