24. It's All Done For You

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*4 Month Time Jump*

Jaxson and I had woken up at five in the morning, catching a plane to New York. It had been tough to drag myself out of bed, but excitement and adrenaline surged me forward. I was going to see Andy today! After making sure we had everything and rushing to the airport, I found our flight had been delayed. An hour later, we finally boarded. It was a test in patience. Luckily, Jax slept through most of it, but he kept being woken up by the loud speakers throughout the airport and the bustling of everyone around him. It had been a five hour flight and we didn't arrive at LaGuardia Airport until one in the afternoon.

I pushed Jax's stroller through the airport, exhausted and wanting nothing more than to just lay down in our hotel room. Through the winding and crowded hallways of the aiport, we finally arrived in baggage claim. I'd never been so happy to see a room full of mechanic revolving carousels in my life. What made the sight even more enjoyable was the man standing beside carousel 5.

Andy's hair fell to the left, the other side shaved short. There was a small smile on his face as his eyes scanned the room, curiously looking for Jax and I. I was sure I could see his blue eyes glinting like small oceans across the room, though I knew the distance made that impossible. He'd put on a bit of muscle since I'd last seen him. He was still lanky and skinny, but his arms had a bit more definition.

It wasn't until I was almost directly in front of him that he spotted me and the second he did, his smile was radiant. It had only been a month, but I felt like it had been years. I'd been growing more used to the breaks in Andy's presence due to tours, but that didn't mean that I didn't revel in finally being able to really be with him again.

Andy wrapped me in a hug as soon as I reached him. His arms were strong and warm as they held me, making me feel secure and loved. Andy's lips pressed against the top of my head, his nose brushing the strands of my dark hair as he breathed me in. It felt surreal and perfect.

"I love you," I sighed.

"I love you too," Andy replied, his breath warm and the conviction in his words strong.

Not even seconds later, he moved, redirecting his attention to the stroller. Pulling a groggy Jax from his seat, Andy wrapped him in his arms. 

"Hi, Jax," Andy grinned. "I missed you."

Jaxson blinked lazily at his dad, parting his lips slightly before puckering them closed once more. He mumbled "da" before burrowing his head against Andy's neck and falling back to sleep.

Andy grinned at me. "I know I heard him say it on Skype, but I still can't believe he's talking."

I smiled at his excitement and admittedly, I'd been ecstatic when Jax had first spoke. It started almost three months ago, about a month after Andy had forgiven me. His first word had been "puppy." He'd happily screamed it out in the middle of a restaurant as Andy and I ate lunch. Jaxson had been playing with the toys hanging from his car seat when the word slipped from his lips. I'd almost spilled my water glass in surprise and Andy's long legs had barely missed kicking the table over as he jumped up. The next minutes were filled with Andy recording Jax speaking for the first time. It was three minutes of coaxing and one actual utterance of the word on Jax's part, sending both Andy and I practically giddy with excitement. Our son blinked at us oddly, probably wondering why he had such weird parents. Andy and I paid no mind, instead tweeting about the event and talking excitedly.

Duck had followed shortly after, along with car. About two weeks ago, Jaxson had muttered "dada" upon seeing Andy on Skype. "Mama" had followed only a week later.

With Jax settled sleepily on Andy's shoulder, my husband turned to me. "Do you want to head back to the hotel?"

I nodded, grabbing the two suitcases from the baggage claim. Andy returned Jax to his stroller to help me with the bags. We walked out to the curb where Andy hailed a taxi. The streets were crowded and full of commotion. It was a typical New York day.

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