3. A Patience of Eternity

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Sammi and I returned to the house, and I tried to let my worries fade. The guys were going hard, dunking each other in the pool and acting rambunctious. They reminded me of children and I couldn't help but be glad Andy was relaxing for awhile. 

I knew that having a family hadn't been in his plans so soon. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, he'd probably still be partying and acting reckless, and I would have been right there along with him. However, now we had responsibilities and were made into adults overnight. Andy didn't complain, and I knew he was happy about our baby, but I wanted him to act his age every once in a while.

We stayed out by the pool, laughing and talking until the sun fell and was replaced by the moon's calm glow. Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, and CC spent most of their time in the water talking, acting rowdily, and drinking beer. Sammi and I lounged on beach chairs, tanning, gossiping, and sipping lemonade. Even though Andy and I had planned a completely different afternoon, I couldn't help but be pleased with our day.

At around 9, CC announced, "Dude, let's hit Viper Room."

"I'm fucking in," Ash cheered.

Jinxx glanced at Sammi who nodded with a smile. "Sounds good," he agreed.

"Andy?" Ashley asked, giving him a look.

Andy didn't even look at me for confirmation before answering with a shrug, "Nah, I'd rather stay in."

"Come on, you never fucking party anymore," CC groaned.

"Go on, Andy," I urged. "I'll be fine."

Andy looked weighted with indecision, until Sammi chimed in. "We can turn it into a girl's night. Hailey and I will stay in and watch chick flicks, while you guys go out and party."

"Okay, I guess so," Andy muttered.

"Woo!" Ash cheered. 

The guys clambered out of the pool, leaving a trail of puddling water and overlapping footprints. Andy climbed out last, coming over to sit on the edge of my lounge chair.

"I really want to stay home with you," he began.

I rolled my eyes. "Go have fun, Andy. I know you're worried, but you have to leave me alone sometimes. You're going to be on tour soon so you'll have to get used to it."

"I know! That's why I'm making the most of being with you now."

"But you still need to act your age, babe. I know we got thrust into all of this really quickly, but that doesn't mean you're not still 22 years old. I want you to go out and have fun with your friends."

"You're right," he shrugged.

Smirking, I replied, "I always am."

"You forgot to put milk in the cereal this morning, so..."

"Shut up," I pouted, getting up and walking toward the sliding glass doors that led into the house.

Andy wrapped me into his arms from behind, pressing his warm lips against my neck as his hip bones pressed against me. "You know I love you," he murmured, his hot breath making me shiver.

"I know," I responded, turning in his arms and giving him a heartfelt kiss. Andy took my hand in his and we soon joined the raucous group that was stationed in our living room.

Plans were discussed and soon the boys were leaving. They were going to stop at CC and Ashley's shared apartment and Jinxx's house so they could change, then they would head to the club. Andy had run upstairs, changing into a pair of black jeans, a black dress shirt he rolled up to his elbows, and his combat boots. He wasn't wearing any makeup and his hair was in a casual disarray. He looked so cute, I almost didn't want him to leave. But too quickly, Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, and CC were all heading out the door. Andy gave me a quick kiss and stated that he'd be home by two. I watched them pile into Jinxx's car and drive away, my heart already missing my husband's presence.

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