2. Dirty Little Secrets We All Hide

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Hailey POV

"Umm... the cereal doesn't-," Andy murmured hesitantly, looking down at the bowl in front of him.

"What, Andy?" I snapped. "I know you obviously think I'm some hysterical pregnant lady who is incapable of doing anything, but I do actually know how to make something as simple as cereal."

"I was just going to say that you forgot the milk."

I frowned, glancing at the counter where I'd left the still closed milk carton. "Oh," I mumbled, realizing I'd forgotten to pour it into the bowls. 

Andy stared at me, nervously, as I walked towards him and poured the milk into the cereal. I couldn't help but internally groan at what a bitch I was being. Why was I acting like this?"

"And you need a fucking haircut," I stated, annoyance in my tone, as I returned the milk to the fridge. What? Where the fuck had that come from? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Okay," he muttered, confused and hesitant. 

I was such a horrible person. Andy was so sweet to me and all I kept doing was snapping at him. He probably thought I was such a fucking bitch. The worst part was I couldn't even control it. The angry words were on my tongue before I even knew what I was saying. Tears pricked my eyes as I reflected over how mean I'd been to him. I was such a bad wife. 

"Are... are you crying?" 

The question sent a fresh wave of emotions, causing the tears to spill down my cheeks and my quiet watering eyes to turn to wracking sobs. 

"I'm such a bitch," I mumbled in between uneven breaths.

I heard the sound of Andy's chair scraping against the hardwood and then felt his arms wrap around me. "Don't cry, babe," he whispered into my hair. "Shh, it's okay."

"You're so sweet to me all the time," I cried, "and all I do is yell at you."

"It's fine. It's just the hormones" he soothed.

"I don't want you to cut your hair," I sobbed.

His arms rubbed my back calmingly, my erratic emotions slowly fading to normal levels. After a while, my sobs slowed and the tears dried, and then I was only left with sticky cheeks and shaky breaths.

"I'm really sorry," I murmured.

"Don't be. I understand. You're going through a lot and your emotions are all over the place. You're an amazing wife and you're going to be an amazing mom to our son."

"You're so sweet, baby."

I kissed him slowly, apologizing in a way, savoring the taste of his lips as a wave of hormones hit me. God, he was so fucking hot. Andy slid his hand under my shirt, brushing his fingers against the lace of my bra. I nipped at his lip, the cool metal of his lip ring the only contrast in our warm exchange. 

"Starlight," Andy sighed. The low moan sent shivers up my spine and I found myself being pressed gently against the countertop. Andy's lips met my own with fervor and passion. His touch was frenzied and warm, like electric sparks jolting my body. I moved my hands to the button of his skinny jeans, clasping it open and tugging at the zipper. Our lips stayed connected and in sync as I shoved the jeans down. He was already so hard and just the sight sent waves of lust through me. I didn't just want Andy, I needed him.

A loud knock at the door broke me from our trance. I began to pull away, glancing towards the door.

"Just ignore it, they'll go away," he mumbled, recapturing my lips. However, after moments more of persistant knocking, Andy pulled back with a frustrated sigh.

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