18. So Much For My Happy Ending

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I laid Jax down in his crib as he dozed peacefully. I couldn't get over how adorable he was. His blue eyes were closed, but I could vividly picture their ocean-like color that rivaled even his dad's. His soft pale skin was so fair, a result of his dad and I's complexions, but it fit him. Jax's caramel hair added a splash of color against his light coloring. I'd never seen a baby that was so cute. I knew I was biased, but just looking at him made me smile. After a moment, I turned, walking back down the stairs.

Matt was sitting on the floor by the TV, the collection of DVDs beside him. He was flipping through them, trying to pick one out. I fell onto the couch, tucking my legs beneath me. 

"What about Sweet Home Alabama?" I suggested. Matt shot me a disgusted look. "Or The Proposal?"

"You know I have a penis, right?" Matt replied.

I poked my tongue out at him. "Home Alone?"

Matt shrugged. "I can deal with that."

He grabbed the case, opening it and sticking the DVD into the player. Once the movie was starting, Matt collapsed on the other end of the couch. After a minute, he turned and narrowed his eyes at me, "What the hell are you doing all the way over there?"

I smiled, moving closer to him until my head was pressed against his side. His arm fell around me as I stretched my legs out into the remaining space. It could seem romantic, the position we're in, but it just felt friendly and comfortable. Kevin McCallister was rushing around the house, pissing off his family, as the movie began. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, glancing at the screen. Andy's picture lit it up and I couldn't help but smile. However, we were watching a movie and Matt's smile was just starting to return to its usual gleam. Instead of answering it like usual, I turned off the vibrating and slid the phone onto the table. I'd call Andy back later.

Before long, I found myself falling asleep. It had been a long and emotional day. I was grateful for the reprieve of my thoughts.

The following morning, I found myself alone on the sofa. The house was quiet and things felt oddly still. The only sound was that of Hades lapping up water from his bowl. I reached forward, picking up the yellow sticky note that resided on the coffee table.

It read, Grabbing breakfast w/ Jax. Be back soon. Matt x 

I smiled, returning the note to the table and stretching as I fully awakened. I grabbed my phone from the side table as I moved into a sitting position. I could have slept more, but had to admit, it was a good night's rest. As I unlocked my phone, I was alerted of 14 missed calls, all from Andy.

I sighed, hoping I hadn't worried him by not answering last night as I dialed him back. The phone rang monotonously for a few moments, but I finally heard the sound of it being picked up. Andy's voice was sleepy as he mumbled, "Hello?"

"Hey," I replied. 

I could hear him sitting up quickly. "What the hell, Hailey?"

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't answer but-"

"We always talk before we go to bed. I'm not trying to sound like a little bitch, but at least a text would have been nice."

"I'm sorry," I replied, not realizing why Andy was making such a big deal out of this.  "Matt was just having a really bad day. It the anniversary of his wife's death. I couldn't let him be alone so I invited Matt to stay the night at our pla-"

"Matt? Why would think it's okay for Matt to stay alone with you?"

I frowned, wondering why he was acting so fucking jealous. "Because he's my friend," I stated, "and he needed someone there for him."

"I don't like the way he looks at you."

"No, you just don't like that he's here when you're not. While you're touring having a great time, I'm all by myself taking care of Jaxson. Matt is actually here to help me and hug me and make me feel like I'm not alone. And, I do the same for him. You're just jealous that Matt's here to make me happy while you're off making yourself happy."

I could hear Andy groan and imagined he was probably running his hands through his hair, a habit he had when he was mad or stressed or nervous. "Well, what do you want me to do, Hailey? Should I stop touring? Because, you're the one who insisted I keep doing it."

"I'm not telling you to stop, but don't be mad when someone else is there for me when you're not. It's not like Matt lives here and wears your clothes and sleeps next to me. He isn't replacing you. He's just my friend and he's there for me. You should be happy that I have someone."

"And, I am," Andy replied. "God, I just... I hate that he's there for you and Jax and I'm not. It makes me feel like a fucking failure, you know? I'm making the fans happy, and myself too, by touring. But, I'm so fucking unhappy without you and Jax. It hurts that some other guy is there when I can't be."

"Well, it's just Matt. And, I'm sorry for saying that stuff about tour earlier. I am happy that you get to do what you love for a living. But, please, just understand that I need something, or rather someone, that can make me happy too."

"I get that," Andy stated. "Just, promise me you'll never let him take my place."

I hear the door slam and look up to see Matt walking in with Starbucks in his hand and Jax grinning from his carrier. 

"I would never," I promised. Matt's great, but I couldn't ever see him replacing Andy. "I love you."

"I love you too, starlight," Andy replied. 

I breathed a sigh, knowing things were okay between us. "Listen, Matt got some Starbucks for breakfast, but I'll talk to you later, okay?"

The frown in Andy's voice was almost impossible to ignore, but he just said, "Yeah. Bye."

I reciprocated the farewell, but couldn't help feeling like things were off. We'd said everything was okay, but were they? It wasn't that I doubted Andy or myself. I was sure it was just the time and distance between us. Once I was able to see him and kiss him, things would back to normal. I just missed him. That was how it always went every tour and this time it was simply compounded due to Jax. He missed his Dad, which only made me miss him more too.

"You okay, Hail?" Matt asked, setting the drinks down on the coffee table and unstrapping Jax's carrier from his chest.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I guess I just miss Andy. It's hard being away from him. I know it's not as bad as what you went through and it makes me seem silly, but I just-"

Matt stared down at the ground as he interrupted me. "It doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt for you."

I nodded. "Thanks for being here for me. You're a really great friend."

"So are you," Matt replied quietly.

The mood was lifted as he handed me my drink and I bounced Jax in my lap. Hades jumped onto the other sofa, curling up on it as I rolled my eyes. However, I didn't reprimand him to get down. Instead, I just let us all curl up in the living room, enjoying the company of the people, and dog, I cared about and trying to forget that an important piece of the scene was missing.

I know it's short, but I got it out in only a day so that's good, right? 

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