11. Kiss Me Again

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I practically skipped out of the live room, collecting my tote-like purse and car keys. Today was the day. Andy was coming home and I couldn’t hide my excitement. The past month had felt unbelievably long, like a year instead of the short 30 days.

“Bye, boys!” I chimed happily as I passed through the control room.

Gabe waved at me, engrossed in his laptop. Matt smiled, “Going to pick up Andy from the airport?”

“Yep,” I grinned. “I’m so excited. He’s finally home!”

Matt’s smile looked a little less bright. “Have fun,” he stated.

“I will. See you later.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek watching as a blush warmed his face.

The drive to the airport felt short, but insanely long. Constantly glancing at the clock didn’t make time go by any faster, but my circulating thoughts of Andy made the trip bearable. Wretched And Divine blasted from the car speakers, my husband’s voice surrounding me. I was what could only be described as giddy, wanting to pull to the side of the road and just jump and down and squeal. My baby was coming home. There would be no more sleeping alone and trying to figure out what time zone he was in so I didn’t wake him up or interrupt something. I’d get to kiss him first thing in the morning and sit across from him at breakfast as he took a sip of orange juice. Such simple things suddenly meant so much when you were without them.

Finally, I arrived at crowded LAX. If I’d thought the rushing people were annoying when I’d dropped Andy off a month ago, they were infuriating now. I just wanted to get to Andy already. I reached the baggage claim the guys would be at, but there wasn’t any sight of him yet. I was ten minutes early, I guess in the hopes that their flight might arrive sooner than expected.

I saw Sammi quickly approach the carousel, sighing when she saw it was empty. Her eyes locked on mine. She offered me a tight smile and I responded with a short wave, rolling my eyes as I broke her gaze.

Sammi had gone from being one of my best friends to someone who was starting to really piss me off. I’d been understanding when everything first happened, but it had been 3 weeks and she was still being standoffish. I couldn’t control the fact that I was pregnant and she wasn’t. And, for someone who hadn’t even wanted her baby, she was awfully upset. Maybe I was being a bitch and should have been more understanding, but I just didn’t get her behavior. I was blaming it on hormones.

I tried to place myself in her shoes, imagining if I’d lost Jaxson. The mere thought broke me; however, I’d been pregnant for 8 1/2 months and I’d actually wanted my baby. I guess I was just confused with her and the only way I could deal with that was through anger. Another aspect of my annoyance with Sammi was the fact that she’d failed to tell Jinxx. He’d never given her a reason to think she couldn’t trust him. If I were Jinxx, I know I’d want to know the truth. 

I decided to ignore my thoughts on Sammi, getting more frustrated with her as I continued. Instead, I glanced at the time. Only three more minutes, approximately. 

A pair of hands covered my eyes, surprising me. I assumed it was Andy, until the person leaned down whispering in my ear, “Hey, lil mama, let me whisper in your ear.”

I laughed at his poor imitation of that horrible Whisper Song. “Get off, Ash.”

He removed his hands, placing a kiss against my hair. In front of me stood my amazing husband, he looked tired and worn out, but wore a breathtaking smile. Before I could fully grasp that he was here, his lips were on mine and his arms were wound around my waist.

I suddenly felt whole, like I’d been missing a part of me for a month. His lips were warm, the only contrast his metal lip ring. His expert tongue sent shivers up my spine. I never wanted him to leave again. My fingers found their way into his hair, grasping the dark locks gently.

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