26. Happy Birthday

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*1 1/2 Year Time Jump*

I smiled as I heard Andy’s feet padding down the stairs. Chocolate chip pancakes were cooking on the stove and bacon was sizzling in a pan.

“Morning, starlight,” Andy smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then picked Jax up from his high chair and gave him a quick kiss too. “Morning, little man.”

“Mo’nin, dada,” Jax mumbled.

“Morning,” I replied. “Would you mind setting the table?”

“Sure,” Andy stated, setting Jax back down and grabbing the placemats, napkins, and utensils. I pulled out one of Jax’s smaller plastic plates from the cabinet and placed a small piece of pancake on it, cut into tiny bites, and sliced strawberries. I plated Andy and I’s food, giving us each a couple pancakes, bacon, and strawberries.

Once Andy and I had sat down at the table, he gave me an expectant look. I ignored it, taking a bite of strawberry. After a few moments of continual staring, Andy sighed loudly. I raised my eyebrow.

“It’s been a while since we had chocolate chip pancakes.” Andy grinned. “Is it for a special occasion?”

“Nope.” I shrugged. “I just thought I’d change things up.”

“Oh,” he mumbled, shoving a forkful of pancake into his mouth.

I had to force myself not to smile at his disappointment. 

“How does it taste, hun?” I asked, turning my attention to Jax.

He finished chewing what he had in his mouth before grinning. “Good. I wan dis all the time.”

I laughed. “Everyday?” Jax nodded eagerly, chewing down on another bite of pancake. “We’ll see.”

“I was thinking we could head to the mall today and use some of our gift cards from Christmas. I have some stuff to return too,” I explained to Andy. He nodded, mouth full. “I don’t know why my parents would think a shirt made entirely out of ruffles would be my style.”

“You can’t even complain.” Andy shook his head. “Aunt Meg got me a tea kettle. I like tea, I guess, but seriously? I’m a dude in his 20’s. Why would I want a tea kettle?”

“Gift cards are where it’s at,” I agreed.

“Speaking of gifts,” Andy trailed off, once again holding that expectant look in his eyes.

After a moment of silence where he was clearly waiting for me to say something, I replied, “Yes? What about gifts?”

“Do you have any for me?”

“Umm… no, Christmas was yesterday, silly,” I smirked. Gesturing to his bacon, I remarked, “Eat your food before it gets cold.”

He grunted, ripping off a piece from the strip of bacon and popping it in his mouth.

The rest of breakfast passed uneventfully. Hades’ large frame attempted to lurk under the table, waiting for a piece of bacon to drop. Jax talked excitedly about his new tricycle and how excited he was to show his friends from daycare his new temporary tattoos. Jax had crafted a long Christmas list, but one of the items he’d wanted most was a large supply of temporary tattoos. He was determined to look like his dad and uncles with a full sleeve.

Andy escaped up the stairs after we were all done eating to take a shower. Once I heard the water running, I made a few calls regarding the surprise later tonight. Since I was already showered and dressed, I took Jax upstairs to help him get ready. Jax had become determined to dress himself though it wasn’t really a concept he’d quite grasped. I helped him get his legs in the right holes of his pants and figure out which shoe was left and right, but otherwise he did it all himself.

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