13. I'll Eat You Up, I Love You So

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Everything was chaos at the moment. Jaxson was shrieking, waiting impatiently to be fed. I wasn't really in the mood to breastfeed him at the moment, so I'd sent Andy to get one of the bottles I'd prepared from the fridge. However, Jax wasn't the only source of noise. The house was packed. Everyone had decided to come visit to meet Jaxson. Andy's parents had flown in from Ohio and mine had arrived a few days ago from Baltimore. Their urge to help and spend time with all of us caused them to insist on staying at our house, rather than renting a hotel room.

We had the room and spending time with our families was great, but the constant nagging from my mom and never ending sounds of football and hockey blaring from the TV Chris, Andy's dad, had placed himself in front of, were driving me insane. My dad hadn't thought Andy and I having a baby at such a young age was a good idea, despite the fact that we were married. It seemed that every night at dinner he had to tell us that maybe we were in over our heads and how most couples wait awhile after they get married to start a family. Andy's mom, Amy, was one of the few people not causing me to lose my mind. She was simply helpful and considerate. 

Although I had plenty of complaints about the parents inhabiting our house, it really wasn't all bad. It was nice for both Andy and I to see our parents. And, those first few months in a child's life where parents are said to be sleep-deprived and scattered hadn't happened to Andy and I. Whenever we were tired from late night feedings, someone would take over watching Jax to let us get some rest. Chris had fixed the garbage disposal when Andy broke it, though he insisted he didn't. Most of all, they were trying to be helpful and that was all that mattered. It didn't feel right to complain about having too many people around who loved us.

"Andy, what on earth are you doing?" My mother asked frantically, her high voice floating from the kitchen to the living room. I sighed, picking up Jaxson and his impressively loud vocal chords and going to figure out what was wrong now.

"What?" Andy asked, dumbfounded. He was holding the bottle in his hands while the microwave door was swung open beside him. Luckily, it didn't seem that he'd placed it in there yet.

My mother shook her head. "You can't microwave the milk, Andy. You have to run it under the hot water in the sink until it heats up."

"Oh," he mumbled quietly. I hated the look in his eyes.

I placed Jaxson in his bouncer, walking towards Andy. He looked up as I approached, disappointment in his blue eyes.

"Why do I suck at this so much?" he mumbled.

"Don't say that," I replied, feeling a sinking in my chest at his sadness. "It's not like you could practice for this. It just takes time."

"But you're doing fine."

"Are you serious? I'm fucking this up just as much as you are. Yesterday, when I was walking up the stairs," I looked down, "I almost dropped him. I was on the phone with Juliet and he just started squirming. Luckily, I caught him before anything happened, but I almost had a heart attack."

"What? How did I not know about that?" Andy laughed, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"Was I supposed to brag about it?" At this point, Andy was practically doubled over in his humor. I glared at him, "Why are you laughing?"

It took a moment for him to get in enough air between his incessant giggling. "You almost dropped him. You fucking suck at this!"

"Fuck you," I pouted. "You didn't even know not to microwave a bottle."

Andy breathed, trying to stop his laughter. I turned from him, but he grabbed me by the waist, spinning me back towards him. 

"I'm sorry, starlight," he grinned, pressing his forehead against mine. "I'm just kidding around. You're great at this parenting thing."

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