Chapter 6

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like 5 lines near the end of the chapter are messages from lonely_dinosaur to her bf

John POV

Well shit. I wasn't gonna tell Alex today cuz he doesn't need that but of course Herc has to go dare me to tell him. "Tell me what?" Alex asks.

"Your an asshole you know that?" I say and Herc just smiles.

"We'll leave you too it" Laf says and they get up and walk out of the room.

"Tell me what?" Alex asks again.

I sigh "man I hate them. You know the other day when you said you liked me? Well you kinda ran away before I could really process it and reply" I say.

"I-I'm sorry I just didn't wanna listen to you turn and tease me down" he says avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah that's the thing I wasn't gonna turn you down and I would never tease you." I reply.

"Wait what? Your supposed to hate me now, I mean you know almost everything why do you still care? You should be telling the whole school to hate me or-" I cut him off my jumping onto him and kissing him.

"I could never hate you" I say when we break apart.

"Your fucking adorable" he smiles.

"So are you" I reply and kiss him again.

"It's about fucking time!" Laf exclaims as he and Herc walk back in.

I get off Alex and go back to where I was sitting before, we continue on with the game but I can't stop smiling. He just so cute!

*the next day*

I wake up to my alarm beeping. I sit up and realise I'm on the couch in my room next to Alex. I look over at my bed and see Laf and Herc asleep together. I hear my dads footsteps coming towards my room.

I quickly jump up making Alex fall cuz he was leaning on me. In quickly drag Laf off the bed just in time before my dad walks in.

"John- oh I didn't know you had people over?" He says.

"Uh yeah sorry, I told you about Alex so ya know we kinda all came here to cheer him up about Eliza." I lie and hope Laf and Herc don't ruin this.

"What do you mean cheer him up about Eliza? He's dating you isn't he?" Laf says.

"No What the fuck, I'm dating Peggy and Alex and Eliza just broke up remember." I look straight into his eyes and he catches on.

"Oh yeah sorry" he says.

"Why would my son be dating a guy?" My dad asks sternly.

"He's not, obviously he's straight. Laf must have just gotten confused with him and James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, they dating and Laf can get confused sometimes." Alex says.

"Right ok, well y'all still have school today so get ready." He steps closer to me so only I can here him "you know what would happen if you were gay don't you" he whispers

I just nod and he walks off. After I can't hear his footsteps anymore I let out a sigh of relief. "What the fuck was that?!" Laf asks

"In case it wasn't obvious my dads super homophobic. So thank you" I say.

"Oh shit. Sorry but also how the hell did you come up with that shit so fast?" Herc asks.

"Well I already told him Alex and Eliza we're dating but broke up and Peggy and I kinda pretend we're dating cuz she wants me to have a reliable lie to tell him." I explain.

"Oh ok, sorry. Anyways me and Herc are gonna go get home to get ready for school so see ya" Laf says.

They both walk out and it's just me and Alex. "I should probably call Washington to pick me up" he says.

"You don't have to, you can just text him to bring your books" I suggest.

"But I don't have anything to wear" he says.

"You can wear one of my shirts" I smile.

"John? What are we?" He asks a little quieter.

"I dunno that's up to you" I reply.

"I wanna be your boyfriend but.." he trails off.

"But what?" I ask.

"But I'm scared of the people at our school and your dad. I don't want them to hurt us and and I don't what your dad to hurt you" he says.

"Alex that's sweet but you don't have to worry about me and I wouldn't tell my dad, and people at school don't have to know. I wanna do and be whatever you want" I smile

"Then I wanna be your boyfriend" he smiles. I kiss him passionately then pull away.

I walk into my wardrobe to find something to Wear. Alex suddenly runs up to me and kisses me. "Your so cute when we kiss" I smiles

"I am not" he pouts "your cuter"

"Yes you are your just like so softly 'kiss me' and it's the best thing ever" I say. "Here wear this" I throe him one of my hoodies and he takes off the shirt he's wearing and puts it on. It's so much bigger on him cuz he's so small.

"You look adorable" I smile.

"Come I wanna go to school" he pouts

"I'm pretty sure your the only student who has ever said that" I reply.

*at school* (trigger warning- bullying, punch up)

We arrive about 20 before class. Laf and Herc aren't here yet, neither are the Schuyler's but of course Jefferson is.

"Well if it isn't the most annoying couple in the school" Jefferson smirks while walking over to us.

"Kinda hard to have that title when we're not a couple, but I think it suits you and Madison very well" Alex remarks.

"What the hell are you implying?" He says angrily, stepping closer to Alex

"Wow I didn't know you were that dumb! I though it was obvious" Alex laughs.

"You wanna fucking go?!" Jefferson almost yells.

"Anytime any place" he growls in reply.

Jefferson suddenly punches Alex in the jaw making him stumble back a bit. "Omg are you ok?" I ask worried

"I'm fine" he replies.

"Aw you need your boyfriend to make sure your ok?" Jefferson teases.

Alex quickly punches Jefferson back, more than once. Before I know it it's escalated into a full punch up. "Alex stop!" I yell when he's over Jefferson punching is face.

At this point a small crowd has formed around them. Jefferson pushes Alex off him and punches in back. Before long Washington walks through the crowd.

"Hey! What's going on here?" He yells breaking them apart.

"He being a dick as usual" Alex spits.

"Go to hell, and say hi to your whore mother when you get there" Jefferson yells in reply.

"Alright enough! Jefferson take a walk Hamilton meet me inside" Washington says and walking into his office.

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