Chapter 10

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John POV

When I get to school I have to run to my first class and even though I'm already late, Washington's the teacher tho so it's fine. "John, is there a reason your so late?" He asks.

"Oh uh I was with Alex and I lost track of time" I explain.

"Probably making out somewhere to get attention" I hear Jefferson mumble.

I go to try confront him but Washington stops me. "Take a seat John" I sigh and walk to the back of the class room. Washington starts teaching and I pay attention for about Half the lesson just to take notes but then I just give up.

After 5th period I walk out of he class and fine Laf, Herc and Peggy then we sit at our regular table. "So did you see Alex this morning?" Peggy asks.

"Yeah, He's good, actually he's probably leaving the hospital about now but Washington said he has to stay home" I reply.

"Hey guys! Do you know we're Alex is I didn't get a chance to speak to him yesterday" Eliza walks over followed by Angelica.

"Oh um he's sick" I say.

"Oh no what happened?" She asks worried.

"he just got in a bad fight with Jefferson yesterday" Laf explains.

"Oh, that sucks, I hope he's here tomorrow. I dunno if you guys hear but we're dating now, the other night he called me and said he loves me" she brags.

"Oh actually-" was start but Peggy cuts me off.

"Just let her believe that" she whispers "that's so cool Liza!"

"Yeah, congratulations" I say probably too energetically. She smiles and walks away, I get a text from Alex.

Alex: John! I'm bored, Washington said I can't come to school

John🔥✨: why don't you text Eliza? She thinks you guys are dating

Alex: ughhh didn't you tell her that was just a dare?

John🔥✨: nah Peggy likes getting her hopes up

Alex: smh, anyways I'm still bored! I literally have nothing to do, Martha's not letting me go out anywhere.

John🔥✨: I mean if you want I can ditch the last 2 periods and come over but then I wouldn't be able to take notes for you

Alex: you were taking notes before?

John🔥✨: no not really. Do you want me to come over?

Alex: yes plz🥺

John🔥✨: okay, I'll be there soon.

Alex: yay!

I laugh and put my phone away. "Hey guys imma go" I say, standing.

"Where? We're juniors we can't sign ourselves out of school yet." Herc says.

"Yeah I'll just fake being  sick and get my dad to pick me up then I'll get a cab to Alex's place" I start walking away.

I walk to the nurses office and knock on the door. "Hey John. Do you need me to call your dad and tell him your sick again?" She asks. I've done this so many times honestly she doesn't even care at this point.

"Hey Katie. Yeah, but it's for a good reason this time" I say.

"Uh huh" she laughs.

"No seriously, my boyfriend just got out of hospital and he wants me to go over to his place" I explain.

"What happened to him?" She asks.

"Jefferson tried to kill him"

"Ugh, I know as staff I shouldn't hate any students but I honestly want someone to put a bullet in his head."

"I think we all do" I nod. She calls my dad and says he'll pick me up in 10 minutes. "Ugh now I have like actually pretend to be sick" I sigh.

"Yeah but at least ya get to go home" She points outs.

"True" I reply. After awhile there's a knock on the door so I quickly lay on the bed there is and Katie opens the door.

"Hey Mr. Laurens" She says.

"What's wrong with John this time?" He sighs.

"Just a looks like a fever he should be fine within a day or 2" she says.

"Ugh alright lets go" he says. I stand up and follow him out to the car. "You couldn't just suck it up for the rest of the day?! I was in the middle of a meeting!" He says angrily hitting my arm.

"S-sorry" I mumble.

"When I get home tonight all your work better be done and make sure you find dinner for Henry, James, Mary and Martha cuz now I have to stay later" he says.


"Stop stuttering like an idiot." He says. I sit in silence for the rest of the car ride. "Alright get out" he says when we get home. I grab my bag and get out of the car.

I walk into the house and wait like 10 minutes so I know he's gone then I grab my text books and get a cab to Alex's place. 

When I get there martha answers the door. "John? What are you doing here, shouldn't you still be in class?" She asks.

"Well yeah but Alex texted me and I didn't have any more important classes anyways" I reply.

"Alright, come in, he's upstairs" she says opening the door more for me.

"Thanks" I walks upstairs and find his room. I knock on the door and he says come in so I do "Hey" I smiles.

"Hey!" He jumps up and hugs me.

"Your excited" I laugh.

"Yeah I've had literally nothing to do all day, Washington wouldn't even give me any work to do" he sighs.

"Well you can help me with my homework if you want, my dad got pissed and said everything has to be done my tonight so either way imma have to do it while I'm here" I sit on his bed next to him.

"Wait why did he get mad?" He asks.

"Oh nothing big, I just had to fake being sick so he would pick me up and he got mad cuz i interrupted a meeting. It's not big deal he just want me to feed and look after my siblings but I'll get Martha to do it, she owes me anyways" I explain.

"Oh, you know we can go to your place if you have to look after your siblings, isn't Martha only 12?" He asks.

"Well yeah but it's fine you actually need to be here so I can stay. Besides it wouldn't be the first time they've had to look after themselves"

"Ok, if your sure" he says.


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