Chapter 9

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John POV

We all run up to Alex room and see him on the bed, he's awake but he looks like shit. I mean that In the nicest way possible obviously. "Hey guys." He smiles.

"Hey.... you good?" I ask awkwardly

"Yeah I'm fine" he replies.

"Ok, so what happened? What made Jefferson try to kill you?" Washington asks.

"Uhhh I think it was cuz I said he and Madison were dating, which they 100% are but he's just a dick and got pissed at me for that" he explains.

A nurse comes in in before anyone can reply, "Alright Mr. Hamilton you should be able to leave tomorrow we're just keeping you here over night to make sure nothings too bad" she explains.

"Oh I can't stay over night I've got school Tomorrow" he protects.

"You're not going tomorrow" Washington says.

"What are you grounding me?!"

"No I'm just saying your injured so you should stay home or stay here" Washington replies calmly.

Alex just sulks. "Hey guys my mum just texted, I gotta go, I'm so sorry" Herc says.

"It's all g, Laf you can go with him" Alex replies.

"You sure mon ami?" Laf asks.

"Yeah don't worry I'm fine." They nod and walk out.

"Alex, do you want anything to eat? I can go get some non hospital food if you want" Martha offers.

"Nah, I'm good thanks" He replies.


"Oh no I'm fine thanks" She just nods. After about 5 minutes my phone rings, I look at the caller and see my dad's contact. "Shit" I mumble, "I'll be right back" I excuse myself and walk out of the room into the hallway. "Hey, dad what's up"

"Where are you?! you were supposed to be home an hour ago!" He yells through the Phone.

"I'm sorry, I got detention and now Alex is in the hospital so I'm here with him" I explain.

"Why were you in detention?! I don't care how hurt Alex is, I want you home In 10 minutes and I'll deal with you when you get here?" He yells then hangs up. I sigh and walk back into the room.

"Is everything ok?" Alex asks.

"Yeah but my dad says I have to go home like right now and he's already pissed I got detention so I have to go. I'm so sorry" I explain.

"Oh, ok. It's fine" Alex says a little disappointedly.

"I'm sorry, I'll come see you tomorrow morning if I can though, and I'll text you later" I say, Great now I feel bad, he's not mad at me anymore and now I just gotta ditch.

"Okay" He smiles. I walk out and get a cab back to my house. When I get there my dad's in the living room waiting for me.

"So why did you have detention?" He asks angrily.

"Umm because I talked back to Mr. Adams" I say.

"What did you say exactly?"

"Well umm I was talking to Alex then he said I shouldn't be interrupting his class and I said it technically wasn't his class cuz he was just a sub so he got mad and gave me detention" I reply nervously.

"Ugh no wonder you're failing all you're classes. This is you're last warning, one more fuck up and there'll be consequences, and you need to stop hanging around Alex, you guys are too close and I don't want anyone thinking your a fag" He scoffs.

"But he's my best friend" I protest.

"I don't fuckin care. Now go to you're room and finish all you're homework" He says. I sigh and walk upstairs to my room. I get out some books and start to do some work until I get a text from Alex.

Alex: Hey, is everything good with you're dad?

John🔥✨: Eh, not really but it's all g

Alex: Plz Tell me what happened.

John🔥✨: Nothing really, He just said I can't fuck up again and he doesn't want me to be friends with you anymore but don't worry about it.

Alex: Wait why can't you be friends with me?

John🔥✨: cuz he doesn't want his friends thinking I'm gay.

Alex: Since when is having friends gay?

John🔥✨: Honestly idk but You just can't come over to my place unless it's for work and when we go out I just have to lie about where I am, so it's fine as long as he doesn't catch me.

Alex: Ok...umm so about earlier today, I'm sorry I over reacted and got mad

John🔥✨: I'm sorry too. I just don't want to see you get hurt but I know I can't tell you what to do.

Alex: Thank you.

*The next day*

I wake up earlier today so I can go see Alex, Apparently he's not allowed out until like 1pm which he's mad about. When I'm ready I walk down stairs and Martha, James and Henry are eating breakfast and I assume Mary's already eaten.

"John, you're ready early?" Dad comments.

"Uh yeah, I'm meeting Peggy for breakfast" I lie. He just nods. Soon I leave and catch a bus to the hospital then walk in and find his room. "Hey" I smile when I see him.

"Hey." He replies. I look around the room expecting to see Washington and Martha but they're not here "Oh yeah, they both had to go to work but it's fine. I can sign myself out at 1" He explains.

"Oh ok. Well are you good like what have they said?" I ask.

"Uh nothing since you left yesterday." He replies and I just nod. "Hey any chance you wanna take notes in all the classes we have today?"

I laugh "Sure" He smiles. "Have you eaten? Do you want me to go get you some food?" I ask.

"Nah It's ok." He replies.

"You have to eat something, even just have a coffee" I beg.

"Fine, but you have to have something as well"

"I already ate"

"No you didn't, you told me you never eat in the morning"

"Ugh fine. I'll be back in a couple of minutes" He smiles and I walk out. I go to the cafeteria and get us both coffee then walk back to his room. "Here ya go" I hand him his coffee.


I look at the time and sigh. "Ugh I'm sorry I gotta go or I'll be late, But I'll text you in class... and take notes" I say.

"Ok, I'll see you around lunch anyways" He replies.

"No, you have to stay home, Washington said, but I'll come over after school if you want."

"But what about your dad?" He asks worried.

"I'll come up with something, don't worry about it, I'll see ya later" I lean over and kiss him then walk out.

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